Year: 2001
Other fun stuff for grabs
As a few thousand of you seem to have noticed, we came back online around 4 hours ago – hopefully, the telco guys found and solved ALL the problems. In the meantime, catch-up. Poking around on the Xbox press site turns up some other very interesting information… worth a look, until they turn off access.
High quality Halo screenshots (TIFF format)
Kudos to Char over on the Rampancy forum for spotting an archive of high quality Halo screenshots (TIFF format) over at The screenshots are the nine most recently released ones. Judging from the URL this is the Halo press material from the Games Developers Conference (GDC) 2001. The screenshots are huge so if you…
Jeeps, jeeps, and more jeeps
Well, even though nobody can see this, we can still add it to the archived knowledgebase… Hamish Sinclair dug out and sent to us the jeep pictures we alluded to on Sunday… the ones that had been posted a bit over a year ago, but had disappeared from the net. One of these jeeps is…
Halo in next month’s PCGUK
fAt1, of MPZ Halo, writes to say that the latest copy of PC Gamer UK has a teaser for the next issue:Exclusive, Halo: It’s back, we visit Bungie to get all the latest news and incredible screenshots of this stunning new tactical shooter!That issue should be on the stands on April 19th, and possibly in…
VE Poll needs legitimate smashing
lookout lad noticed that Voodoo Extreme is running a new poll, asking which game would you like to have a movie made out of. Halo is currently running well behind the leaders. While we think that the Bungie Sin-O-MatiXXX team deserves your support, remember the last VE poll, and try to vote honestly.
More hi-res mirrors
Thanks to omer and Bongo, who told us about Blue’s News’ hi-res movie mirror… and then to Blue’s, for the listing of 3D Gamers’ hi-res mirror. The hi-res mirror list here has been updated. Additionally, Halo Center has added the low-res movie, and hopes to add the hi-res version today.
Dumbed-down AI for Joe
Jaime Griesemer, Designer on the Halo team, popped into our forum to clarify a tidbit for a fan who was concerned about the apparent quality of the enemy AI in the latest movie:Yes, legit. Not that it wasn’t fully functional, we just set it up so it was a little bit slower and easier, so…
Banners page updated
It’s small, yeah, but we try to be complete – we’ve added the latest banner displayed on Bungie’s Halo page to our Banners page.
More PC musings
And the questioning begins… Tom Van Sinden writesA couple of observations: (Sat Mar 10 15:26) That glowing red light is a Microsoft Optical mouse. (Sat Mar 10 15:47) THAT looks like four-way split screen… hmm…We just report what gets sent to us, folks…
A lo-res mirror in Germany
Massa wrote to let us know that the lo-res version of the new movie is now available at Halo Network… and he hopes that the hi-res version will be up by tomorrow.
- back up
Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi, who gave us the heads-up that is once more accessible, with the movies moved to a nameless (IP-address-only) MS server. Go on in and see the pics! (And maybe even get the movies…)
Bandwidth relief on its way
Thanks to Pallor for the heads-up – Max Hoberman jumped on to the forum a few minutes ago to suggest that there’d be some relief for the movie congestion problem coming very soon. Great news!
Sound Hijinks
More behind-the-scenes stuff… Marty O’Donnell explains a bit about how the sound worked during the demo. To set the scene, Joe Staten said this in his reply to Mark Levin’s post:If my shooting style seemed erratic, it’s because I was trying to stay in sync with the music. Notice how the last Grunt in the…
PC build?
Things that make you go ‘hmm…’ Readers of the Marathon’s Story page might remember that in the series of webcam movies Hamish has been posting for a couple of weeks, there was a missing day… and David Candland (part of the Online team) wrote to tell Hamish that that particular day, “That timeframe is more…
Movie analysis begins
Mark Levin posted a long and detailed analysis of the new movie, and cross-posted it to… where he got a reply from Joe Staten, who clarifies a few tidbits. Both posts are definitely worth a read!
First Hi-res mirror appears
Thanks to Eric Odegard, who found a european mirror for the hi-res Gamestock demo, at FragZone (in Sweden). Let’s hope this doesn’t crush them… 🙂
Backstory updates
For those who would like to see the current form of the Halo backstory, we’ve transcribed the voiced-over commentary of Joseph Staten, as recorded during the Bungie demonstration at Gamestock. (This has also been sent to Hamish Sinclair for inclusion on the Official Halo Backstory page.) Quick update: Oops – seems Bachus included this entire…
Poll smash at UGO
Thanks to, for pointing out a UGO poll – ‘which Xbox game has you drooling?’ Halo is currently third, behind WWF Raw is War and Pro Skater 2x (does that tell you something about their audience?). You know what to do…
Lo-res movie mirror list compiled
We’ve put up a list of all known mirrors for the low-res version of Bungie’s new Gamestock movie – currently, that’s 6 download sites in two countries. If/when mirrors for the hi-res version begin to appear, we’ll put them up. Thanks to Tomas Matuschek and Halo Network for some of these links.
Surrealistic biscuit hunting
The shield blocked out most of the noise around him, but he could still hear reverberations coming through the grating. It sounded like a jackhammer hitting a broken xylophone stuck on one note and amplified through a hundred sub-woofers.More Fan Fiction today – this one’s a little strange. When you get to the Pleenta, you…