My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Fan Fiction, however, is obviously open

    Who would have thought that the twenty-six measly letters in our alphabet could be rearranged in so many unique, yet ultimately Halo-related ways? Not me, that’s for sure. Read on! Into the City, by The Scribe Unknown Apprentice Part 2, by apache119 Halo 2: First Strike, by HunterKiller A Marine’s Tale: Boot, by pj-NYkr90 Delta…

  • Mythica is closed

    Brian Towne, the patron saint of Halo filmmakers everywhere and curator of Mythica, our primary movie host, has checked in from GenCon, where he is undoubtedly rubbing elbows with the likes of Bungie’s SketchFactor and playing an ungodly amount of PC Halo, with the sad news that Mythica’s colocation provider has notified him that they…

  • It’s not dead, it’s resting

    MaverickJ writes to let us (and you) know that the Project Spartan site is not dead, nor have they given up on it, but that bandwidth issues have temporarily closed them down. Yeah, I know, you forgotten all of the flag tricks and your team is getting slaughtered. Sit tight and we’ll let you know…

  • GBA Halo and a couple logos

    A Misc Art entry that, if real, would be a definite hit, and two logos (here and here).

  • Renegade Theater Resurfaces

    A few of our forum regulars were playing Halo the other day and shared a rather unique experience. Read it for yourself.

  • Red vs Blue visits the Center of the Universe

    I bring you an exclusive. A snippet of a new video that RedvsBlue presented at the Lincoln Center Video Festival as part of their machinama program last night. They’re going to release it soon from their site, in it’s full glory, but my little Canon did a decent job of capturing it. I took a…

  • I’m gonna need new eyeballs

    The Halo Story Page has been updated.*thunk*

  • Grand Theft Halo

    Two wallpapers for you today, both in a slightly familiar style.

  • Eat your Wheaties and more

    Fragglegrunt and the Breakfast of Champions, plus a couple more today in Misc. Art. Take a look!

  • Text… overload… Can’t… hold out… much…

    What do you get when you double the excitement and mystery of seven pieces of Fan Fiction? A whole mess of stories to read, that’s what! Sheesh, people, your fecundity is startling. 🙂 Return to Earth (Chptr 3: Alone and Still Standing), by CoLd BlooDed Untitled, by Djstan midnight sun (chapter 1, Moon war begins),…

  • Gearbox Giveth, Part III at the Junkyard

    Part III of Evergreen98’s article on the upcoming Halo PC/Mac release is available over at the Junkyard (parts I and II are here and here). There’s a lot of good analytical info in there, go give it a read!

  • What, AGAIN?

    As many of you have noticed, Mythica is down again. Brian posted an explanation, but it looks like the downtime will once again be quite lengthly. On the plus side, Subnova has recovered from their earlier trouble. You win some, you lose some…

  • Double Trouble.

    Halo vs Halo 2? One One Se7en knows. Pax.

  • Halo PC in Indiana

    If you live anywhere near the Indianapolis area, or even anywhere near the state of Indiana, you should be seriously considering going to GenCon this Thursday. They’re going to be having a three-day Halo PC tournament, with three ATI Radeon 9800 Pro video cards for prizes. Even if you don’t win, think of the prestige…

  • And the Rocket goes to…

    Emil of the CobaltNova Halo League would like to announce the first annual Rockets On Prisoner awards: “With approximately 240 to 300 Halo movies having been developed since the game’s release it was time that the community begin to recognize the very best among them.æ ”his year the “Rockets on Prisoner” award will be accorded to…

  • Fan Fiction marches on

    “The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.” -Edwin Schlossberg So this is your invitation to think… First Contact; Chapter 1: Harvest, by retsamolah Buried Treasure(5), by Frensa Geran Return to Earth (Chptr 2: Flight to Captivity), by CoLd BlooDed A Marines Tale: Getting the Feel of Things,…

  • The Nuthouse in a Nutshell

    Having a hard time keeping up with the forum? Can’t quite manage to read the 350+ posts per day? Aren’t named Louis Wu? Well, never fear, the Weekly Review is here! After over a year’s hiatus, the Weekly Review has returned to summarize the goings on in our forum. If you can only read one…

  • Fire Team Charlie needs YOU!

    ben informs us that Fire Team Charlie challenges you to add a voice track to their first video. Check out their site for details.

  • Gearbox Giveth… at the Junkyard

    Over at the Junkyard, Evergreen98 has written a couple of interesting articles on the upcoming Halo PC/Mac release. The first two are up now, with the third along in a few days. Thanks to both vector40 and MrFluffyPants26 for pointing this out.

  • New Halo site

    Break Point writes to tell us of his site, Go check it out!