Year: 2000
HBO News Archive item 886
Halo map room floorplan resembles Marathon symbol says Marathon’s Story. Nice one Bungie. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 885
Kudos again to Noctavis for posting a transcript of the Halo plot from the Bungie Gathering of Fans at Club-I video. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 884
Cannibal Harry posts his take on the cryptic Halo messages once seen on Bungie’s Halo site. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 882
Kudos to Noctavis for posting a movie of the Bungie Gathering of Fans at Club-I. It’s a 74MB .zip file but worth the download. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 881
Sorry for any downtime. Our server was swamped due to demand for the bTV Halo movies. Ok lets get this show on the road. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 880
Whoa! Halo SETI marines continue to climb higher in the Top Team Rankings. Find out who is doing their bit on the 24 hour team stats page.
HBO News Archive item 879
Massa of Halo Network sends word that Day 4 bTV Halo footage is available in .mov and .asf (only 633kb) formats at Thanks.
HBO News Archive item 878
Freewill asks you to head on over to and take a look at the Bungie Gathering of Fans group shot. Fifty faces to put a name to.
HBO News Archive item 877
Harry “when I’m not translating, I’m grabbing screens” Al-Shakarchi has compiled a few screenshots from the Day 4 footage, with comments… check ’em out, see if the 6 megs is worth it! Pax.
HBO News Archive item 876
Hot off the cutting board, the (much smaller, but easily as cool) Halo footage from bTV’s Day 4 is now available. Go get it! (And if you can mirror it, let us know… we’ll add you to the page.)
HBO News Archive item 875
Robert Cox sent us the new, improved logo for the iHALO site. We’ve added it to the Logos page. Pax.
HBO News Archive item 874
)Sphere( writes to let us know that the Mystikal Posse site has been redesigned… stop on by if you’re interested in joining!
HBO News Archive item 873
The downloads page for the Day 3 clip is up to 6 mirrors… we actually stand a chance of keeping up with demand. 😉 Looks like as soon as we can get that nearly 300-meg monster of a Day 4 hacked up, we’ll put it up, as well.
HBO News Archive item 872
If the Day3 Halo clip wasn’t enough for you, Joseph Staten tells us that the Day 4 Archive was just posted. 270 megabytes… wow! (We’ll do our best to get a clip up… but remember, our lines are already swamped serving the day 3 version. It might be a while.)
HBO News Archive item 871
Massa writes to let us know that the German Halo Network has added two versions of the Day 3 clip: the standard 15 meg file, and a 1.7 meg ASF (WindowsMedia) version. Grab the one you want! Thanks, Massa!
HBO News Archive item 870
Georg sends word that he’s put up a German mirror for the Halo day 3 footage… thanks, Georg! (All mirrors are now listed on our local Day3 page.)
HBO News Archive item 869
Hamish “I walk through mindfields and watch your head rock” Sinclair of Marathon’s Story has put up a new page about… well I’m not exactly sure WHAT it’s about cause my head hurts but possible Halo’s influences are discussed. Warning though it’s long. Open up your head, feel the shell shock.
HBO News Archive item 868
Jonathan Pearce updates us with a corrected url for his Halo clip mirror. “And this time, I guarantee that it works. ;)” We’ll take you up on that, Jonathan…
HBO News Archive item 867
Aaron Sommer writes to let us know that his 15 meg Halo clip mirror is now distributed over three servers, so it’s probably a bit more stable. Thanks, Aaron!