Year: 2001
No limos for Jason
This week’s Halo update shows up at Battleground: Halo, and one of the best parts is this:Lots of bug fixes on the programming side this week, getting the game ready for Gamestock.For any who were unsure if Halo actually WOULD make a showing there, your fears should be laid to rest. Other highlights include the…
tongue-in-cheek in review
black flag and a red star posted a ‘week in review’ summary of activity on our forum – it’s pretty amusing (and on the mark). Check it out!
SETI down, vandals bite
And while we’re off-topic, those of you crunching SETI units might have noticed that you haven’t been able to connect to the SETI servers for a couple of days. This is because (as the SETI home page redirect mentions) vandals cut the fiber line connecting UC Berkeley with LBNL. They hope to have it back…
Dreamland going under – can you help?
Okay, this is totally unrelated to Halo, and that means we usually stay away from it. Seems to be a good cause, though… Neil Grattan, a frequent contributor to the fan-built sections around this site, writesMythos (the creators of the xcom series) are in extreme trouble, and are facing liquidation. I myself hold no links…
Fan Fiction section updated
Thanks to Foxhound, who sent in Chapter 2 of his story, ‘Group 3’.I tried the squad comm link then flicked on the console in the jeep, just to see if there were any signals. There was nothing, nothing except the dry crackle of the damn energy storm, all communication in our vicinity were dead, for…
Programming Intern wanted
Are you a fledgling programmer? Do you dream of working on a project like Halo? Dream no longer – Tom Van Sinden noticed yet ANOTHER new job opening at Bungie – Programming Intern. They want someone…to come work, learn and write the best “What I did on my summer vacation” paper ever.If this sounds too…
Um… we got mail from Psyrixx, about a new section of the Psyjnir Complex – Tabloids. It’s a bit odd. Stop by and check it out. (Be aware that visiting with a browser that doesn’t properly implement cascading style sheets will result in a very, very unfriendly page. Netscape/iCab users, stay away.)
Shaken, not stirred
Earthquake followup:We are Bungie Tough.(Why am I getting visions of juice spilled on a kitchen floor when I hear that?) Matt Soell takes time out of his busy day to let us know that aside from some disarray introduced into Mordia’s action figure collection, the Bungie offices are damage-free. Good to hear! Now where are…
Earthquake in Seattle!
Earthquake in Seattle? Xero tells us (on our forum) that a 6.2 magnitude quake hit south of Mt. Rainer, near Seattle, about 30 minutes ago. While the Bungie Webcam is still running (and shows no signs of panic), the Seattle Insider website has some information about it. Is the Juan de Fuca plate finally slipping?…
AOD Halo throws its hat into the ring
Yet another cleanup of that dang xbox screen image. (This is the last one we’re mentioning, folks… we mean it!) Dorkonaspork, of AOD Halo, has posted this shot – makes the gun the Marine is holding pretty interesting-looking; is that an artifact of the enhancement process or a new gun? Your call. (And here’s hoping…
Halo Empire enhances Xbox image
SOKAR, from Halo Empire, writes that they’ve done some image enhancement on the TV screen shown in the Seattle Times pic, and gotten a clearer view of the Marine. To my eyes, it’s closest to a screenshot that came out in PC Gamer UK last July… so I guess that’s a pretty standard pose. One…
Just watching the game…
Big thanks to Geoff Grosenbach, who scanned in the Seattle Times front page photo mentioned yesterday. You can see it here. Geoff asksDo you think they’re really playing the game? I think they’re probably just posing since the picture on the tube looks a little static and they guys look way too enthusiastic.Hmm… good question.…
Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to the anonymous uploader who put our latest wallpaper into our uploads folder – you can find it on our Wallpaper page.
New voices, new faces
Faces, clarified. MSN (check those initials, yah!) writes to tell us that the folks in the Seattle Times pic are (left to right) Marcus Lehto, David Dunn, Rob McLees, and Mat Noguchi. Put together with Matt Soell’s Halo updates, we can probably infer that we’ve gotten our first glimpse of the Halo Tools Programmer. Welcome,…
Halo team members, playing around
Thanks to Dilbert, who found a smallish version of the aforementioned Seattle Times picture in the paper’s Business and Technology section of their website. The actual picture in question is here. It’s difficult to tell what’s what, because of the size… but that looks like Marcus Lehto (Art Director) and someone else 😉 handling console…
Halo in the news
Thanks to MSN, who noted on our forum that there’s a picture of the Halo dev team and the cyborg running on (presumably) an Xbox dev kit screen on the front page of today’s Seattle Times. Anyone in Seattle have a scanner?
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats page posted
Blam!… Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines regained the two spots they lost since the last time we looked at team standings – they sit at 48th place in the Battle of the Teams. DarthFlounder crunches an amazing 430 units in these past 2 weeks – at this rate, he should overtake the number one spot…
October out as a release option?
Woohoo! Useless, am I? Was visiting Microsoft’s Game section, and ran across a release estimate for Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee… ‘Holiday 2001’. That’s a tighter timeframe than ‘Q4 2001’ – by at least a month. Presumably, Halo and Oddworld should be coming out at the same time (they’re both supposed to be launch titles for the…
Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to Brian Deatherage, who dropped off a new desktop image for our Wallpaper page. And oh… did I mention I was back? (If you get a chance, send mail to Crux, Ding, and Wirehead (okay, not Wirehead) thanking them for their coverage – I think they did a bang-up job!)
Yeah we got some fan fiction baby!
“The marine breathed slowly and cautiously. The rest of his squad was scattered through the green foliage. He couldn’t help them now.” Ubiquitous kindly sent us in a short piece of fan fiction called His Home. Brought a tear to my good eye. Pax.