My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Play Halo for free video rentals

    Live in south central Connecticut? Got nothing to do tomorrow? Tommy K’s (a video rental chain) is holding a Halo tournament at the North Haven and West Haven stores. $5 to get in, you get a free rental just for registering (so that’s most of your $5 right there)… top prize is a year’s worth…

  • Short server outage coming

    Quick heads-up (which probably won’t be read by anyone actually AFFECTED) – the datacenter this server is housed in wants to move the server to a different switch; we’re looking at about 5 minutes of downtime, maybe an hour from now. If you visit then, and can’t get in, you’ll know why. (Alternatively, if you’re…

  • I’m a gay robot.

    Red vs Blue has released Episode 13 for sponsors – and I can’t tell you much about it without spoiling stuff. Caboose, however, has proved himself to be dumber than toast. After sitting on the counter for a week. (It’ll be available to non-subscribers on Sunday. Please – don’t send us mail on Monday, telling…

  • iGames and Killtacular Classic – like PB and J

    Back in mid-May, we mentioned a tournament called the Killtacular Classic, put together by CobaltNova. Well, it seems like that tourney has joined up with iGames to become the Halo: Killtacular Classic, iGames National Championships. Looks like you’ll get another chance to call yourself ‘national Halo champion’! (Plus, if you win, you go home with…

  • IGN looks at graphics

    IGN continues their Halo PC coverage with an article about Halo Graphics. (It’s available to all, not just Insiders.) It includes a five-question interview with Randy Pitchford about the visuals. (They say 4, but there are 5. Weird.) Interesting tidbit – “I tend to run in 1600×1200, but the game can go higher.” That’s definitely…

  • HJP intro trailer preview thingy

    Dinky writes that HaloJuggaloProductions has put up a new trailer for the HJP Intro Video (hey, I just write what I’m told) – WMP7 format, 6.8 mb. Go grab it on his site.

  • Today on Wall Street

    Xbox sales and marketshare are growing, according to Microsoft’s “chief Xbox officer” Robbie Bach (quoted in this Reuters news article). Yeah, well, he would say that, it’s one of the things he’s paid to do. However, there was one interesting bit at the end: “Bach said Microsoft’s focus now is on more-lucrative game sales. The…

  • Lime popsicles at 2:30 am

    The ongoing Making of the E3 Demo series continues at with The Artists. A great discussion with Marcus Lehto, Dave Dunn, Shiek Wang, John Butkus and Nathan Walpole… read it and learn cool things!

  • Looks like we’re not the only ones here…

    Halogamers has put up Episode one of its Sidewinder Saga. 2:39 long, in QuickTime format, it’s available in two resolutions: 640×480 (23.5 mb) and 320×240 (7.2 mb). Nice filming! The story’s off to a rollicking start.

  • Paper for your digital wall

    Six desktop images in the queue today, now cleared out and placed in the Wallpaper section. See what captures your fancy.

  • IGN explains those movies

    More content from IGN – the movies posted last night (that went up with an article on Halo PC Sound) now have an Insider article to go with ’em, explaining what they’re showing. 3 pages of explaining, even. (Well, they’re short pages.) The movies, which were only available in a large (640×480) size last night,…

  • Cool pictures

    Pretty interesting collection of Miscellaneous Art for you today, from a kneeling MC (that would work wonderfully as a desktop image, even though it was explicitly submitted to the Misc Art section) to an oil painting of the Chief, to the DOA girls playing Halo… go look at all of ’em.

  • Red vs Who?

    It’s not that usual for us to release two movies back-to-back… and it’s certainly unusual for a movie to be released ahead of its spot in the queue, but I’m leaving soon, and this one’s not very big. Team Sexy (whom you might remember from their ‘Hall of the Sidewinder King’ piece) has whipped up…

  • Requiem for Halo: new movie

    Athol Productions has put together an artistic look at Halo 2; snippets of existing movies, interspersed with stills, all nicely composited. Nice soundtrack, too. ‘Requiem for Halo’ is available in both QuickTime 5 (19.6 mb) and WMP 9 (21.4 mb) formats. It’s 4:55 long, and has a screensize of 320×240. Take a look!

  • Text droppings

    Didn’t get to posting Fan Fiction yesterday, so there are 13 stories for you today: Remnants of Reach: Prologue, by Shinai Purugganan Unexpected Surprises Part 6, by JediKnight114 (James) The Furious Hatred: Through the Eyes of an Elite, by MadJackal Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 4, by Agent Shade Landing on Dracon, by The Scribe And…

  • Halo PC Sound – yeah, baby!

    IGN continues to pour out the Halo PC goodness – today they focus on sound. Good questions, and lots of vids. Streaming lo-res vids for everybody, hi-res downloadables for Insiders. (There’s even footage of the flamethrower.) Go get your fill! Thanks to Dan Chosich for the heads-up.

  • My men are NOT the enemy.

    Thirty new dialogue snippets for the Dialogue Databank, including a bunch of Monitor sayings and some pretty rare Sgt. Stacker quotes. (Before anyone gets on my case, there are some that are pretty similar to existing quotes – but they differ in small but substantial ways.) Thanks to Captain Spark and c0ld vengeance for this…

  • FTC mirror list continues to grow

    Lion pointed out that the FTC movies were mirrored on his Truth and Reconciliation site, so we decided there were enough mirrors to actually create an FTC Mirror list. Any future additions will be added to this list. (There are QuickTime versions available, if anyone needs them – but nobody’s complained about the DivX versions,…

  • Half Life Too.

    Can you tell that today’s One One Se7en was written soon after E3 this year?

  • This one’s at room temperature.

    Another 25 snippets for the Dialogue Databank from BlackWolverine – and I’ve added some extra code to allow for more accurate display of found results. (Like, for example, just those results submitted by a single person…) Check these out – there are some great ones. Update: It just doesn’t stop – another 11 from Captain…