My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Missing Wallpaper might come back

    Seems we were misinformed. The policy at Battleground: Halo is NOT that its staffers can’t post artwork at other sites… it’s that they can’t post artwork with BGH identifiers at other sites. It’s unclear at this point whether vector will be resubmitting his wallpapers without the BGH URL on them… but we hope so. We…

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    Blam! The Halo SETI Marinesmove up one place to 51 in the Battle of the Teams. Lots of movement in the team rankings. Brasil are still ahead but only by 2 UNITS! Can the Halo team enter the top 50by tomorrow? Join the Halo community effort today! A big welcome to Admiral Darkk who joins…

  • Happy Anniversary to

    Happy anniversary to! The Core went live one year ago yesterday… as did our forums. Talk about blasts from the past! Has it been a whole year? Wow.

  • Poll Smash at QGL

    Battleground: Halo mentions a poll at the Queensland Gamers League (northeastern Australia)… what game are you most looking forward to? Halo is currently neck and neck with Tribes 2… go see if you can swing that!

  • Gamespot says Halo is Potent

    Seen at Gamespot has added an Editors’ Choice Best of E3 2000 section… and Halo is on the list for Most Potent Action Game.

  • Battleground:Halo wallpaper removed

    We had a number of nice wallpapers from vector, of Battleground: Halo, on our Wallpaper page. Apparently, the policy of Battleground: Halo is that artwork created by one of their staffers cannot be displayed on another Halo site… so we’ve been asked to pull them. (I would have thought that BG:H would have been happy…

  • looks at Halo (the site of the Sci-Fi channel) has put up an e3 preview report… and Halo was included. They liked it. 😉 (Thanks to Cpt. Squeky, who posted this to our forum.) Pax.

  • Gamersyndicate Halo preview has a Halo preview online. No new info (they start with the text from the E3 Halo movie brochure, and move on to some basics about the gaming environment), but the presentation is pretty nice. Worth a look.

  • MonKeY MoD recruiting

    The first Halo mod team? Hmm. DwK posts to our forum about MonKeY MoD… very little info in the post or on the MonKeY MoD website, but the pic looks familiar… oh, wait. That’s my cousin. Never mind.

  • Halo Needs Women!

    Halo Needs Women! According to Matt Soell in a forum post the possibility of female characters in the game has not been ruled out. Equal opportunities please. 🙂

  • Halo SETI 24 hour stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marines are within 200 units of overtaking the Brasil team in the Club Rankings. Tomorrow? Banzif does his part, taking La Crunch Honneur, and Moomjean frogblasts over 11 competitors to be the fastest climber today. Are YOU doing your part? Check the 24 hour stats!

  • Halo 1st person view mode undecided as yet

    Halo 1st person view mode undecided as yet. The folks at Battleground Halo ask Doug Zartman the BIG QUESTION: “Will there be a 1st person view mode at all?” Doug replied:We’ve been giving it serious thought but haven’t decided on the matter yet. If we do, we’ll do it right. We try very hard not…

  • Wallpaper page updated

    New wallpaper today from vector, who sent in “The Resistance has Formed” for our Wallpaper page. They DO look mean, don’t they?

  • Matt clarifies video api issue

    Thanks go to Matt Soell, who shed a little light on the video card issue. Looks like they’re keeping it general, which means time will be spent making it look good on everything, instead of insanely great on a couple of specific cards (and mediocre everywhere else). Read the details on our forum.

  • More E3 Trailer Shenanigans

    CONFIRMATION! Yes! Someone on our forum claims to be watching the E3 trailer right now on his powerbook! Call the cops!… oh, wait… Marty O’Donnell…oh, yeah.. never mind. Sorry to have bothered you. (Go here if you need more info.)

  • E3 Bootleg Rumors

    Rumors again… Vertakk claims on our forum to have spoken to someone who has watched a bootleg E3 trailer. (Cue 80’s REO Speedwagon here… “Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who…”) Maybe… but don’t hurt yourself looking for it.

  • New Featured Squad interview at HP

    The boys of Haloplayers have put up another Featured Squad interview, this time with klown ofP.O.T.E.S. Swing on by and give it a read if you’re interested in how one of the earlier groups got their start.

  • restates their case

    Yesterday, we mentioned an article at about Halo. Several readers took offense at a line in the introduction: “… Bungie, who made a name for themselves making killer games on the abysmal MAC platform.” Dave Finlayson (among others) wrote to the article’s author… and his post to our forum shows that it CAN be…

  • PCG to distribute E3 trailer

    Scooped by with a post from our own forum! fAt1 of Total Halo posts that PC Gamer, a UK mag, will be the first UK source of the E3 trailer. It should be on their September CD, on sale at the end of July. (It’ll be out before that in the US, exclusively in…

  • Halo SETI 24 hour stats posted

    The SETI server continues to lose units… another 185 down the drain today. The Halo SETI Marines hold steady at position 52, with Brasil only 700 units ahead. Can they do it? See who’s helping on the 24 hour stats page!