My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • The Halo Weekly Review – Now With Nuts!

    Another episode of The HBO Weekly Review went up today. Looks like every bad word said on the forum this week made it in. Got some belly laughs out of me, though… absolutely, positively worth a read.

  • Predator – stalking a marine near you

    We didn’t want to announce this on the front page before there was some backup… but now there is some backup. c0ld vengeance (who did a pretty amazing job with Haliens, once upon a time) is back with Predator, a remake of (a chunk of) the movie Predator, in the Halo engine. Some very, very…

  • Online Halo Tourneys

    This originally came in a while ago, but got missed. XBConnect is holding 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments – signup is $10/tourney, and the top 3 winners will take home prizes (yet to be determined). Info is here, signup is here. Thanks to Pulser for the (persistent) heads-up.

  • Out for Blood is Up for Grabs

    We just got word of a new movie called ‘Out For Blood’. It’s not really like anything else out there; it’s all action. Great music, great choreography… really well put together. (Spectacular ending.) Team Scoog, and member Phatcorns, are responsible. It was originally posted on the Gearbox forums – phatcorns is hosting a version. Blade,…

  • Halo Forum for you

    DarthTyler has asked that we mention his Halo forum, The Halo Elite.

  • FTC: Bad News and Good News

    The Bad News: seems to have gone down; no word on how long, or why. The Good News: Blade has mirrored both Episode 4 and Episode 5 of Fire Team Charlie’s vids at his Team Ice movie mirror. We’ll continue to update you on the movie situation… there are a lot of people trying…

  • These Are The Jokes, Kid.

    PC Envy? Likely. Xbox MC disses PC MC on today’s One One Se7en.

  • WorthPlaying looks at Halo PC put up a Halo PC preview on Friday – they got in on the gameplay we saw at IGN and GameSpot last week. 10 new screenshots, all at 1024×768 size… nice! Pretty PC-oriented (as in, anti-Xbox)… but then, it IS a PC preview, so what the heck. Heads-up came from Konrad9, on our forum.

  • So, you wanna go raid their fridge?

    Wow, Monday, and we STILL haven’t mentioned this week’s Red vs Blue vid. It’s not a standard episode – it’s a look at how the Blue team makes it to New York for last week’s Film Society of Lincoln Center presentation. (If you ask me, they were FAR too cavalier about the teleporter.)

  • Renegade Theater, part Deux

    The continuing saga of a group of our forum regulars and the bizarre events centered around a particular game…

  • The Bandwidth Situation, Continued

    I promised last night to try and shed light on the movie hosting situation here – I’ve put up a page explaining where we currently stand. Suggestions are always welcome… we’re definitely in a bind at this point. Thanks for your patience!

  • FTC 5 is out

    Fire Team Charlie released their 5th movie yesterday; you can find it on their website. Sound quality is vastly improving, and humor quality remains quite high. 16.5 mb, DivX 5 format (though I’ve got a 9.4 mb QuickTime version that I’m going to try and get to them)… go grab it!

  • Chief Nukem.

    Oh, yeah, before I forget – there’s a Sunday One One Se7en for you today. You have to have a long memory, though.

  • He’s Baaaaaack…

    It seems like every time I go on vacation, some crisis erupts around here. Like there’s a Halo god who doesn’t like to see me unchained from my desk… I’ve been made aware of the Mythica-related movie hosting situation, and have seen a lot of emails from people wanting to help, and people wanting more…

  • It’s Fiction – by the Fans

    Ah, Saturday. A perfect day to head out to the back forty, tall glass of lemonade in hand, to your favorite hammock. Relax, enjoy the cool breeze, prop up the ol’ laptop and settle in to some light summer Halo reading. A long hard day of killing humans, by FOrunnER Halo 2, not what you’d…

  • This just in: Halo PC is Cool!

    Brian Towne was at GenCon yesterday, and he checked in here with a report on Halo PC and how it played under large, networked tournament conditions. Some interesting info in there, go give it a look. Mmmm, overheating fuel-rod guns… 🙂

  • Buttsock!

    Gruntsbane (formerly Covenant) dropped into our forum with news of a new site put together by Mr. Smiley, featuring Halo Babies comics done by Gruntsbane himself (Check the forum post for more details). There are only two up so far, but they’re definitely worth a look. I always figured Sarge was a baaad influence.

  • Halo 2 Wallpaper

    Only one entry today for wallpaper. What, everybody run out of ideas? 😉

  • Plush Grunt

    A homemade plush Grunt, a rising Hero, and a classic conflict, all in today’s Misc Art update.

  • Sticky Situation.

    Anything you can do I can do brighter… One One Se7en is up. Pax.