Year: 2000
PC Gamer UK Highlights
mad.max has posted some of the highlights from the PC Gamer UK article to the forum. Lots of useful little snippets… worth a read! Pax.
Total freedom in Halo is impossible!
Total freedom is impossible? According to a forum postby Bagman PC Gamer UK is claiming that Bungie have decided that total freedom in Halo is impossible. Here’s the full quote as posted by Bagman: “Bungie have decided that ‘Total Freedom’ is impossible, so have to border their levels in natural ways (for example, mountain ranges…
PC Gamer UK says March 01 too
The March 2001 date mentioned by Take 2 has been echoed by PC Gamer UK, who included an article entitled “Slippage Central” in the latest issue (page 37): Despite our ‘Done When It’s Done’ column reading “April” for Halo last month, a release date for Bungie’s handsome project has never been particularly clear. But Kieron…
Take 2 says March 2001
Massa, from Halo Network, sends word that he contacted Take 2 recently to clarify the GameStar reported release date of “early 2001”, and they told him that the current date was March 2001. Ouch!
Yes ANOTHER new Halo screenshot
Whoa! The London offices of HBO snagged us a copy of PC Gamer UK July 2000. We’re not worthy… we’re not worthy! They also scanned in a full page Halo marine pic not previously seen on the net. Go grab it here before we’re raided! Much to our amazement they ripped the mag apart to…
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
No movement by the Halo SETI Marinesin the SETI league. We keep crunchin’ but so dothe other teams. It’s tough in the top 50. Team memberships still remains at 404 marines. Banzif and SkyHook take top credits again. Full details on the 24 hour stats page.
Marathon… or not?
Came in last night… but we were slacking. Joseph Haake did a bit of image enhancement work on the Bob commander’s hat, posted yesterday at Haloplayers. It’s his opinion that the symbol there is not the Marathon symbol. He reminds us, though, that it was a small image, seen from only one angle. Decide for…
Wallpaper page updated
Another pair of screens from Private Meowman… quite the prolific screenmaker! You’ll find them on our Wallpaper page.
Halo-based Fantasy
A “fantasy-based siege warfare title” based on the Halo engine? That’s what NextGen says Bungie is working on, according to ZeroRage on our forum. Interesting stuff…
Marathon-like logo on Commander’s hat
The Marathon-Halo link again… silverfox, on the forum, has noticed a Marathon-like logo on the hat in one of the new PC Gamer screens. What’s going on here?
New Screens at Haloplayers
Haloplayers has posted small scans of the new PC Gamer screenshots… these seem to be screen grabs from the E3 trailer. Take a look! (And when you’re done, swing by, where Ferrex has posted a quick synopsis of the four pics.)
Jones FPP quote expanded
Jenkz of Haloplayers has posted the rest of the paragraph that Jason Jones quote came from.”One fundamental change from the game’s initial announcement concerns its viewpoint. While originally it was promised to be a third-person game, now a more hybrid approach has been chosen. The exact ration of the two modes hasn’t been finalised -…
Doug says Tools: Yes!
A post on our forum which announces a new mod team for Halo contains this phrase: “After […] a e-mail from Doug Zartman saying Halo ships with everything needed to make a mod…” Bad grammar aside, confirmation that tools WILL ship with Halo is a positive thing. 🙂
Latest PCGamer UK has Halo spread
Haloplayers has gotten their hands on the latest issue of PCGamer UK… with a 5-page Halo spread inside. Four new screenshots, and some interesting info, including this quote:”Jason [Jones] believes that the balance is moving increasingly towards the first person model.” Now THERE’S a switch. Here’s hoping Haloplayers gets permission to post this soon.
July PC Games (german) has Halo preview
Christoph Schmidt points out that the latest (July) issue of the German PC Games is devoted to E3, and will contain a preview of Halo. Looking forward to seeing this!
More grist for the Fan Fiction page
An impressive piece of fiction showed up this morning… took a while to format it, but it was worth it. Take a look at Storm, from Alan Seawright, on our Fan Fiction page! We’re loving that the fan fiction section has come alive again.
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted.
The Halo SETI Marinesare 2189 units behind the SETI-Hispano team in the SETI team ranks. Got some crunchin’ to do to get past these guys. Team memberships remains at 404 marines. Banzif and SkyHook takes top credits this time round. Full details on the 24 hour stats page.
Wallpaper page updated
Another pair of desktops from Joel Loukus… nice space-type pics. You can find them on our Wallpaper page.
Halo preview at
Uros Jojic (IGNPC European Content Editor) sends us word of a new Halo preview at The basis for the preview is the E3 trailer, so the info’s not that new… but the perspective is. Here you have a review written by a hardcore gamer who’s excited not because Halo looks great or has kickass…
Halo-related image at the Story page
Over at the Marathon’s Story page, another interesting picture has surfaced. An alternate cover of a book called “Armor” (one of the original codenames for Halo) has an image of soldiers dropping from a dropship with no parachutes… quite a lot like we understand Halo works. Hmm… Pax.