Year: 2001
Preview (sort of) at eUniverseGames
Thanks to Aginor, who noted (on our forum) that there’s a new Halo preview over at Pretty clearly written by someone who didn’t do their homework – screenshots are 18 months old, team list more than a year out of date (and not attributed to its source), and comments like this:For instance, say some…
New Halo preview in PC Gamer UK
fAt1 informs us that he finally got his subscription copy of PC Gamer UK (general release on the 14th) which has a new Halo preview. While there are no new in-game screenshots there is a piece of concept art of the human dropship (woohoo!). Here are some juicey quotes from the article courtesy of fAt1:…
It’s all about the notes
Um… someone who can read music better than I can… is this what it purports to be? Update:SiliconDream says it’s from the Myth TFL level, ‘The Siege of Madrigal’. Shoulda known…
open-sourced xbox closed down
Loren Petrich notes on our forum that the Indrema is dead. Loren first brought the Indrema to our attention in June of last year – it was to be a linux-based Xbox clone, available before the Xbox. Funding, however, has dried up, and the team has called it quits. You can read the details at…
Jjaro good… or bad?
Mike Sholl comes up with another one. The Jjaro, as a source of good, or evil? Drawing on a lot of Marathon backstory, he builds up some theories about the purpose of the Jjaro in the Halo universe… and though he makes some questionable assumptions (foremost amongst them being the idea that the Covenant are…
Theories section updated
Whoa. From symbols strewn around the Halo to speculation on the origins of language, and quantum computing… Mike Sholl weighs in with a concept-heavy theory relating to symbols found in the E3 2000 trailer. Give it a read… then jump in with your thoughts on our forum!
Halo to use the Tribes 2 engine?
News flash! We called him a troll, but maybe he knows more than we do! The Bungie Webcam is now showing a new Halo screenshot (here if you miss it)… it IS the Tribes 2 engine! (Before you hit that email link, ask yourself… did we really mean it?) Thanks, Aaron…
New Storyboard on the Bungie Webcam
Mike Wong was the first to notice that the storyboard on the Bungie webcam has changed – the caption is ‘fighters fly by’. (It’s here if it’s changed by the time you read this.)
Fun with Photoshop
Nate writes that an early Halo screenshot has always annoyed him… so he decided to fix it.
New look at an old symbol
Mike Sholl wants to know why there isn’t more talk about the symbol that appears on the back of the Red Covenant in last year’s E3 movie. While it’s true that Hamish Sinclair has put together a collection of observations of those symbols, nobody’s abstracted them like Mike did (67K). Hmm… that DOES look sort…
Pillar of Autumn, sketched
Nice catch by Zypper – the Bungie Webcam currently shows a bit of a concept pic of the Pillar of Autumn – that’s one big ship! (If it’s gone by the time you read this, you can find it here.)
More tasty Fan Fiction
Young glanced round. The alien’s shot had struck the ceiling, spraying semi-molten metal fragments across the room. One such fragment had passed straight through one of the panes surrounding the central hologram and then straight through the engineer standing at it.Today must be the day for Final Chapters – Chris Cox sends in part 4…
Fan Fiction section updated
“Prepare for dust off and immediate medevac, we’ve got a man down.” “Roger that Group 3, proceed to rendezvous point. Network trackers on-line, we see the enemy, Zulu out.”Foxhound sends in the final chapter to his ‘Group 3’ story – you’ll find it in our Fan Fiction section. (Remember, you can read the entire story,…
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines fall a notch to 49 in the Battle of the Teams, despite the addition of Ghalidrim, and almost 1000 units… It looks like this will be DarthFlounder’s last week at number 4 – even with those 1000 thousand units, he STILL managed to produce a bit over 10% of the…
Electric Playground looks at the Xbox
Thanks to Char (IMG), who noted (on the forum) that Halo was on TV – you can see a video stream (on a PC, at least) of the show here. Bonus material – there was a Halo preview last month that we seem to have missed… read it now.
This Grenade’s For You
Last Friday’s update has been added to the Halo Update Database – this week’s search word is ‘grenade’. See how long it took for Rob to go from ‘hop[ing] to start working on a hand grenade soon’ to being able to read the stenciling…
Trippy new logo uploaded
Someone dropped us a new entry for our Logos page – if you made it, let us know. I gotta lay off that acid…
Wallpaper section updated
More goodies in our Uploads folder… we got a nice desktop from LtPlayer with some good muzzle action – you’ll find it in our Wallpaper section.
New French Halo clan
-[b.A.d]-VirGin sends us word of a French Halo clan, the blood, Anger & destruction’s Corporation, the bAd.corp. Their web site is a and has a very nice Flash animation.
Halo Update posted at Haloplayers
Matt’s Halo Update went to Haloplayers this time around – go read it. The AI can now determine the differences between types of fire, and act accordingly. The Multiplayer design doc has grown. There’s a Covenant dropship. And Capture the Flag is working well. Mmmm…