My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Author: mnemesis

  • Microsoft Nihilists to have Last Laugh?

    Supertoy sends word that AICN is reporting (with back-up from Variety) that Fox and Universal have partnered to purchase the Alex Garland Halo script mentioned earlier this week. Not like it wasn’t going to get bought by somebody, right?

  • Plains, Trains, and High Charity

    Ender Illes also attended Luke Timmins’ presentation at the University of Utah, and wrote up a bit more detailed synopsis on our forum. Sounds like a great talk from Luke, and thanks to Ender for the detailed info (at least as much as he was comfortable sharing)! 😉

  • I’m Not The Jerk, You’re The Jerk, Jerk.

    The latest from Red vs Blue, episode 54, “Hello My Name Is Andrew,” is available for sponsors over on their video page. Dubious mathematics, a new epithet for the human race, and a brand-new character (among other things) are all available now for sponsors. If you’re not a sponsor, look for it in a few…

  • Ze Boss, Ze Boss!

    Broadcast Gamer, run by longtime Bungie community member MC Wilson, aka Nijhazer, has an audio interview with our own Claude Errera covering a wide range of Bungie (and Bungie.Org)-related topics, including the upcoming Halo 2 content, eternally lingering Marathon fan projects, sneaky Russians single-handedly reverse engineering older Bungie games, and an old Bungie.Org friend, Pierre.…

  • How I Saved Christmas

    Red Vs Blue have released episode 53, “Let’s Come To Order” for sponsors over at their site. Louis would have posted this, but he’s off monkeying around about somewhere.

  • Bungie Bails Boring Building Block!

    It seems that Bungie is moving out of their Microsoft offices and into a hundred-year-old hardware store in nearby Kirkland. According to the article: "The team is running out of space and is relocating to maintain team camaraderie that they’ve had since moving from Chicago."…

  • Bungie Bails Boring Building Block!

    It seems that Bungie is moving out of their Microsoft offices and into a hundred-year-old hardware store in nearby Kirkland. According to the article: "The team is running out of space and is relocating to maintain team camaraderie that they’ve had since moving from Chicago."…

  • Weekly What’s Update

    A small but informative update this week, over on Bungie.Net. An announcement about a big announcement about DLC, specific info on upcoming cheat and bug fixes, some humonguous stats, and a pretty sad Mister Chief. Like that’s any different. Check it out!

  • Conversations %%! Universe

    Included with the Limited Edition of Halo 2 was a booklet titled, “Conversations From The Universe,” detailing a few choice bits of interactions between various entities within the Halo universe. A number of folks have mentioned this booklet, and some of the information it contained, in forum posts over the last few months. Over at…


    The Bungie Weekly What’s Update is up, and boy is Frankie mad. Steaming mad. Luckily for us, however, he put aside his boiling rage long enough for another peek into the vast intellectual emptiness that is his mailbox, some answers to some questions, and an old-skool Mister Chief, simple-style.

  • Store Stocks Sufficient Swag! Spend Simoleons!

    The Bungie Store has re-stocked some of their supplies, so if you’re in the mood for a tall, cool drink in a Legendary Beer Stein while wearing the stylish Bucket Hat, go to it. Also available (finally), Drone, MC, White Spartan, and Warthog action figures! Woo!

  • Brian Jarrard Interview

    Singapore news site The Electric New Paper has an interview with Brian Jarrard, Bungie’s Community Guy. Will the Master Chief stop the Covenant? Will there be a Halo 3? A Halo movie? Check it out, and see for yourself! (Heh, not that there are many answers, mind you, but there might be a few hints……

  • Another Accolade

    Dzejms writes to point out that “Pete Parsons & the Bungie Crew” have won the Wired Rave award mentioned here recently.

  • What, you can make movies with this thing?

    A couple of interesting (to me, anyway) movies popped up recently on our forum. The first, mentioned by nof, was done by Blackstar and stars the HBO Lekgolos in a send-off to one of their own. That Blackstar sure knows his stuff. The second was put together by Hikaru-119 as a sort of tribute to…

  • The Old Multi-Blind, Running Slide Sequence

    Jump Tactics, mentioned here a few times before, has released a whole mess of styles vids via their forum. Give ’em a look and see if they don’t improve your pouncing panache, your vaulting verve, your evading élan. They may possibly help you jump better, too.

  • Charity Down Under

    Hep, from Aussie Xbox, writes to tell us of an article on their site detailing the results of the charity Halo 2 tournament, held this last week on the 12th, that we’d previously mentioned. Check out the final stats, plus all the tons of great prizes from Logitech, Xbox, and Netgear and the fun being…

  • Please Stand By

    Somebody was messing around in one of the sub-basements where some of the servers are. This somebody apparently spilled their drink, or possibly some soup, all over a bunch of arcane equipment I can’t understand. Anyway, some sections here are offline for awhile, like Tips, the Story Page, and maybe some others. I blame Crux.

  • Vindication

    Unable to pass up a golden opportunity, and with a bunch of other great stuff to boot, Jillybean takes time out from her busy schedule to update the Story Page once again.

  • Get the Stuff on the Stiff

    Once again it’s time to drag our old friend Stubbs the Zombie out from behind the curtain to see how he’s decomposing. Not only have we got a Q&A with Alex Seropian on Wideload’s upcoming game, but three tasty, delicious, new screenshots for you as well. Dig in!…

  • Schwagtacular!

    The Bungie Store has even more new stuff for you to covet. Now, the hotly-anticipated Art of Halo Coffee Table Book has been added, along with a few notepads. Go! Buy! Read! Write! Update: fullbore points out that anybody interested in getting an autographed/personalized copy of this book can buy one through Olympic Cards and…