Year: 2000
CVG says Halo in March 2001
Thanks to Jienn, who writes to point out a short blurb at Computer and Video Games. Not a lot of info, but they DO casually mention a release date: March 2001. Seems the press is pushing that day back farther and farther… soon they’ll be reporting 2005. (Remember, a release date is not a release…
PC Gamer UK Halo preview online
Our good friend Jenkz over at HP came up trumps with a Halo preview in the online version of PC Gamer UK. It’s from the June edition of the hardcopy version. They claim the minimum specs for Halo will be:Minimum specs:PII 266, 64Mb RAM, 3D card.Amazing!
QA Intern needed to test games
Kudos to Pericles, who spotted a job opening for a QA Intern at Bungie’s Chicago offices. Job description includes helping the QA manager and development team test computer games through play-testing and functionality and compatibility tests. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a Halo fanatic! (We’d apply, but then who’d bring you the news?)
3D Action Planet needs poll smashed
Edward Edelen reminds us of a poll over at3D Action Planet… Halo is trailing Tribes 2 by about 20 votes. Can you fix this? Pax.
New Screenshot from GameStar
Man, this e3 stuff makes us nuts. Somehow, this never made it to our Screenshots page… but GameStar put up an e3 writeup last week that included an not-seen-before-on-the web shot. Very nice pic of the covenant plasma cannon in action. (This WAS published in their print magazine,but hasn’t appeared on the web before, except…
HBO News Archive item 999
Incite Comes Through! For all you folks who missed the January 2000 issue of Incite PC Gaming, someone loves you. Incite has made the 46 megabyte movie previously only available on the CD of that issue accessible from their website. Go get it! (Thanks to Bryn Williams for the wonderful news.)
HBO News Archive item 998
Missing in action! Another Halo SETI marine goes AWOL. The 24 hour team stats reveal the gory details!
HBO News Archive item 997
Over the weekend the Halo SETI marines blasted their way to position 104 in the Battle of the Teams. The top 100 beckons.
HBO News Archive item 996
NAVCON’s website moves to Time to update those links. Thanks mrface.
HBO News Archive item 995
If you’re crunching SETI on a Mac check out cris’ SETI UNiT Manager 1.3 an AppleScript Script. Also it seems that the SETI@home client v2.0 has been updated to v2.02.
HBO News Archive item 992
Sebastian Brytting writes to let everyone know that {SoSi} now has an irc channel of their own; you can find them on #sosi at QuakeNet. Thanks, Sebastian!
HBO News Archive item 991
Flashback sends in a sketch of an artillery tank for our Miscellaneous Art pages (Original, page 10). Thanks, FB!
HBO News Archive item 990
More speculation on Halo GURPS at the Marathon’s Story page. Another GURPS based Bungie games seems likely judging from this info. Go check it out!
HBO News Archive item 989
The Halo SETI marines dig in at position 106 in the top team ranks. We welcome “redeyes” and his 94 units to the team. Check the 24 hour stats for details.
HBO News Archive item 988
The February edition of Edge gaming magazine has a small snippet on Halo and a bigger piece on Oni. No new info or screenshots though.
HBO News Archive item 987
“EARTHQUAKE has been released” says Flashback. A Halo tournament page brought to you by the HALO-NET boys.