My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Author: mnemesis

  • Lock and Load

    Kevin634 writes to point out a Halo 2-themed comic in the Toronto Daily Star. Hehe, that is SO my son right now. 😉

  • The Last Halo LAN? Never!

    Former Bungie community flame-meister and current Bungie intern Shishka has offered a write-up of the recent Fall Foliage: Crisp Death LAN gathering held at Castle Wu. Last LAN party, though? Time will tell, I suppose. Check it out, and thanks to James Phelps for the notice.

  • I Loved Bees

    The (massive) chat transcript of the Ilovebees PM Chat has been made available here. Get comfy and prepare for a long read, then hit that link! Thanks to Steve Patterson for the heads-up.

  • Local Lad Makes Good

    Ontario’s London Free Press has an article on enigmatic Cananimator Nathan “bentllama” Walpole, a native of that fine city. Some good background there, for all you Llama-fans. 😉 Thanks go to NiZZZZ for the mention. Update: Just to give credit where it was due – Steve Patterson sent in a scan (202K) of this article…

  • The Rivas Report, pt. II

    Ace unpaid and unofficial reporter John Rivas notes that IGN’s latest countdown article deals with the ILB experience, which apparently ended last night. More news as events warrant.

  • The Rivas Report

    John Rivas writes to mention that Gamespot has an article (as does IGN) that discusses a few stores in the midwestern states that may or may not have broken the retail date embargo. Before you go careening down the highway, crossing state lines, evading the various law enforcement agencies of the land, and ending up…

  • Of Music and Sound

    It’s day four of Gamespy’s weeklong Halo 2 coverage, and today they’ve got an interview with Bungie’s resident maestro, Marty O’Donnell. Thanks to John Rivas for the heads-up.

  • Must… Chat… On… Forum…

    Spud from Haloplanet wants to remind anyone who is jonesing for some Halo 2 discussion that they’ve been doing a hell of a job keeping their forums leak-free, and are justifiably proud of their efforts. If you’ve been looking for a place to discuss the Halo universe, but don’t want to get spoiled, give them…

  • Aussie Halo 2 Love

    James Swinbanks writes from Australia to let us know that there’s an online Halo 2 article at the Sydney Morning Herald site. He also wants to let us know that the Australian OXM has a big 13-page article on the game, and that it received (what else?) a 10/10. 🙂 Thanks, James!

  • Halo 2 on SpikeTV

    Mid33 sends word that Spike TV will be featuring Halo 2 today on this week’s Ultimate Gamer, and that they’ve got a teaser of the show online. It’s footage that’s been mostly seen before, but that shouldn’t stop you. Go to it!

  • More new miniscreens

    Once again, Adam Daniel has extracted the latest four images from the Listening Station interface. You can grab them here, here, here, and here. Don’t let that stop you from visiting Nile’s site, though.

  • The Schwagging Continues

    More new stuff at the Bungie Store for you. Looks like a white Halo 2 logo tee and a new mad cool brain sponge. Check it out! Update: There’s also a Dry Tech jersey. Woo woo.

  • Take the Blue Pill… er, Helmet

    Matt Geuther, latex-mask-maker extrordinaire, was so impressed by the 2000+ hits he got to his already closed eBay auction (noted here the other day), that he went and set up auctions for another green helmet, a red one, and a blue one. Halloween may be a whole year away, but now’s the perfect time to…

  • Everyone Loves A Good Story

    For day 3 of their weeklong Halo 2 coverage, Gamespy managed to wrangle an interview with Bungie’s Cinematic Director, Joe Staten. Lots of great, non-spoiler stuff in there. Go read! Thanks to John at Gamespy for the info.

  • TalkXbox Reviews Plantronics

    JMan of TalkXbox writes to let us know they’ve got a review of the new Plantronics Halo 2 Xbox Live headset over on their site. There’s some good info in there, so check it out!

  • Ho! Ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Lie! Stab!

    There’s a new B.Net Top Story, “The Bungie Guide to Game Modes – Part One: Swords”. You’ve still got a few weeks to prepare yourselves, so get reading! Thanks to Anubis for the heads-up.

  • Rockets On Prisoner Results

    Wolfy writes to let us know that the Rockets On Prisoner awards for 2004 have been decided. Check ’em out! There’s some real entertainment in that bunch.

  • 1.5 Million Trillion Bazillion

    This was basically covered yesterday by noted globe-trotting gadfly Louis Wu, but enough people sent in mail noticing a particular bit of info in the latest press release for Halo 2. Apparently, over 1.5 million copies have already been pre-ordered. If you’re one of those dedicated pre-consumers, you can sigh contentedly with satisfaction, knowing you’ve…

  • Bungie Store Updated

    James Phelps noticed that the Bungie Store is now offering pre-ordering for three of the new Halo 2 figures. Now’s your chance to ensure you get the Brute, the new MC, and the Warthog. Update: Doh! There’s a new Master Chief Hoody, too. Thanks, Dave. The store’s filling out nicely!

  • Leaky Pipes

    As noted by the errant Louis Wu (who shamelessly noticed it first on, Evergreen98 at the Junkyard has a reflection on the Halo 2 leak and the community response to it. It’s an insightful read (not sure about the comparison to downloading music – NOTHING about the transmittal of intellectual property over the internet…