My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Thanks to Oliver Heilwagen, who sends in a nicely done desktop image for our Wallpaper page… go grab it! (A little bit o’ green in there, maybe to honor St. Patrick…)

  • A parable for our time

    In the interest of sanity, Otokam writes a story of monkeys and quilts. Definitely worth a read. All your stuffing are belong to us.

  • FiringSquad gets their hands on Halo

    Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi, who pointed out a FiringSquad review of Halo. No new info at this point… but it was encouraging to hear die-hard PC gamers talking about getting the basics of fighting down inside of 5 minutes. Take a look!

  • New video coming soon to

    fate noticed that the Halo site now has the following comment:We have a better video coming soon!There’s also a fun new Halo flash animation at the top of the Games page… but don’t follow the link, it’s showing its PC origins:\games\halo Pax.

  • screenshot analysis reconstructed

    A few days ago, we mentioned that Noctavis, of, had posted a pretty nice analysis of the new screenshots. Soon after that, though, the forum exploded, showering its denizens with shards of broken verbiage, injuring 14, killing 4. One of the casualties was Noc’s analysis post. Luckily, he’s taken the time to reproduce…

  • Theories section updated

    Todd Hansen sent in a couple of theories, which we’ve added to our Theories section: Ring Rotation and Weapons Usage, which plays with orbital bombardment, and Orbits/Seasons/Communications, which looks at weather patterns on the Halo. Have your own ideas about the Halo? Send ’em in! Pax.

  • New Poll at MSXbox

    Thanks to Char (IMG) for the heads up – MSXbox is running a poll asking what you thought the best game shown at Gamestock was. You know what to do. 🙂

  • Matt speaks out

    EXCLUSIVE: In response to the comments and confusion surrounding what was expected and what was delivered (to the public, not the press) from the Gamestock event, Matt Soell has answered some questions we’ve put together for him. Read them. If you have more questions that you think should have been asked, send them to the…

  • Press page updated

    Press page updated, with most of the bigger stories from the last couple of days. Also a few that fell through the cracks earlier. Go back and read the GlobalXbox article we mentioned this morning. It’s hilarious.

  • What you should never say to a cyborg

    Someone should hire this guy. Ian McConville, creator of the Gun Models here at HBO, has submitted an entertaining little comic for your perusal. If you like the style, visit the Mac Hall website (soon to move here). Oh, yeah… you can find the comic in our Miscellaneous Art section.

  • admin change to news links

    We’ve made a small administrative change to our front page – from now on, the ‘news in brief’ links at the bottom of the page (that refer to yesterday’s news) will point to the actual news item in question – so a simple click will give you our spin on the subject. Following the navigation…

  • PC Gamers lukewarm about Halo turned up three new Halo mentions around the net this morning: Gamespy’s Gamestock roundup (generic description of the game on the third page, with word that a longer report will be coming), Daily Radar’s Gamestock game rankings (disappointment that Halo didn’t live up to the hype), and another Daily Radar piece in which its…

  • Jason Jones Interview at GSUK

    Wow. Gamespot UK scored an exclusive interview with Jason Jones this week… there’s a lot of good stuff in there. GSUK: How has Halo’s focus changed since last E3? JJ: For a long time we were very focused on a very cinematic third-person network experience on the PC though some people might say those words…

  • Hands-on impressions from MSXbox

    The MSXbox team got a chance to play the Halo mission (and some of the other games) shown at Gamestock, and have put up their impressions… the report should be reassuring to those of us who weren’t there:Microsoft saw fit to release their own shots and not allow cameras in the event. Whatever their logic…

  • old news roundup

    A couple of items we noted on, missed ’em first time around: There’s a gushing Halo review (with some interesting multiplayer comments) written in mid-January over at – old screens, but probably worth a read. Also, Mac Halo, IMG’s Halo site, has awoken from its torpor and is back up and running. Easy…

  • Another first-person account

    Thanks to Char (IMG), who noted on the forum that this thread in the forum contains another hands-on review of Halo, from a Team 17 member who was at Gamestock. His final summary:he Conclusion: Everything I thought it would be, and more! It was so visually stunning on the Xbox. The jeep, the…


    The third weekly HBO Forum Update from black flag and a red star (earlier every week, it seems – we should call it the 6 Day Update) has been posted. More Jack Daniels is needed.

  • Wallpapers page updated

    Thanks to Jonathan Chapman, who sent in a new desktop image using the latest Ring Motif image. Pretty slick! Check it out on our Wallpapers page.

  • HC joins mirror list

    Hawk writes to tell us that HaloCenter has added the second Gamestock movie to its movie archives – and we’ve added them to the mirror list. Go get it!

  • Gamestock movie mirror lists compiled

    We’ve collected all the to-date-posted mirrors of the two Gamestock movies, and posted the lists on our Movies page. We’ll do our best to keep them updated.