My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • Wallpaper collection updated

    A couple of days ago, we noted that Wade Clisby had won the Wallpaper competition at Halo HQ. Today, we received permission to add some of his artwork to our Wallpaper collection… take a look!

  • Cheap tactics…

    Ben Evan Lewis writes to say that a Halo-themed comic has been posted at Shmuck the Kneerubber. Well, yeah, sorta…

  • Haloless Superbowl, mb

    No Halo Superbowl commercials? Lophan (who, for some bizarre reason, posted this on instead of telling us), says that he’s seen a list of major advertisers for Sunday’s game… and Microsoft wasn’t among them. Ah, well… guess we’ll have to wait until Gamestock after all. (Or was that E3?)

  • That European thing…

    Interesting info from Maddog=RN= on our forum – surprised Wirehead didn’t follow up on it. (He’s like that, though.) Maddog says he’s a tester for MS in Ireland… and hasn’t seen any Xbox material at all yet. This may mean nothing – if there aren’t any region-specific features of the Xbox, there’s no need to…

  • Miscellaneous Art section updated

    Cortana in German? Huh. Ryan Wilcox submits an interesting picture to our Miscellaneous Art section… now if only I spoke Latin…

  • German Halo sites explode

    The German update: Seems Massa and the crew at Halo respond quickly to problems – the viewing problems I mentioned yesterday have been fixed, and the site is quite nice to look at. (I still can’t read it very well – it’s in German, after all – but it’s nice to look at.) And…

  • Story page says “No Halo: A Case Study” presentation

    As noted on the Marathon’s Story page”Halo: A Case Study” is no longer listed as a presentation at this year’s Game Developers Conference. Jason Jones & John Howard of Bungie Studios were originally scheduled to give thistalk under the Game Design category. See our earlier news item on this.

  • IGN’s Gone With the Wind

    We hope you like to re-read. IGN Xbox have posted a Halo article which traces the development of Halo. Actually it’s a collection of old Halo previews dating from 1999. The screenshots are really old too. Here’s a piece of the intro:The whole development cycle has been more akin to Gone With the Wind than…

  • gets a major facelift

    Pille writes to say that, a German Halo site, has been completely overhauled, and several sections have quite a bit of info (screenshots are explained, graphical features are outlined, etc). I wasn’t able to make the site work on Mac NS or IE, but it looks great on IE on Win98.

  • Bungie Pr0n

    There’s been some speculation about our sister site,, on our forum today. Bachus did some image analysis… and the results may surprise you.

  • Miscellaneous Art page updated

    Thanks to Jerry Nummi, who sent in a new piece of artwork for our Miscellaneous Art page. Looks like it could be a nice web front end! Check it out. Pax.

  • EBWorld – full of something…

    For those who missed this the first time (or the second, or the third, or…) Matt Soell, Community Guy, has gone on record yet again on the issue of the PC version being cancelled:It’s a load of bollocks. There WILL be a Mac/PC Halo.(Read the rest of the post for further elucidation.) As we said……

  • Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted

    Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines climb their way back up to 48th in the Battle of the Teams, despite lower yields from the latest SETI client. DarthFlounder pushes up the output even more, taking la Crunch Honneur yet again… but Iden, a newcomer to the team, blasts out 104 units, putting him in second place…

  • Halo HQ’s wallpaper competition is over

    eldar-colonel writes to say that Halo HQ’s wallpaper competition is over, and the winner has been chosen – Wade Clisby, who submitted more than 10 different desktop images. You can see Wade’s entries here, and some other competitors here.

  • VE rumor – PC Halo cancelled

    Oh, man… it’s starting again. Eric points out that VoodooExtreme has a report that EBWorld is no longer accepting preorders for Halo… because the PC version has been cancelled. Look, folks… if the PC/Mac versions get cancelled, you’ll hear about it from Bungie, not from some tipster to a big gaming site.

  • Halo Information Network moves

    DRAVEN writes to tell us that the Halo Information Network (or HaloNet) has moved to Check out their new digs! Pax.

  • Indoor vehicles!

    Matt’s weekly Halo update is back up and running, and it’s over at tonight. Alien unit variations (we wanna see that energy shield!), indoor vehicles (jeeps on stairs? The mind boggles), and THE HALO TEAM WON THE PENTATHLON! Go Halo! Go read the gory details for yourselves.

  • Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper sections updated

    Wow, we hit the motherload. Jay Faircloth, who burst onto the Bungie art scene only a couple of weeks ago, has submitted an enormous Halo piece (we’ve only posted his scaled-down version) to our Miscellaneous Art section, and three desktops in the same theme to our Wallpaper section. These are truly gorgeous… check ’em out.

  • Wallpaper page updated (again)

    Diogo Barbosa sends in another pair of desktop images for our Wallpaper page… the theme today is blue. Check ’em out!

  • Video Games and Violence

    Seen at the Marathon’s Story page: seems there was a front-page article in the Los Angeles Times a couple of days ago discussing the links between video games and violence. Marathon 2 was mentioned by name – a study cited in the article claimed that students who played the game generated 43% more agressive responses…