My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Fan Fiction page updated

    New Halo Fan Fiction, from Bob Brown. The mystery of the ring… solved?

  • Halo SETI Team stats up (again)

    Two weeks ago, we decided (after watching several big crunchers disappear) that we didn’t want to watch the Halo SETI Marines implode… so we stopped analyzing the daily statistics. We’ve gotten a bunch of mail suggesting this might not have been our most popular move… and the Marines HAVE stopped the hemorrhage, by and large.…

  • The Redmond Riots on



    If you have an hour to spend and high bandwidth head on over to Soon(tm) and read the Redmond Riots. A series of reactions (some serious, some amusing, some gagable) to the Microsoft buyout of Bungie. Warning parental guidance advised.

  • Are the Covenant and Halo ring builders connected?



    Are the Covenant and Halo ring builders connected? Hamish over at theMarathon’s Story page cranks out oodles of speculation on the Covenant and their mission. Is messing with Jjaro tech heresy and could the Halo marine really be Salman Rushdie? And while you’re there check out that 7 reference on the side of the dropship.…

  • The Halo knife



    What every Halo marine should carry – the Halo knife. Thanks to Greg Koenig for this item of information. Parental guidance advised.

  • Floating guns

    Running through the e3 movie again, we noticed a bizarre thing… we documented it on this page. If you have any comments about the subject, post them to our forum!

  • Halo SETI Marines take back position #47

    Blam! The Halo SETI Marinestake back position #47 in the Battle of the Teams. It was tough crunchin’ marines but we got there. Kudos all round. Team membership now stands at 440 that’s an increase of four new recruits since yesterday. Excellent! Let’s keep the pressure up and watch out for those Covenant airborne battalions.…

  • Guns. Lots of guns.



    Guns. Lots of guns. Halowar has added a Weapons Guide to their site. Just the ticket for a rainy Sunday. The Covenant Sniper Rifle isn’t featured yet in their Guide though. For more guns action check out the updated weapons page in our FAQ and there is also our Guns Analysis page from some time…

  • Daily Radar interview with Chris Taylor on Xbox and PC game development



    The future of PC games development is the subject again in a Daily Radar interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games. Chris offered the same views as John Carmack (see yesterday’s news). Here’s a snippet: DR: Recently, a lot of high-profile PC developers have said that they are shifting their focus to next-generation consoles…

  • High PC Gamers scan at Battleground Halo



    Battleground Halo has upped two higher quality scans from the Halo preview in PC Gamer Aug2000. You can now get a clearer picture of the new red Covenant craft and the Covenant sniper rifle. Thanks BGH.

  • Some interesting forum posts to note



    Just a heads up on some interesting posts in our forums: Anthor posts an interesting list of rants and raveson the E3 Halo movie. Thanks to SkyFire360 for pointing us to this one.TOPGUNN123 notes disappearing bodiesin the E3 Halo movie. It’s not clear how persistent objects will be in Halo but I did find dead…

  • Miscellaneous Art page updated

    Thanks to bibendum, who submitted a nice rendition of froggy for our Miscellaneous Art page. He looks so comfortable!

  • Halo-Net Shop has non-bungie halo stuff

    The Halo-Net Shop is now selling t-shirts… and they’re taking no chances.we’re now printing the Halo Shirts, which have artwork which is fully original to Halo-Net, none of the content is by Bungie , so hopefully they can’t make any complaint about it.Go on over to the shop and have a look @ the overview…

  • Marty O’Donnell clarifies some points about the E3 Halo movie



    Marty O’Donnell of Total Audio offers some points of clarification about the E3 Halo movie on our forums. Here’s what the had to say: A few points of clarification: 1. The movie on the PCG CD is a copy of the full DVD movie from E3. The show at E3 also included Joseph Staten doing…

  • Halo SETI Marines drop two places from #46 to #48

    Dink! The Halo SETI Marinesdrop two places from #46 to #48 in the Battle of the Teams. While we’ve got 436 recruits we’ve also lost some big crunchers. Banzif is the latest to stop crunchin’. Unless we get more marines crunchin’ units we’re going to start losing out big time. Don’t let the team down……

  • John Carmack speaks his mind on Xbox

    John Carmack gives his views on Xbox and the future of gaming on the PC in an IGN Xbox interview. Here’s a snippet: IGN Xbox: Would you ever consider doing original content for a console? JC: There are some pleasures to developing on a console that you don’t get on a PC, but I Would…

  • Xbox technology-head speaks!

    Xbox technology-head, Seamus Blackley, discusses console hard drives and why developers are having an Xbox love affair in an IGN Xbox interview. Here’s a snippet: IGN Xbox: Did you have the same problem convincing developers of themerits of the Xbox that you did convincing the general public? SB: No, I think that the main problem…

  • Future of the online Bungie fan community



    Matt Soell has a few words to say about the XBox, keyboards and the future of the online Bungie fan community on the Marathon’s Story page. Will the Xbox have a keyboard? The PS2 will have one. As Hamish would say ‘Veritatem Dies Aperit’ or something.

  • Halo-Net Shop Controversy



    Alan Stott of Halo Centerwrites to say he has posted a full explanation of events in the Halo-Net Shop Controversy. Having said all this they are still taking pre-orders for the Halo Stickers it seems?

  • Game Guru: Reflections on Bungie and Microsoft



    Nate Birkholz airs his views on the situation between Bungie and Microsoft in a MacCentral article called Game Guru: Reflections on Bungie and Microsoft. Here’s a great quote:Large publishers are, by nature, somewhat conservative, and they prefer to maintain a healthy measure of control. Most developers hear at first that things aren’t going to change,…