My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • HBO News Archive item 966

    We’ve been having a touch of trouble with our FTP, so this is a bit late, today… but the Halo SETI Marines are kicking into high gear. Almost a 50% increase in daily stats received today, thanks in large part to the addition of Mr Froste to the team. And the team has a new…

  • HBO News Archive item 965

    New grist added to our Fan Fiction area. In addition… you’ll find a cool new feature. Next to each entry, you’ll find a small link: “More by this author”. Clicking this link will bring up a page containing all the work that author has submitted… in order. (Makes serial stories much easier to read.) If…

  • HBO News Archive item 964

    PunkRocker sends us a photoshop-drawn Marine for our Miscellaneous Art section (original page 9). Thanks, PR!

  • HBO News Archive item 963

    The Halo SETI marines hit 17007 units at 7.00am PST today. Coincidence? The 24 hour stats page has the details.

  • HBO News Archive item 962

    Two new theory submissions for our Theories page prompted a long-overdue page overhaul. Go read about vehicle controls and navigation!

  • HBO News Archive item 961

    The Marathon’s Story page takes two of Bungie’s Halo web buttons sticks them together and gets… Well you better find out for yourself. Bungie’s attention to detail or just a warped mind?

  • HBO News Archive item 960

    We are attempting to trace the interloper who hacked yesterday’s SETI stats page. Hopefully today’s SETI stats will be more secure. Halo marines are on full alert!

  • HBO News Archive item 959

    Magh Tuireadh told us that he didn’t have the space to put up the medium size of his Halo Re-Mix, so we’ve decided to help him out. If you want something better than the 10 meg version, but can’t handle the 48 meg version… give the 20 meg version a try. (It’s exactly the same…

  • HBO News Archive item 958

    Rick Matheson writes to say that The Order of the Sword has accepted its first recruits, and is now practicing with Unreal Tournament and Team Fortress. More info can be found at the site.

  • HBO News Archive item 957

    The Marathon’s Story page has some speculation that Steve Jackson Games might be working on a GURPS Halo project. Interesting! Pax.

  • HBO News Archive item 956

    The Halo SETI Marines keep crunching… see who’s keeping up in the 24 hour stats!

  • HBO News Archive item 955

    Just a quick update… Fan Fiction page augmented again. Enjoy!

  • HBO News Archive item 954

    From our Forum: There’s a new clan, The Mac Squad, now looking for members. Take a look! Pax.

  • HBO News Archive item 953

    Nice new Desktop from Phillip Albanese, in three sizes. Check it out on our Wallpaper page! Thanks, Phillip!

  • HBO News Archive item 952

    luxor, from Halo Vault, sends word that the Halo footage from bTV Days 3 and 4 have another home. As he says, Halo Vault “has pipes the size of watermains”… make use of ’em! 😉

  • HBO News Archive item 951

    Magh Tuireadh posts another Halo Re-Mix… very different from the Tritin FIlms one (this one is set to Moby’s Bodyrock, and features Cortana text and strange Halo visuals), but quite good. Get the big one, if you can handle the 48 meg download. (The midsized one doesn’t have a home yet.)

  • HBO News Archive item 950

    Thanks to Nalgas D. Lemur, who’s added another mirror for the day 3 and day 4 Halo footage off of bTV. Anyone who hasn’t seen it… here’s another source!

  • HBO News Archive item 949

    Halo SETI team 24 hour stats posted. When the Covenant are contacted will you be ready?

  • HBO News Archive item 948

    New Official Release Dates? Kudos to Georg for the following heads-up from Take 2 Interactive in Europe: If you go to you’ll read at “Dienstag, den 25. Januar 2000 – 20.44 Uhr” this: Neue Erscheinungstermine Take 2 Interactive, Distributor für Bungie’s Halo und Oni hat die Erscheinungstermine beider Spiele “korrigiert”. Demnach soll Oni im…

  • HBO News Archive item 947

    Halo Movie Special Edition! Kudos to Courtney Evans (aka lustygoat) for pointing out that Tritin Films have added over 200 sound effects to the current Halo trailer for the ultimate Halo experience. Download their Halo Remake movie (30MBs).