My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • Lens flares and wind…

    A new wallpaper from Bongo, of Onishots – check it out in our Wallpaper section. Blam.

  • Screenshots section updated

    Okay, it didn’t take so long – the new screenshots from the GamePro May 2001 Halo article are now in our Screenshots section, in higher resolution than you’ll find in the scanned article mentioned below. NextGen coming soon. 🙂

  • May 2001 Gamepro Halo article scanned

    Speaking of adding dead tree articles, we’ve also scanned in last month’s GamePro article (it’s only one page, but weighs in at a hefty 382K) – short, but again, there are new shots, and the info is mostly on target. If only they hadn’t used that nasty ‘X’ background… Higher-res versions of the new shots…

  • May 2001 NextGen article rescanned

    Don’t take this as a shot at Free… but we rescanned the May NextGen article, in a size that’s intermediate to the two he offers on Bungie Sightings, and at a higher image quality level. You’ll find it on our Press page. (We’ll be adding hi-res versions of the actual new screens to the Screenshots…

  • The start of a new fan fiction

    Well, almost buried in the 100-odd posts of the most amusing flamewar to happen on our forum in a long time, Anonymous Coward has posted the first four paragraphs of what he calls ‘Work in progress…’. I’m gonna hold off adding it immediately to the Fan Fiction section, in the hopes that he’ll add to…

  • Coalition of the Ring goes live

    Seems there’s a new Halo site out there – The Coalition of the Ring. Check ’em out.

  • The new phone books are here!

    Woohoo! Our first mention in a fan’s wallpaper (I think). Dinosurfer has sent along ‘Joyride’ for your perusement – you’ll find it in our Wallpaper section. Nice and clean…

  • ‘Wanna see my smiling jeep…’

    arcarsenal dropped us a line to let us know that Halo made Rolling Stone magazine – it’s just a tiny blurb, describing Halo as a ‘long-awaited 3d shooter’ on the Xbox, and displaying the flying jeep screenshot recently released… but hey, mainstream press is mainstream press!

  • Junkyard’s back up and running

    Ryan ‘Mhaddy’ Matthews writes to say the Junkyard is finally back up – and will be posting one new exclusive item per day for the next two weeks. Dunno how many of those will be Halo-related… but stop by and take a look!

  • Halo to run flat out at E3

    Thanks to Iden, who pointed out to us that has an article describing a team meeting a couple of months ago in which the first prototypes of a real, working Xbox were demoed… and the statement thatProgress has been great since then and we’re poised to deliver the first kits to game developers before…

  • New (sorta) fan fiction available

    Early last week, we got a Fan Fiction submission with a subject line of ‘stupid fanfic I wrote’. Wirehead figured, if the AUTHOR thinks it’s stupid, how good could it be? It got resubmitted a couple of days ago, with an altered subject line, and I found it this morning. Moral of the story -…

  • New wallpapers added

    We’ve added a couple of new wallpapers that have been sitting for a bit in our uploads directory – there’s one from Scythe, and one from B-Sharp. Check ’em out!

  • Halo WinAmp skins available

    Picky informs us that he’s put a couple of Halo WinAmp skins up for grabs here – to get them, you’ll have to log in to the MSN network, but they should be up at as soon as they’re reviewed.

  • New Halo preview at Gamespot

    Thanks to Ph.D., who pointed out a new Halo preview at Gamespot – there’s not really any new info there, it seems to be a pre-E3 prep piece, but press is press, right? (Well, don’t tell that to Daily Radar, who went under yesterday…)

  • Halo SETI Team 14 day stats posted

    Dink!… despite the infusion of 16 new members, the Halo SETI Marines lost a position in the Battle of the Teams, dropping out of the top 50 for the first time in almost a year. Ouch! Part of the blame can be placed on the four deserters, who, between them, pulled almost 2000 units out…

  • 33 days out of the gate

    Woohoo – the mail guy’s back! For all those who wrote in the past week and a half, and expected a reply, I’ll be getting to them in the next day or two. Meanwhile, I’ve added Friday’s Weekly Halo Update to the Halo Update Database; the word of the week is Cortana. How long did…

  • Fan made Halo MP3



    Fan art, fan fiction, and now fan music. Bjorn sent us a link to an MP3 he created for Halo. The name of the song is “After the Storm” and you can find it at: Go take a listen. Pax.

  • New Blam (Halo) site


    in goes live according to Sapwood. Take a look. Pax.

  • Halo in Gamespot’s High-Tech Games article

    Halo “Sci-Fi epic with all the right moves”. Menalaus Khan lets us know that Gamespot have a High-Tech Games article in which Halo is mentioned. Go check it out. Pax.

  • Hi-res Halo scans

    Bungie Sightings puts up the hi-res Halo scans from Next Generation magazine. Go get them before they are pulled again. BS also has info on next month’s Bungie Fanfest V.