My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • HBO News Archive item 846

    “100% Halo is now being converted to new order site, called iHALO” says Robert Cox.

  • HBO News Archive item 845

    peapon would like to add that his Halo newspaper clipping was from The Examiner. Thanks peapon.

  • HBO News Archive item 844

    Whoa! Major problems with the SETI server over the weekend. Millennium bug? Check out the Halo SETI 48 hour team stats. Sorry no stats on Sunday cause Crux says it’s the Sabbath.

  • HBO News Archive item 843

    Brent Potter sends word of a new Halo site, Orbit. Nice layout, although it still needs a bit of work… take a look! Pax.

  • HBO News Archive item 842

    Very cool new original art on our Miscellaneous Art page, from Ian Mankowski. (We apologize for the delay in posting this… blame MacWorld.) It’s at the end of the Original section… try jumping to the Bungie section, and backing up. Thanks, Ian!

  • HBO News Archive item 841

    Thanks to peapon, who sent in a clipping from his local paper (he neglected to tell us which paper that is, unfortunately). No new info, but pretty interesting to see Halo in a newspaper! Thanks, peapon.

  • HBO News Archive item 840

    Apologies to everyone out there trying to follow forum links on our front page news… the rate of forum posting is so fast that posts are moved off to the archives almost before they have time to be pointed out! I’ll be fixing as many of these as possible in the next little bit… let…

  • HBO News Archive item 839

    SiliconDream posts some details about the Saturday’s bTV Halo footage on our forums. Check out that interesting thread.

  • HBO News Archive item 838

    Friday and Saturday’s bTV broadcast will be available on Monday says Joseph Staten (Bungie Software) in our forums. Joe’s keeping the bTV e-mail address open for feedback. So drop him a line to show your appreciation. Thanks Joe.

  • HBO News Archive item 837

    BungieTV Day 4 and detailed Oni only footage has been posted by JosephAW at Joesph has performed a great service for Bungie fans. Thanks Joesph.

  • HBO News Archive item 836

    Woo-hoo! MacWorld is over, but I won’t be home for two more days. In the meantime, though, check out the bTV archives if you missed Saturday’s live broadcast. An amazing couple of minutes of Halo footage… the harpoon gun (Justin Garcia sent in a screenshot, but you can’t actually see the gun), some very interesting-looking…

  • HBO News Archive item 835

    More flash for your money. HALO-NET has a new Flash intro only you didn’t hear it from us… err… them… err… we didn’t hear it from them. That’s it! Heck! where’s Louis?

  • HBO News Archive item 834

    Find out who was slackin’ off over the weekend on the Halo SETI 24 hour team stats page. Join the Halo SETI marines for a better deal in space!

  • HBO News Archive item 833

    “Yeah, we’re going to dominate E3,” says Doug Zartman. Bungie Software will be showing their next generation multiplayer game, Halo, at E3 this spring says Mac Observer. Thanks to Harith Al-Shakarchi for the heads up. Pax

  • HBO News Archive item 832

    bTV’s Thursday broadcast is now up for downloading at says Joseph Staten (Bungie Software) in our forums. Thanks Joe and thanks also to peapon. Pax

  • HBO News Archive item 831

    Dead Glory informs us that his Winamp skin Halo AMP has been updated. It’s called Halo AMP tru7h. You can download it from his page here. Pax

  • HBO News Archive item 830 have posted a few more Macworld Bungie Booth pics. One is a big pic of of Halo music guru Marty O’Donnell of Total Audio. Check out that face! 😉

  • HBO News Archive item 829

    Major kudos to JosephAW for posting Bungie TV’s 3rd telecast on his new web site at Joseph has both Day 2 and Day 3 archived. Go watch that Halo movie! 🙂

  • HBO News Archive item 828

    David Rodgerson of Halo Central reports that they have just posted 14 screenshots from today’s bTV coverage. Check’em out. Nice one guys! 🙂

  • HBO News Archive item 827

    First Bungie TV Halo shots just in! Major kudos to Justin Garcia for sending in five shots from the new Halo footage shown on Bungie TV less than an hour ago. Take it away Garcia. 🙂