My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • “What do you think of Microsoft buying out Bungie?” poll

    noddy99 sends us this news item:There is a poll at asking the question, “What do you think of Microsoft buying out Bungie?” and the overwhelming majority of respondents show their dislike for the purchase.Thanks noddy99. Since this is a Mac site no big surprises on the outcome.

  • Halo thumbs not taken from E3 trailer

    Jeremy Roush comments upon the Halo thumbs we posted yesterday:Just so ya know… neither thumb is from the trailer shown at E3, as the Green Marine is never among the other troops in such a fashion. He snipes the aliens in the opening shots, and then reappears to save the lone surviving Bob in the…

  • There is always a Plan B

    Matt expands on his comments of last night in this forum post. Once again, it’s not a promise to do ANYTHING, but a common sense argument that if the X-box fails, PC/Mac development is always there as a fallback. And while the inference can be made that “since it IS a fallback position, it won’t…

  • Marathon’s Story scoops with a concept art pic of new Halo aliens.

    Marathon’s Story scoops with a concept art pic of new Halo aliens. The pic comes from PCZone Benelux (Dutch gaming mag). D’n’A mentioned this mag on our forums last Thursday and we’re working on bringing you the official pics courtesy of PCZone themselves. The mag also features a Halo developer’s diary. Lots of meat for…

  • Close, but no cee-gar

    That Wirehead has sharp eyes. He noticed that the thumbnail included in last week’s PC Gamer buyout analysis was close, but not the same as, the thumbnail included in last month’s Newsweek article. Seems both groups had access to the base material (probably the E3 trailer). Here’s the two shots, for you to compare on…

  • John Scott comments on John Carmack’s X-box comments

    John Scott of Raven Software commenting on John Carmack’s X-box comments atSlashdot said:Cross platform compatibility is exactly what MS do not want. They wantexclusivity to their console, or at the very least exclusivity to their OSes. They will make money from XBox game sales, and do not make any from PC game sales. MS could…

  • XBox not a requirement

    It’s not gonna happen… but it’s nice to know it COULD. In response to a question on our forum about what Microsoft would do if Bungie decided that Halo wouldn’t work as an XBox title, Matt Soell said this:This question actually came up when we were discussing the deal. According to Alex, we’d make no…

  • Incite Mag to close down

    Seen at Blue’s News: Incite, the magazine that has brought us several of the juiciest Halo bits over the past few months, is closing its doors. Who’s next?

  • Carmack on the X-box

    Spotted at Halo Vault: John Carmack commented on the X-box over at Slashdot. Here’s his first post, and his second. One interesting excerpt, which might explain how Microsoft hopes to compete against PC hardware one year out:The X-Box should be able to keep up for a while, because you can usually expect to get about…

  • One Total Halo goes down, another comes up

    Total Halo, once a source of unique Halo news and art, has gone offline. We’ll miss you, guys. In totally unrelated news, a new site, coincidentally namedTotal Halo, has come online… not much there yet, but growing.

  • Wallpaper page updated

    HazardOpC has sent in a new desktop for our Wallpaper page. Good to know the artwork continues unabated!

  • Double Blam! from the Halo SETI Marines

    Double Blam! The Halo SETI Marines climb to position #46 in the Battle of the Teams. SETI techs final update the team rankings page. Team membership also rises to 429 recruits. Keep the pressure on marines! Help in the search for the Covenant!

  • PC Gamer says hmmmm….

    Kudos to Yrro, at Halo Center, who noticed that PC Gamer had put up an article on the MS/Bungie issue. What is most interesting to me about this is the tone of betrayal expressed by Rob Smith, Editor-in-Chief of PC Gamer:That’s right. The subject of an in-depth three page preview in the August issue of…

  • 22,000+ say Halo for Mac and PC please

    More than 22,000 have now signed the Halo petitionto urge the Bungie Halo team to continue and complete development of the PC and Mac versions of Halo. Please aid the cause.

  • Join the Halo SETI Marines

    The Halo SETI Marines keep crunchin’ away but the SETI team rankingshaven’t been updated since last Tuesday. What’s up with that? Team membership stands at 426 recruits and Banzif is heading for that magic 7777 unit number. Help in the search for the Covenant!

  • Viceland looks at the deal

    Mentioned on yesterday, but we slipped until Douglas Long tweaked us… Viceland has put up their take on the MS/Bungie deal. Hmm. Warning: if you work at a puritanical company, don’t visit this site from there.

  • Story page shirts available only at fanfest

    Man, that Crux… first he’s off by an order of magnitude on the petition (understandable, he’s using a 9″ screen, and has it set to 1600×1200), now he gets the Shirt Story wrong. Seems the Story page t-shirts aren’t sold out… they aren’t sold, period. Jon Chang isn’t allowed to sell them by mail, so…

  • Fan Fiction page updated

    Antares has posted part 2 of an ongoing story on our forum… you can also read it on our Fan Fiction page. And remember… the ‘More by this author’ link on that page will allow you to read all segments sequentially.

  • 20000+ signatures at

    Thanks to Majid “X” Manzarpour who points out on our forums that there are now 20000+ signatures at We have to agree with Majid it’s a “landmark figure”. Go sign up if you haven’t already. Bungie are paying close attention to it. Let them know we want Halo for the PC and Mac.

  • Story page t-shirts sold out

    “Story page t-shirts sold out” says Hamish. All 49 of the shirts for the Macworld New York Bungie Fanfest 2000have been pre-ordered. Let’s hope they do another print run. Go read the seven reasons why you should have a Marathon’s Story t-shirt.