My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • HBO News Archive item 866

    A day for contemplation… Andreas Nasri speculates on the Covenant, and raises some interesting questions as to their motivations. This, too, can be found on our Theories page. Thanks, Tycho!

  • HBO News Archive item 865

    Kudos to Damien Sorresso, who sent us some thoughts on the possible connections between Marathon and Halo. You can find them on our Theories page. Thanks, Damien!

  • HBO News Archive item 864

    The Halo SETI marines gain some new members and increase their unit crunching. Halo SETI team are going places. Don’t get left behind. Join now!

  • HBO News Archive item 863

    Kudos to Jonathan Pearce for mirroring the 15 meg Halo clip from Day 3 of Bungie TV at Not working yet… give him a chance.

  • HBO News Archive item 862

    Aaron Sommer writes to say that his mirror of the 15 meg Halo clip is getting hit really hard (as are we). Please-if you have a really fast connection (DSL/Cable Modem/School Tx), download the full file from the bTV archives… leave the “little” file for slower-connection folks who can’t get the big one. (And if…

  • HBO News Archive item 861

    Robert Cox writes to tell us that iHALO is now recruiting. If you’re interested in joining, send mail to iNoddy99. (They’re getting new transmissions from somewhere daily, so stop by to take a look.) Pax.

  • HBO News Archive item 860

    Very nice new art from Stas “Shizo” Tsires for our Miscellaneous Art page. (Jump to the Bungie Mods section, then back up.) Thanks, Shizo!

  • HBO News Archive item 859

    Demand for the Halo-only footage from bTV’s Day 3 broadcast has swamped us! Luckily, others are coming to the rescue… Aaron Sommer is the first with a mirror. Think you have the bandwidth? Let us know! We’re serving something over 100 megs/hour of this movie, we could use your help!

  • HBO News Archive item 858

    For those of you who can’t handle a 211 megabyte download, we’ve cut out the 15 megs that’s pure Halo, and put it up for you to see. We’ve also added the transcription of Joe Staten’s intro, so that you know exactly what you’re getting. Go take a look!

  • HBO News Archive item 857

    Join the Thoughts on the High Detail Halo footage thread on our forums. Pax

  • HBO News Archive item 856

    The Halo SETI marines gain back all their lost units with an amazing 752 unit increase. Today’s 24 hours stats reveal all. Check the Halo team position in the Battle of the Teams.

  • HBO News Archive item 855

    “If you would like to see the real HaloHQ check it out at… …there is only room for one HaloHQ and I don’t intended on giving it up.” says DarkHalo. Whoa! Fighting words!

  • HBO News Archive item 854

    Want to watch the new Halo footage from Day 3 of bTV but a 32MB download is too much for you? Then check out JosephAW’s detailed Halo only clip taken from the bTV movie. (removed)

  • HBO News Archive item 853

    And it keeps on pouring in… Stryker writes to let us know that Halo HQ is a new site dedicated to Halo rings. They envision this site as a meeting place… and are soliciting feedback, at an early stage. Stop by and let ’em know what you think!

  • HBO News Archive item 852

    Matt Gilford writes to let us know that The Oxygen Tank has put up another transcript of Joe Staten’s Halo backstory narration from Day 2 of bTV. Loads a lot faster than the 177 meg quicktime movie!

  • HBO News Archive item 851

    Some sort of strangeness going on over at iHALO… cryptic messages seem to be the order of the day. What are they planning?

  • HBO News Archive item 850

    Day 3 of Bungie TV has just been posted. Day 4 is coming. Thanks to Yeroen (Bungie Software) for the heads up!

  • HBO News Archive item 849

    SETI server grinds to a halt. The Halo SETI team fail to gain any points due to a server problem. But individual team members keep crunching away.

  • HBO News Archive item 848

    Clash of the Titans…mmm… well Claude Errera interviewing Matt Soell anyway. Watch Matt squirm under a battery of questions about Halo, Oni and Bungie in general. The Matt Soell Interview.

  • HBO News Archive item 847

    The Marathon/Halo link is discussed on the Marathon’s Story page. Not for the faint of heart. As Joe suggests take some popcorn and a warm cuddly blanket. 😉