My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • All Games Network and Playboy on Halo

    Couple of Halo sightings around the net, courtesy of… first, All Games Network has a couple of Halo-related films (although none of them seem to be viewable on a mac, and only the First Impressions of Halo seem to be viewable on a Win98 box with the free version of RealPlayer installed), and Playboy…

  • More presskit scans at Halo Network

    Halo Network continues to scan in the E3 press kit… today’s installment contains pages 14 and 15. These two contain frequently asked questions… nice to see official Bungie answers to some of these, even though we’ve gotten unofficial answers along the line. Check it out! (Thanks to the Marathon’s Story page for the heads-up.)

  • Halo SETI team stats posted

    Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines bump another team in the Club Rankings. Top 50, here they come! Today’s climb is thanks to Ashley Frost, who brought 1632 units with her when she joined. Welcome,Ashley! 139 other marines added units today… were you one of them? Check the 24 hour stats to find out!

  • Halo on Heat

    Thanks to HiddenTalon on our forumfor pointing us to an another E3 wrap-up piece this time at Heat. Here’s what they had to say:Halo – the graphics and physics engine of this game have already created quite a stir. Bungie still needs to get a full demo for users to truly appreciate it’s qualities. We’ll…

  • Two new articles on Theories page

    The theories page has seen a couple of new additions; Mostafa Sadraii posts a discussion of some observations he’s made from the various films released to date, and Rony Sanchezspeculates on the Jjaro logo and its relevance to Halo. (Note: Many of the ideas presented here were first brought up on the Marathon’s Story page…

  • Cinematic Construction for Gamers

    Seen at Marathon’s Story: Gamasutra has an interesting article, originally presented at the 2000Game Developer’s Conference, on ways to use cinematic techniques, developed over the past 75years, in games that need cinematic sequences in order to drive the storyline. It’s an interesting read, all by itself, and relevant here because Halo has positioned itself (or…

  • new poll has a new poll up… “What platform do you use for gaming?” Interesting results so far…

  • Bungie licensing their engines?

    Is Bungie planning on licensing the Halo and Oni engines for installment games? So says Computer Games Magazine, as reported by Myndreach on our forum. Give it a read!

  • More Halo press kit scans at Halo Network

    Major kudos to Massa of the German Halo Network site for scanning in another part of Bungie’s E3 press kit. This one has a pic of the marine and the backstory of Halo. Go take a look see. Nice scoop Massa. 🙂

  • Apple says new Halo trailer… we say…

    Apple’s Quicktime Trailer page lists four Game Trailers. One of these is Halo with a big [NEW] following it. Unfortunately this is still the old MacWorld Expo movie from July 1999. So why is it called new?

  • Halo SETI marines keep blasting away!

    The Halo SETI Marinesare now only 2000 units behind the next team in the SETI rankings. Got to keep the pressure on. The last 24 hours sees Jjaro tech return to true form and DwK frogblasts nice marines? Find out if you got frogblasted last night on the 24 hours stats page.

  • Incite PC says new screenshots… we say…

    In aSpecial post-E3 RoundupIncite PC offer what they claim to be new Halo screenshots. While we’d all like to see new Halo screenshots these are not new. Sorry guys. 🙁

  • E3 Halo preview at E3 FiringSquad

    Thanks to Bagman for pointing us to a two page E3 Halo previewat FiringSquad. The preview offers a description of the Halo movie. There’s also a piece on Oni.

  • YA Poll at

    YA Poll… has ANOTHER “Best Game from E3?” poll. Halo is currently leading the pack… but there aren’t many votes. Tired of polls yet? (Thanks to BoySinister, at,for the heads-up.)

  • Peter Tamte and the Matrix

    Interesting post over at… SiliconDream has provided a transcript of one of the panel discussions from E3; the subject was “What makes a good license?” and one of the questions got an intriguing answer from Peter Tamte, Executive VP of Publishing for Bungie. Remember the rumors that Bungie was working on a game from…

  • Best Action Game, says GameSpy

    GameSpy’s Best and Worst of E3 Awards are up… and Halo takes Best Action Game! Nice job.

  • Monster Marine Distracts Console Gamer posted a photo journal of E3 today. Halo caught the reviewers eye, even though he was focused on console games… nice shot! (Tip o’ the hat to Blues News, who posted the journal link.)

  • Poll to smash at The Mad Onion

    Uh oh… The Mad Onion has a gaming poll going at the moment, and Halo is getting hammered! (Even Unreal 2 is ahead!) You know what to do… (Thanks to medic for the heads-up.)

  • HBO FAQ updated

    Mark Levin has updated the HBO FAQ in the wake of the new E3 info. Swing on by and take a look!

  • $634 billion dollars profit from sale of Halo DVD

    Bungie to earn $634 billion dollars from sale of Halo DVD. According to Max on 75% of voters in the DVD poll were willing to pay $5.95 or more for the Halo movie. While Bungie aren’t promising a DVD things DO look optimistic.