My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • TalkXbox takes a longer look at Halo 2

    coolp, using the time he spent playing Halo 2 at PAX as a starting point, wrote up a pretty extensive ‘Hands-On Halo 2’ article over at TalkXbox. Go see if there’s anything you didn’t know.

  • Analysing spit for hormones

    Interesting article over at the BBC on the science of human physiology as affected by video game playing. Halo is mentioned as a prime example of why there’s motivation for this. Looks like first notice for this came from hminn.

  • Final Push Day Is Here

    The Bungie Weekly Update can be found today over on the HaloPlanet forum, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know about satan’s underwear drawer, barking helicopters, and elastic-waist pants. Or, at least what Frankie thinks of those things. Just about one month left for development!

  • All No Passport members removed

    Hey all, just a note to let ya know that anyone who has not yet linked their account to a microsoft passport has been removed from this chapter. I assumed you were an inactive member. Remember you can always request membership again when you have your passport….

  • 7th Column Maintenance

    The 7th column will be going down next week. Check it here: Halo 2 is only a couple months away. We’ll get some more LAN parties going once that happens. Projectors and everything. Promise….

  • Halo Babies gets out the content

    Last update for a while. This one points out the new content at Halo Babies… there’s lots of it. A new strip, new strip backgrounds that can be used by folks interested in making guest strips, and a new reality-show-type video chronicling more of the Seattle trip in the Sponsors section (bandwidth 30+ mb movies…

  • Gamestop booklet on Halo 2

    cDringer scanned a nice-looking freebie he found at Gamestop – it’s the same image that OXM is using on their October cover. (I’ve replaced the original 1 mb gif with a smaller jpeg, but otherwise, his post is as it was.) The press continues…

  • Seventh Column to undergo major changes

    Ouch. There’s a long story over on, talking about the long-awaited upgrade to the Seventh Column; starting next Tuesday, it’ll be down for 1-2 weeks for the upgrade, and when it comes back, there’ll be lots and lots of changes. This is bad news for the HBO Junkies, which was actually using one of…

  • Canadians get a shot at goodies

    Are you a legal resident of Canada, 17 or over by October 4? If you are, you have a shot at some cool Halo-related goodies from the Famous Players website. Visit the contest page for details, and don’t forget to check the Rules page for all the nitty-gritty. themanlydeadguy brought it to our attention.

  • Deviance

    WOW. Another really cool Halo-related image on the DeviantArt website – VegasMike (otherwise known as Adam Vehige, who won our Pillar of Art contest last year with a similar image) posted an image called ‘Halo 2’. Very, very nice. Thanks to Guardian for finding it.

  • Nature Abhors A Beam Rifle?

    No, that’s not a boot in today’s One One Se7en… it’s a – well, go read it.

  • Halo Stats – Lots of Stats

    Wow. BlackOps, of the Imperial Army clan, posted a note on the Gearbox forums, announcing a new (not quite available yet) stats system for Halo PC, based on an open-source Unreal Tournament 2003 stats tracking system. There’s a link to their own website, showing you what these stats look like; they’re amazingly complete. Check it…

  • And still MORE Wallpapers

    Another update this evening comes in the form of desktops, with 10 new items in the Wallpaper Section. Go see what you can find.

  • Friday Fanfic

    Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been around much today. I’m at a family wedding about 1500 miles from home… so updates will be scarcer than usual (unless other staffers can cover for me). I CAN, however, post some of the user-submitted content… starting with the Fan Fiction section. 5 new items tonight.…

  • Can we call him ‘Thunder’?

    A Nightmare-Armor-clad MC made ANOTHER down-under appearance, this time on a footy field in Victoria. Thanks, Brett C.

  • At least he’s not selling crack.

    Today’s Calvin and Halo is eerily reminiscent of a recent forum thread… I say ‘eerily’ since the C&H was submitted weeks ago. Dun dun dun…

  • The Library is back.

    Saint points out that The Library (his attempt to categorize everything in Halo) is back online at Thanks to him, and to Psyrixx! (The Psyjnir Complex itself is still offline, but expected back in a few weeks.)

  • The Three Towers: Complete

    High Impact Halo’s Three Towers contest has ended – congrats to the winners! Check out Ducain’s writeup on the HIH forum for details. Highlight reels will be forthcoming, it seems. (And thanks to him for the heads-up on our own forum.)

  • DVD-enhanced Strategy Guide Cancelled

    Until recently, one of the items you could plonk down money for in various online stores was the ‘Halo 2 DVD Enhanced Prima Strategy Guide’ – basically the upcoming Halo 2 Strategy Guide, bundled with a separate DVD. This item is actually still listed at, though without any real information. However, XAL sent us…

  • Art for Art’s Sake

    The original plan, a few days ago, was to post 10 desktops and 10 misc art images until the queues were empty; unfortunately, our hardware conspired against us, and this turned out to be unfeasible. I’m rotating, then; every OTHER day, there’ll be 10 new desktops, or 10 new pieces of art. Today is art…