Year: 2000
Story page says Kortana no bomb
Seen on the Story page… seems the report a few days ago of a bomb with a nickname of “Kortana” might not be true after all. The makers of the bomb in question have said that no nickname has been given to it either by them or by the USAF customer. Hmm… oh, well, it…
Doug says change the weather!
Serious modification, and weather… Vector, at Battleground: Halo, asked Doug Zartman anotherfew questions, and got a couple of useful answers about topics of high fan interest. Want to know the latest about game alteration, or environmental effects? Head on over and read Doug’s answers!
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
Blam!… another team bites the dust as the Halo SETI Marines climb to position 49. Woohoo! 48 coming soon… depending on when SETI decides to give back the units lost every day. (Over 200 units crunched today unaccounted for.) Check the 24 hour stats for details!
“What do you think of Halo?” asks MeccaWorld
Thanks to Claude Errera for passing on this link to a Halo page at MeccaWorld. Nothing much new other than a small poll which asks “What do you think of Halo?” So far 22% think that “Halo bites, don’t even bother!” Time to rock the poll!
May and June PCXL text up
For those not up to downloading the large image files of yesterday’s PCXL scans, we’ve transcribed the text from both articles. “Tired of Playing WIth Yourself?” (from the May issue) focuses mainly on multiplayer, while “Mission: ‘The Angels Sing'” concentrates on solo play. There were two new screenshots, which can be found in our Screenshots…
Moviemakers rejoice!
Hugh Hancock points us to a post-E3 report with a different flavor than most… what impressed the folks at most about Halo was its potential for use as a movie-making tool. This has been a topic of interesting discussion on our forum, and others… here’s a group that wouldn’t normally be interested in Halo,…
PCXL scans available
Took us a while, but we’re finally able to bring you the Halo articles in the May and June issues of PC Accelerator. Mike Salmon, Editor in Chief (okay, ex-EIC… PCXL has officially closed down), has given us permission to put these up for your viewing pleasure. Without further ado:May 2000: Page 1 (244K), Page…
No joy in usenetville
More info on the newsgroup mentioned by Simon Brownlee… seems someone screwed up royally. There was no proposal posted to alt.config, which means that many newsservers will ignore the group as “unofficial”. There’s no valid “Approved” line in the newgroup control post (the post that actually starts the group), which means that MOST servers…
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
30 units behind alt.comp.hardware.overclocking… will the Halo SETI Marines climb another notch tomorrow? Even though the SETI servers seem to be losing several hundred of their units every day, they still persevere… It’s CRUNCH TIME! Jjaro Tech knows it… do you? A warm welcome to Forty-Two and Psyche911… and welcome back to WA2FAST! Check the…
- newsgroup started
A bit earlier than some expected… but an newsgroup has been started.(It may or may not have propagated to your local server by now… be patient, if it hasn’t.) Yet another place to discuss the nooks and crannies of the Halo universe! Thanks to Simon Brownlee for the heads-up.
=NAV=Shadow looking for modellers
=NAV=Shadow writes to let us know that he hopes to put together a short 3D movie of Halo this summer… but he won’t be able to manage it alone. He’s looking for 3DS MAX modellers who might be willing to help out… contact him if you think that’s you!
Fan Fiction page updated
CUTS has submitted an interesting piece of fan fiction… who is the marine, really? Go read his thoughts on the Fan Fiction page!
Halo SETI 24 hour stats posted
The Halo SETI Marinesdig in at position #50 in the Battle of the Teams. Next on the hit list is “alt.comp.hardware.overclocking”. Their CPUs are gonna melt trying to stay ahead of us! ;)Four new recruits join the Halo community effort. A big welcome to Redhook (252 units) and Malice (107 units). Gotta love those large…
More E3 Halo scans… these are BIG!
Thanks to Beamish for posting scans of the E3 Halo movie flyer and the E3 Halo game flyer. Ok we’ve seen these before but the quality of the movie flyer is better than we’ve previously seen (you can easily read the text). E3 Halo game flyer is a biggie (1.9MBs). Grab them here:E3 Halo movie…
Look out behind you… it’s HALO.
The German GameStar site has a Special E3 Report with a number of game developers. While Bungie aren’t represented some of the pics of the developers’s are taken withGameStar’s Halo cover in the background. Nice one! :)GameStar do have a short E3 Halo report herethough.
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
Blam! The Halo SETI Marinestake out Brasil and enter the top 50 in the Battle of the Teams. Kudos all round on the great Halo community effort. Some big names next on the hit list. Team membership rises to 382 that’s an increase of four since yesterday. Join up today! Check out the combined processing…
Bungie booth babes… erm?
Marathon’s Story has got a set of links to some great Bungie booth E3 pics at MacGamer’s Ledge. Bungie like you’ve never seen them before. Who needs booth babes when you’ve got guys like this… erm. Go check the Story page for the full set of pic links or go direct to MacGamer’s Ledge E3…
New Halo screenshot on the Voodoo5 5500 AGP box?
New Halo screenshot on the Voodoo5 5500 AGP box? MAK thinks so on our forums and posts this URL to a Voodoo5 5500 AGP box pic. Thanks MAK.
Trailer Trailer at Soon
SoonTM seems to have gotten their hands on a trailer for the E3 trailer. (Not the trailer itself… a trailer for it.) Or something. Go take a look. (Thanks to Sibrax, for posting this at the forum. Pax.
Wallpaper page (re)updated
Wow, that was quick. 🙂 Vector has resubmitted his wallpaper to our Wallpaper page. Glad to have them back! Thanks to the whole BGH team for straightening all this out.