Year: 2000
Bungie Speaks at Battleground: Halo
Bounty over at Battleground: Halo sent along a couple of questions to Doug Zartman and Max Hoberman, and while the answers weren’t deeply enlightening (mostly “we don’t know yet”), they ARE answers. Stop on by and read ’em for yourself!
Halo preview at (no relation to Game Critics Awards) has put up an extensive preview of Halo, with commentary on 15 individual screenshots. It’s a good read… swing by and take a look!
Halo nominated at Game Critics Awards
The 2000 Game Critics Awards have announced their nominations for the best of E3. Awards will be announced June 12. Halo has been nominated for Best of Show, Best Original Game,Best Game, PC, and Best Action Game. Whew! (Thanks to Henrik Wittsten for the heads-up.)
Apologies to GIA
Apologies to Gaming Intelligence Agency. Earlier, we put up a news post chiding them for their total lack of mention of Halo in their E3 awards. Seems we didn’t do our homework… they’re devoted to console games only. And although there are rumors of Halo on the PS2 (and now, it seems, on Dreamcast… heh),…
New Wallpaper added
Thanks to XDC-ARMAGEDDON, who sent in a new wallpaper for our Wallpaper page. Size is a bit non-standard… but hey! 😉
World Domination plans include Castro
Seen on the Marathon’s Story page: has scooped us all! They have proof that Bungie used Elian Gonzalez (the cuban refugee) as the motion capture actor for the Halo marine! Is Bungie in bed with Castro? Pax.
Halo SETI team 24 hours stats posted
Can the Halo SETI Marinestake on the might of Brazil? Yes the country! They’re just under 1000 units ahead in the SETI rankings. Let’s get ’em! ;)A big welcome to TickleSpace#2 who joins the team with healthy 119 units. Check out who’s crunchin’ and who’s munchin’ on the 24 hours stats page.
Newsweek’s Halo coverage
Halo scoop! The May 29 issue of Newsweek arrived… and here’s the Halo review, in all its glory. Would you check out the tires on that baby? Just for the fun of it, here’s a bigger version of the actual screenshot. Newsweek Online has most of that issue on their website… the only thing they’re…
Matt says more for us!
Don’t think there’s enough good stuff going to the online sites (HBO among them)? Disgruntled because all the juicy bits seem to get to the gaming mags first, and trickle down to the fansites afterwards? Read this post to our forum, and rejoice.
Halo SETI 24 hour and 14-day stats posted
The Halo SETI Marines gain another couple of members (Welcome to Dogcow goes Moof and Robbie!), and continue to close the distance to the next team in the Club Rankings. Jjaro Tech edges Banzif for La Crunch Honneur (but averaged almost 4 fewer units per day for the past two weeks). VADER_AU takes the Frogblast…
Oni E3 Flyer at Oni Central
Oni Central has put up the backside of the E3 flyer we brought you yesterday. No really new screens… but a beautiful layout! Go feast your eyes!
E3 Presskit at has scanned in the rest of the E3 Press kit. Before now, only the Halo-related pages have made it onto the net… but there is some pretty fun Bungie history stuff in there, as well. Go check it out!
New Wallpaper added
Thanks to Vector, who sent in a pair of wallpapers for our Wallpaper page. Vector works at Battleground: Halo.
Halo in Newsweek
Kudos to The Maz, who took a digital snap of a page of the latest Newsweek in which Halo was mentioned. The lips are “buzz factor” (out of a possible 5), and the drops of blood are “gore factor” (also out of 5). Listed for Dreamcast… interesting. 🙂 (We’ll work on getting a better pic,…
Matt says E3 Movie in July
Looks like we’re waiting until July for the E3 trailer. In a post on our forum, Matt Soell said thatThe trailer will first appear on the cover CD of a major PC gaming magazine. It will be their August issue, which hits the streets mid-July. It will be available for download shortly after that, at…
Halo SETI team stats posted
The Halo SETI Marines get another large infusion of WUs today, this time from thulcandra, who brought in 609 units. The fight for the next position in the Club Rankings is going to be tough, though… Jjaro Tech takes La Crunch Honneur again, and Moomjean takes the Frogblast award, climbing 8 notches. Are you doing…
Bungie’s E3 Halo flyer SCOOP!
Halo scoop! Thanks to a generous benefactor at Bungie and a well respected Bungie fan (we’re not worthy, we’re not worthy!) we bring you Bungie’s E3 Halo flyer! Pretty outstanding. Check out that Marine’s face. No mistaking that Marathon logo.
Halo is the yardstick to beat other games with!
Small Halo snippet in Jim’s E3 Post-Op at Daily Raider. Halo is the game other developers are now trying to beat! Mark Rein (Unreal 2) was reported to have said: But Rein simply hinted at the amazing things around the corner (vehicles, super-high poly character models), and we were desperate for any niblet on Unreal…
Wallpaper, and Banners pages updated
Thanks to Allenthar, who has submitted a new wallpaper for our Wallpaper page, and a new banner for our Banners page. Tired of that old stuff? Grab some new stuff!
Outpost D-34 looks at Halo
Kudos to HiddenTalon, who found yet another E3 wrapup at Outpost D-34. Here’s the Halo article. They got a couple of things wrong (they described the test machines at e3 as “PIII’s with GE Force 2’s”, while in reality they had TNT2 Ultra’s in them), but the “Tribes on crack” comment is probably right on.…