My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Teaser, not full Trailer

    Clarification: Seems what Daily Radar and 3D Action Gamers are distributing is a teaser for the full trailer, not the Trailer itself. Still pretty awesome, though… Absolutely worth the download.

  • E3 Trailer available

    Halo Trailer Available: Jeremy Roush sends word that Daily Radar has put up the E3 Trailer. It’s quite small, compared to what we were told… there’s a 26 meg version and a 13 meg version. Go grab it now! And we just received word that 3D Action Gamers has put up a mirror for it,…

  • Fatbabies says maybe

    You want fat rumors, go to Seems the MS buyout rumor has made it out of the Bungie fansite community. (As fatbabies says, “Bungie has not commented on the rumor.”) Thanks to Darcy Brockbank for the heads-up.

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marinesare 50 units behind HardwareCentral in the Battle of the Teams. A big push and we can take them. The team lost a marine today ReddyStupidity[Moof!][G3] (290 units). If you find him report him to your nearest Halo fire base. Jjaro tech and Nick-Danger take top honors. Full details on the 24…

  • Wallpaper page updated

    More submissions from fire phoenix… this time, it’s a pair of nice desktops for our Wallpaper page. These were originally created for Halo Center… but he can’t find them there. Tasty!

  • SETI@Home improves personal stats

    Thanks to Banzif, who points out on our forum that the personal stats pages on the SETI@Home server have been vastly improved. You can now see your last 10 workunits submitted (including spikes and gaussians found). Very cool! Maybe this will energize those team members who haven’t been submitting units? Pax.

  • Logos page updated

    Fire Phoenix sends along another logo for us… pretty spiffy, I’d say! Check it out on our Logos page.

  • Even developers want Halo!

    You knew the world loves ’em, but it never hurts to hear it again. Massa, of Halo Network, sends along word that the July issue of GameStar magazine (in Germany) contains a small feature, in which 50 top developers were asked “What game are you looking forward to?” Halo placed third, with 6 votes… beaten…

  • Fan Fiction page updated

    $erial-ki!!A has submitted the first three chapters of what looks to be a very long work of fan fiction… you’ll find them on our Fan Fiction page. (You can read them sequentially by following the “More by this author” link at the end of each entry.) If you like it, send him mail… he’ll release…

  • Halo SETI Team 24 hour stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marines crunch valiantly, but lose almost 250 units to the SETI Black Hole. Banzif and Dash take top honors… details on the 24 hour stats page.

  • PCGamer UK to release E3 Trailer in UK

    Haloplayers has gotten confirmation from PCGamer UK that the September issue (on sale July 31) will contain the E3 trailer. UK Halo fans now know where they’re getting the trailer from! (No word yet on the US carrier.)

  • European Halo League wants you!

    Tim Jenks PR Officer at Haloplayers sends us this PR snippet:After noticing a large increase in European based Halo squads, we’re just reminding people of the European Halo League – a league ready to go as soon as the game is here. – We currently have a large number of European squads already signed up…

  • Best Action Game, says Game Critics Awards

    As mentioned on, Game Critics Awards planned on announcing their Best of E3 awards tonight. They’re up… and Halo got a mention or two. Best Action Game and Runner-Up for Best Game, PC, specifically. Here’s what they had to say:Shown to only a select few at E3 ’99, Halo has been building buzz all…

  • Time, once again, for poetry

    Another poetry thread has started up on our forum. Go and contribute! (I particularly like this one. It’s fun.)

  • Halo SETI Team 24 hour stats posted

    Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines lose a spot int the Club Rankings to the fast-climbing Hardware Central team. Can they get it back? Still only a third of the team turning in units… Banzif easily takes la Crunch Honneur, and Dr. Raw Stag Footrot FRACS and PunkRocker tie for the Frogblast award. Full details on…

  • Orbit’s been dead for a while

    This has come up a few times, so it bears mentioning here. Orbit, a site which started up in early January, closed its doors on May 2nd, 2000. We neglected to mention the closure on our front page, but we DID move the Orbit link to the Static section at that point. (You can read…

  • Halo mod website goes live

    Posted to our forum yesterday, but we missed it amongst the rumor-mongering and name-calling. Jex has put up a website for what seems to be the first announced Halo mod… Macross + Halo. Not much there yet… but he’s looking for lots of help. Coders, modellers, texture guys, level designers, sound guys… and someone to…

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Mhaddy, of the Junkyard, has submitted a wallpaper for our Wallpaper page. Not strictly Halo… but then, neither is the Junkyard. Available in more sizes than you’ll know what to do with.

  • Halo font abuse on the Marathon’s Story page

    More Halo font impropriety spotted over at the Marathon’s Story page. Harry “the Tome” Al-Shakarchi found a German web page forAxe Phoenix deodorant which uses the Halo font. The Story page has been reporting about this flagrant abuse of Bungie’s Halo font for some time now. Go get ’em Bungie!

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marineshang on to position #48 in the Battle of the Teamsbut HardwareCentral are right behind us. Some good crunchin’ by one third of the team but is it enough? Can we hold out?Team membership rises to 414 marines. Banzif and SkyHook take top honors. Full details on the 24 hour stats page.