My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • New Halo site at

    JB sends word that they have a new Halo fan site up and running at Go take a look.

  • Gamestock video on PCGUK disc

    Griffon, of Halo Command Central, sends word that the June edition of PC Gamer UK should have the 182 MB Gamestock video on its cover DVD… if you’re on a slow connection, this might be a reasonable option (it should be out by mid-may).

  • Banner section updated

    LADA KING sends in a large Halo-centric banner for our Banner section… nice to see action in that quarter!

  • Wallpaper section updated

    Brian Davis sends in another desktop image for our Wallpaper section – nice colors!

  • Why PC Gaming Will Not Die

    Why PC Gaming Will Not Die. The Adrenaline Vault has a featured article on the perceived threat of console gaming to PC gaming. Go put your fears to rest. Pax

  • More desktops for j00.

    More desktops for j00. darwin sends us a link to four desktops (wallpapers) he has done. They’re all 1024×768. Head on over and take a look.

  • Random xbox links

    Xbox news – thanks to Dave Bergendahl, who sent in a notice that covered the GDC 2001, during which Seamus Blackley confirmed that contrary to recent rumors, the Xbox is still on track for a Fall 2001 release, and to Kharn353, who sent word (via PlanetXbox) that the Xbox hard drive has been upgraded…

  • Wallpaper section updated

    Thanks to Tom Bertram, who sent in a new desktop for our Wallpaper page – nice combination of old and new Halo art.

  • Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted

    Dink!… Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines have dropped two more spots, despite the addition of 7 new members this week – production increased only by a slight amount. DarthFlounder accounted for more than 14% of the total team units… scary, considering that there are almost 600 members on the team. See if you’re doing YOUR…

  • The rumors have started

    The rumor mill cometh… Justin Lambert sends in notice that is reporting a rumor that the Xbox will be delayed until mid-spring of 2002… could this be real, or just sour grapes from a site that covers a rival console?

  • Joe tells it like it is

    As noted on the Marathon’s Story page Joe Staten of Bungie’s Cinematronics (Sin-O-MatiXXX) team dropped in on the Rampancy forums to give his two cents on the latest Unreal 2 tech demo movie. Yeah the one that looks like last year’s E3 Halo movie.

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Thanks to Darwin Campa, who sent in a new desktop image for our Wallpaper page. Stay tuned – there might be new images made from the hi-res stuff found on the Xbox press site.

  • New B&W wallpaper

    Evilbum sends us a black and white wallpaper with “subtle colors” and a “wussy circle”. His words not ours.

  • And then there was one

    Eric drops us a note to inform us that only one job remains on Bungie’s front page, the other two must have been taken.

  • Chucky’s headshots need work

    Our cup runneth over. Fain though I am to receive new information, I bemoan the displacement of older erudition. Okay, enough of that. While we hate to see gems like the second round of Matt’s Gamestock Q&A get bumped off the front page, we need to make room for this week’s Halo Update:There’s a new…

  • Second round of Gamestock Q&A posted

    Took a few days, but Matt’s sent along the second round of answers to some of the questions you guys asked with regard to the Gamestock material. Some good news, some bad news, some just plain silly news. An interesting tidbit:For Gamestock we put in an artificial framerate cap at 30 FPS because we didn’t…

  • EGM covers Halo in May 01 issue sends word that the May 2001 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly contains an article on the Xbox version of Halo. The screens all use the original marine… but apparently, there’s some additional coverage. When we know more, you’ll know more. 🙂

  • Streamed and smaller versions of movies available

    The official Halo site has added streamed versions of both the hi-res and lo-res versions of the newest Gamestock movies… the format is Windows Media, but I couldn’t get the links to work on any mac-based browser. They both work fine on a Win98 box with WMP 7, though. Links have been added to…

  • Press pics, analyzed

    SimplyDave has taken a close look at the new press pics, and has come up with some nice discussion fodder. Read. Discuss.

  • Halo loses Poll position

    Poll updates: Halo still trails several games, including even Doom, in VoodooExtreme’s ‘what game would make the best movie’ poll… and it continues to be beaten by WWF and Pro Skater 2x in UGO’s drool factor poll. Heh… you guys have forgotten how to smash polls. 🙂