Year: 2003
Apocalypse: Halo, part 1
Dark Helmet has started a new Halo movie series. It’s called Apocalypse: Halo, and the first installment can be downloaded from FilePlanet. It’s in WMP9 format (which means we don’t know anything more about it than what DH has said in this forum post – we can’t watch it here), and weighs in at 18.8…
Shootin’, Tex.
Yesterday, we nearly forgot to post the second Sunday strip of One One Se7en. We’re not going to make that mistake today. Monday’s strip looks at some potential problems with the new dual SMGs the Master Chief will have access to in Halo 2.
- – better because of you
SketchFactor has posted a request for feedback over on – they’re trying to find out what you like best (and least) about the services, and what new content you’d like to see. Feeback is required before July 14 – you’ve got a week! Read the whole article, then send them your well-thought-out responses.
Halo PC Interview at HomeLan Fed
HomeLan Federation spoke with Michel Bastien, producer (on the Bungie side) for Halo PC, and Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox, about progress in the development process. There’s even a tiny tidbit about the Mac version. Overall, a good read – it’ll lay out clearly what hurdles the teams faced, and how they overcame them. Thanks…
Pictures, part 1
Five submissions today for the Miscellaneous Art section. I like the charcoal MC quite a lot. Update: oops, forgot a drawing of the MC by Shishka, posted this morning in honor of Bungie day. Update 2: Man, forgetfulness must be in the air. c0ld vengeance submitted an image a while back that we never added…
Oddball Juggling
Anyone who’s played Oddball knows that if you release the ball when another player is standing in front of you, they will involuntarily pick it up. So what happens when there are a LOT of balls… and they’re all between a pair of players? Devin Olsen asked the question on our forum – and BOLL…
Blam Hotel
Merecatfish has put up a Flash ‘Hotel’ – apparently, you can send him a photo of your room (your bedroom, I guess) with Bungie stuff visible in it, and he’ll add it to a ‘room’ of the hotel. It’s in celebration of Bungie Day. The goal seems to be a collection of photographs of Bungie…
PoA writeup… still coming
Dang. Well, I’d expected to get a full writeup of the Pillar of Art gallery showing and the subsequent lanfest up and posted today… but it WAS the end of a holiday weekend. Stuff will be coming… but for those who missed it, Miguel Chavez posted pictures almost in real time yesterday, over at Bungie…
Feel the Halo Love
Hehe – check out the Xbox Boys, a bunch of guys that get together to play Halo. They’ve even got stats.
Words, words, words
Long weekend, no posting – so you’ve got 14 Fan Fiction pieces to get through: Operation Sunlight Part 3: Black, by Gruntkiller Divinity (Halo 2: Chapter 5), by Shadowrunner A World Apart Prologue, by Dark Spartan Favor the Bold (chapter 1), by Loki_25 Last Hope For Outpost Bravo: Part 1, by Spartan5000 Halo: The Scythe…
Gamelords – Halo fun in San Diego
Ben Torrence writes to tell us about GameLords, a new console gaming center in San Diego – they’re hosting a Halo tournament on August 2, 2003. Entry fee is $5, game is solo Slayer to 25 kills. Top 16 players get t-shirts, top 8 get free time on their equipment, and the winner will get…
Screenshots DB updated
Thanks to Ross Mills and oddworld18, for reminding us that the Underground Online exclusive Halo PC screenshots we mentioned a couple of weeks ago had not been added to the Screenshots database yet. Oversight rectified.
Dinner With Lara.
Gah. Stuntmutt went to the effort of creating a second Sunday Strip for One One Se7en… and I almost forgot to post it while it was still Sunday! I think I finally understand something that’s been bugging me for years…
Halo: First Strike cover art
Very nice find by Eclarap, of Halo-Game… the entry in Random House’s database for Halo: First Strike (the next Halo novel, again by Eric Nylund) has been updated with what looks to be real cover art. (On the off chance it’s NOT real, a local copy has been added here.) Nice!
Seems at little bit… drastic, don’t you think?
In what would appear to be some kind of cruel plot to raise our readers’ expectations, Finn has updated the Story page yet again! But, never fear, I’m sure we’ll be back to our slacker ways in no time. 🙂
A day of fine artwork
In less than 5 hours, the Chelsea Studio Gallery, at 515 W. 19th St. in New York City, will open its doors for the Pillar of Art gallery showing. Come by and see the submitted artwork, displayed in this lovely little gallery – the public is welcome until probably around 6 pm. (After that point,…
In Memoriam
From November 2000 through January 2002, HBO received a number of Fan Fiction submissions from Chris Cox. Much of what he wrote was submitted before our Comments section was online… but what DID get commented on was generally liked. I’d always wondered why the submissions stopped, with no word from Chris – and now I…
Wisconsin Carnage
Dave Writz writes to point out a tournament, in Rice Lake, WI, in late August. There’s not that much info at the website yet (give it a couple of days), but there is a flyer that will be posted around the area; looks like they’re shooting for 32 4-man teams. Check it out!
(Mortal) Combat Evolved.
Seeing as the Fourth was a holiday, yesterday’s One One Se7en didn’t get announced until right now – still, technically, at the home of the poster (if not via the timesystem in use at this website) the Fourth… If you have to ask what Babality is, you didn’t get the title of this strip, either.…
The hardest-working man in the Story page business
In a daring daylight raid on the Halo Story Page, mnemesis, perhaps one of the hardest working people in the family, provides still more meat for your eat- er, reading pleasure. Check it out!