My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Microsoft buy Bungie.

    Microsoft buy Bungie. Halo for X-box. The rumors were true. ‘Nuff said.

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    Blam! The Halo SETI Marinestake out the SETI-Hispano team and move up to position #48 in the Battle of the Teams. Hey some good news this weekend. Banzif and Rival go hell for leather and take top honors. FunkyB (48 units) and Shockadelica (17 units) enter the top 300. Full details on the 24 hour…

  • comes online

    Woohoo! In this time of stress for Bungie fans Pax Nimbus has created a wonderful smile-inducer…! Check it out.”It’s absolutely, positively, a website.”     – Salon Pax.

  • Ferrex Interview at the Corporation

    The Corporation, a UK gaming site with a twist, has interviewed Tyson Green, aka Ferrex (Dead), of, on the Microsoft/Bungie situation. Definitely worth a read. Pax.

  • updated

    Another German Halo site, (not to be confused with, which came online yesterday), has updated their design. Take a look! Pax.

  • MGL says MS for sure

    MacGamers’ Ledge has done some sleuthing, and reports that they’ve ‘confirmed many of the details’ of the MS acquisition rumors. Their news article contains information on what might be happening with some of the larger players. Thanks to Tom Bridge for the heads-up.

  • Fan Fiction page updated

    $erial-ki!!A has added a fifth chapter to his ongoing Halo saga; you’ll find “The First Wave” on our Fan Fiction page. This might be the last chapter for a bit… summer holidays and all.

  • Ex-Bungie employee opines on our forum

    Jonathan Haas, a former Bungie employee (who left a few months ago to join a startup), weighs in on the MS/Bungie firestorm, with some very level-headed views. Worth a read by all…

  • Halo Mac comes online (sort of)

    Jerry Nummi writes to tell us that Halo Mac is a new clan page. There doesn’t seem to be anything there but a Flash front page so far, but maybe the other pages are coming soon.

  • comes online

    Scytale writes to tell us that is online. Check it out!

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marineshold tight to position #49 in the Battle of the Teams. We might take the SETI-Hispano team this weekend but we need more marines in the field. Still only a third of the team on active service. Jjaro tech and ABordner take top honors again. Full details on the 24 hour stats…

  • More rumors for your money.

    More rumors for your money. Thanks to PUnk for spotting two alternative views to the rumored Microsoft-Bungie buyout one at PS2IGN and the other at XBoxIGN.

  • Halo in PCGamer (UK)

    Halo in PCGamer (UK). Haloplayers have posted a small pic of the cover of the July edition of PCGamer (UK). It sports the Halo marine in action. According to Jenkz of Haloplayers the July edition will have some exclusive Halo coverage.

  • Daily Radar pipes up

    Daily Radar weighs in, too.

  • GameSpy joins the MS speculation crowd

    Speculation intensifies about the Microsoft rumors. GameSpy devoted almost its full news page to the conjecture. (Thanks to ax for the heads-up.)

  • Halo in MacFormat (UK)

    Halo in MacFormat (UK). Kudos to Phish who sends word that Halo features in the latest issue of MacFormat (UK). Not only that but Phish scanned in the front cover and transcribed the text. We can’t put it all up but here’s the first paragraph:The game that generated the most excitement at last month’s E3…

  • gaming poll

    Edgecrusher sends word that have a gaming poll to crush. Lots of games to choose from but there can be only one!

  • HBO user stats: 45.4% MacOS, 50.8% Windows, 3.8% Other.

    Louis did some HBO server stats and posted the percentage of Windows and Mac OS users to theforums. We felt the figures were worth repeating here:45.4% MacOS50.8% Windows (31% Win98, 11% Win95, 7% NT, 2% Win2000)The remainder is various flavors of Unix, and 6 WebTV hits, and 3 Amiga hits. (!!) Ok who has the…

  • hacked?

    Believe it or not! Matthew Liebhold reports claim they were hacked last night and their Bungie-MS buyout details were deleted from their server. Yeah right. Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em.

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    The SETI team ranks still haven’t been updated so we don’t know where the Halo SETI Marinesare placed at the moment. Some fine crunchin’ by Jjaro tech and ABordner takes the Frogblast award. Still only a third of marines are doing active service. We could do with some back-up people. Full details on the 24…