Year: 2001
Halo interview
Halo interview. IGN Xbox interviews Bungie’s John Howard and Joseph Staten. Thanks to Massa for the heads up. Here’s a piece: IGN Xbox: Because the guys at IGN PC threatened us with death if we didn’t ask, what’s up with the PC version? Will they see it before the Covenant invades earth? JS: Given that…
Changes afoot at
Whoa… looks like (if I’m reading it right) Tyson Green, AKA Ferrex, of, has been hired away by Bungie for who knows what… I think he just took the job to get out of Canada, but you never can tell. Congrats, Ferrex! (Don’t let this stop you from reading this week’s Halo Update from…
Matt’s Weekly Update posted
Thanks to Matt Soell, who didn’t hold our feet to the fire TOO long for Marty’s update last week – he sent us this week’s update as scheduled. And it’s a tasty one. So tasty, in fact, that I logged in from a place where I have to PAY by the minute for my internet…
Bernie plays with his jeep?
Dgenohunter of the french clan HELL website (yes we remember it well) enlarged one of the Bungie webcam pics of Bernie and says he thinks he can see the famous Halo jeep. Of course we went to source of all image enhancements “Crux” who said he could see two jeeps. Altar wine folks… altar wine.…
Bernie plays Halo?
fate187 sent us a bunch of webcam pics from yesterday. Is this Bernie playing Halo on a PC? See here, here and here.
New fan fiction
“He fired in short bursts, seeking out the heads of the taller elite…” Vector40 sends us Part II of his Halo Story. Part I is on our Fan Fiction page.
Bungie webcam mystery
Dorram sent us in this Bungie webcam pic from yesterday. If you’ve been following some of the discussion on our forum you’ll know what it’s all about. Just what is on that screen? Bungie’s webcam page can be found here. Pax.
No Halo in Wired magazine
Noah Brimhall informs us that the the XBox feature in the May 2001 issue of Wired Magazine is mostly just a review of the hardware with one really cool picture of the guts of the machine. Other than that there are only a few mentions of Microsoft’s console strategy, but no mention of Halo. Thanks…
Xbox in Wired Magazine
Kamikaze informs us that the May 2001 issue of Wired Magazine has an Xbox feature. Not sure if there is any Halo info but it might be worth checking out.
More wallpaper from Diogo
Two more pieces of Wallpaper from Diogo “Razorback” Barbosa. A black & white sketch called War is Hell and a splash of Tecnicolor. Use our Wallpaper search engine to find all Diogo’s work.
Thanks for the scans but…
Thanks to Dorkonaspork for sending in a whole bunch of scans of the Halo preview in the latest Next Generation magazine. Unfortunately we can’t upload these until the mag comes off the store shelves. You can see small sized pics of the full article over at Bungie Sightings. Please buy the magazine if you want…
More Wallpaper
OliverHeilwagen sends us in a very nice piece of Wallpaper. It’s 1024×768 in size. There are now 153 items in our Wallpaper section and it’s growing daily.
Blue’s News gets a touch of Halo
Thanks to Ilium Rise who points out on our forum that Blue’s News gets a touch of Halo. Their main logo has been featuring a different game each day and presently it has the jeep from Halo. Pax. Update: Frans P. de Vries of Blue’s News informs us that their logo changes once a week,…
New fan fiction
“They had nine clips of the 12mm RunHard penetrators, only seven of them full.” New fan fiction from Vector40 on our Fan Fiction page.
More Wallpapers
Ok we’ve got a few more Wallpapers in our Uploads area. We’ll get them up later today but if you want to see them now why not take a look.
New Wallpaper in our Uploads area
Dinosurfer informs us that he has uploaded a 1024×768 Wallpaper named halowarriors.jpg to our Uploads area. We’ll be adding this to our Wallpapers section just as soon as we get Crux off the dial-up.
First Polish HALO Site
First Polish HALO Site. Oliwier Ptak sends word about, one of the biggest online gaming networks in Poland dedicated to First Person Perspective games. They now have a Halo site at Check it out.
Louis is outta here
Family obligations take me out of town this week – I’ll be heading to one of those parts of the US where the nearest dialup internet access is a long-distance call. (Betcha didn’t know those places still existed, eh?) Looks like Wirehead’s already on the ball, posting wallpaper this morning, and hopefully, Ding and Crux…