My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • New Wallpaper from Razorback

    Thanks to Diogo “Razorback” Barbosa for sending us in another of his outstanding Wallpapers. This is the eleventh piece from Diogo. Use our Wallpaper search engine to find them all.

  • Halo Update after all (sort of)

    Okay, so it’s not Matt… but Marty O’Donnell is part of the Halo team, as well, and he’s kindly offered his own Halo Update in lieu of Matt’s, who had to go to Chicago for a wedding or something. (Now we REALLY know who’s devoted to Halo, and who just SAYS they are…) Oh, and…

  • Love is in the air…

    Though Matt has already posted that there will be no Halo Update this week… you might want to check back in a bit anyway. You never know, sometimes odd things happen.

  • New Miscellaneous Art available

    Speaking of new uploads, we received ANOTHER anonymous upload, this time of a modified screenshot – you’ll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. Someone should claim this, as well.

  • New Logos available

    A large collection of logos were upped to our ftp uploads directory a couple of weeks ago – I’ve been holding off on posting them, because there were so many (7, in fact), and were all so similar… but Zypper prodded us via email, and Crux told me it was time… I’ve put the two…

  • Wallpaper section hits 150!

    Thanks to Sun Pak, who dropped us a new desktop for our Wallpaper section. Bright…

  • No Halo Update, wedding instead

    Matt Soell dropped into our forum to announce that most of the Bungie crew would be heading back to Chicago in the next day or so to attend the wedding of Lorraine Reyes and Rob McLees… and therefore, he’d be unable to post a Halo update this week. We’ll take this opportunity to wish Lorraine…

  • Daily Radar rates Xbox games

    Griffon, of Halo Command Center, writes to express his anger at Daily Radar, who put up a piece on the ‘Top 15 Xbox games we’ve seen so far’. Halo’s on the list… but at number 4. DR puts Munch’s Oddysee, DOA3, and Kakuto-X (‘Microsoft’s secret fighting game’) ahead of it. Why?Halo didn’t exactly overwhelm us…

  • Fan Fiction section updated

    The shiny floors of the shaft demonstrated how new the halo must have been, the small room was a flurry of activity with many builders encircling the symbol on the floor. One of them spoke, or at least its mouth moved and the machine translated its words into English for us.Time paradoxes… someone uploaded an…

  • A FAQ for every season

    Mark Levin, our friendly neighborhood FAQ maintainer, has given the Frequently Asked Questions section a much-needed facelift – lots of little stuff, here and there. Feel free to browse through – you might learn something!

  • Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted

    Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines fall another notch, to 50, in the Battle of the Teams – overall crunching was down this week (due to the holiday?). DarthFlounder takes over 3rd place, pushing his way to the top… how long until there’s a new top dog? See how YOUR stats measure up on the 7…

  • Halo Preview at has put put up a Halo preview that’s worth reading. There’s one new screenshot (pretty nice, though unfortunately small), and a reasonbly good analysis of the current position of Halo. There a couple of notable problems with the review, however, which make you wonder… for example, on Page 4, there’s this passage:It’s also worth…

  • Bumblebee is aloft

    Last Friday’s Update has been added to the Halo Update Database – the word of the week is ‘pathfinding’; see the progress made in the past few months!

  • Clarification on Jack of all Games

    Blackfly dropped us a line to tell us that Jack of All Games is the bargain bin distributor (games under $25) for Take 2/GoD. They’re on their way out of business, though… I think PlayNOW was just confused. Me too, now…

  • New Halo preview at PlayNOW

    Thanks to Aginor, who noticed another preview of Halo at PlayNOW. It’s generally on-target… though the screenshots are 18 months old (again), the system is listed as ‘PC’ (though the article itself focuses on the Xbox), and the Publisher is listed as ‘Jack Of All Games’. I thought that maybe they were an Australian distributor…

  • PC Gamer UK article a bust

    Our UK Connection finally got to a newsstand today, to pick up the PC Gamer UK issue fAt1 mentioned a few days ago… and decided there was nothing new. The concept art mentioned is actually already in our Concept Art section (and has been since July 15 of last year). In fact, he put the…

  • That Pesky Symbol

    It’s the symbol that just won’t go away. Joseph Haake has sent in yet another enhancement of that Halo symbol on the back of the Red Covenant in the E3 trailer (though he says he doesn’t “see the point in determining the actual shape of this specific covenant symbol”…). Nice enhancement, in any case, Joseph…

  • Halobase comes online

    Christian Bender writes to say that a new Halo fansite is online – Halobase. (It’s German.) Go take a look!

  • Al SackMaster rides again

    Woohoo! A kilometer-long Pillar of Autumn, grenade-hopping, functional teleporters, And the Bumblebee… and MORE! This week’s Halo Update is at, and it sounds like an extremely productive week. Go read it!

  • More symbology

    Josh Laird took a closer look at the symbol on the back of the red Covenant (the one that Mike Sholl abstracted a few days ago), and decided that Mike’s drawing might be a bit off. He sent us this one, instead (42K). What’s your call?