Year: 2001
Blam!, a new Halo order goes live.
Blam!, a new Halo order goes live. Thanks to Wodasini for the heads up. The page is still under construction. So contact Wodasini if you want to join up. For a full list of Halo clans see our ever expanding Links page.
New fan fiction
“As I leapt off the cliff, the Covenant roared and got off a final shot that sizzled over my head as I fell.” Maszimo sent us some fan fiction. The piece is called “The Second Fall”. We printed it out and slipped it under Crux’s cell door. He’s been silent ever since. So for pity’s…
Matt’s Halo update added to the Database(tm)
We’ve added Matt’s recent Halo update to the Database(tm). Don’t forget you can search the database for all that Halo goodness. Word of the day is “levels”. Go find it. 🙂
new look
Early this morning we got an email from Allenthar telling us that was in the process of being redesigned. We checked it out and went back to sleep. Now fire phoenix over at Halo Center has posted a news item about it. The new look however has vanished and the old look is…
Halo Tip URL change
Kaidu webmaster over at Halo Tip tells us that they are changing their URL again. It’s changing from to will not work after March 2, 2001. Please adjusted your links.
New Wallpaper
Hey who needs Louis! We put our collective heads together and figured out how to add Wallpaper to the database thingie. This new piece is by Kaidu webmaster over at Halo Tip. We printed it out and shoved it until the door of Crux’s cell. You should have heard the howls!
Matt likes his hippos!
Just great! Louis heads off to the sun and pina coladas leaving me here with a mad monk and an aging packet router for company. Didn’t bother to leave the keys to Crux’s cell either. Damn monk is starting to count out primes again. Louis won’t let us answer your HBO mail either not after…
Louis is GONE!
Just a quick heads-up to HBO visitors – I’m heading out on vacation tomorrow morning, to a place that’s warm, and serves drinks with little umbrellas in them, and has no net access. Ding and Wirehead and Crux (well, maybe not Crux) will be here to pick up the slack… but mail will not be…
super-hi-res screenshots… mmmm.
Snow in Seattle didn’t stop Matt from sending a seriously meaty Halo Update to the good folks of… though it did make him rant a bit about SUV-driving wusses. Almost every point is tasty… but the two that got me were The chain gun for the Jeep is now fully textured. Rob is working…
bungiestudios redux
Finch adds more info to the mystery:about that URL, I visited it shortly after the Microsoft/Bungie thing and at that time it had a few Myth II plugins available for download. They had used a corrupted version of the Bungie logo, and I just passed it off as someone trying to use the URL…
interesting timing on domain registration
As noted by ax on our forums (and on the Marathon’s Story page), the registration date of the domain is either a curious coincidence… or a bitter statement. 24 hours after the announcement of the Microsoft acquisition (and, therefore, 24 hours after the change from Bungie Software to Bungie Studios)… you decide.
Psyjnir Complex back up
Psyrixx sends word that the Psyjnir Complex is back up and running. It’s not fully fleshed out yet (the front page says ‘nearing completion!’) but there’s quite a bit there, and if you send feedback now, changes can probably be made more easily. Swing by – looks like he’s ramping up to cover ALL Bungie…
Gamestock’s a go
Confirmation is always nice… When asked on the forum whether Xbox Halo will actually be at Gamestock next month, Matt Soell respondedUnless Mt. Rainier erupts, covering us and our source servers in a thick blanket of molten death, we should be there.Stranger things have happened… but we’re betting it’s a go.
Halo Command now Halo Generation
Thanks to Griffon (of Halo Command Central) who noticed that one of the sites listed on our links page as “Halo Command” has changed its name to “Halo Generation”. (URL seems the same, though…) Links page updated.
One of our own, out of the closet
The secret’s out! I just got back from giving my prayer wheel a spin, and noticed the Computer Dating Agency on the Marathon’s Story page. Well, I browsed around a little bit, and lo and behold – out popped a familiar face! If he’s looking for dates, I guess there’s no longer any need to…
Gamespot says Halo at Gamestock
Thanks to ax, who noted on the forum that Gamespot has a story that discusses Gamestock, Microsioft’s press-only event next month, which makes a welcome statement:Bungie Software will be showing the Xbox version of HaloThis has been speculated for a while, but it’s nice to hear it in the context of an actual story…
Still MORE Fan Fiction
Thanks to black flag and a red star, who has sent in his own contribution to the Fan Fiction section – a fast-paced thriller whose title should help with the twist… Check it out.
a new poll at HaloNews.Org
glock writes to say that HaloNews.Org has put up a new poll – “Which group do you most look forward to playing in Halo?” Go let ’em know! Pax.
More fan fiction
More fan fiction – Foxhound sends in the first chapter of ‘Group3’, a gritty story of soldiers under fire. Check it out in our Fan Fiction section!
Matt, the marine
A Halo paintjob on a Porsche 959? Maybe… The thread asking for suggestions for Bungie gear has reached epic proportions. Chime in!