Year: 2001
Who’s gonna win?
The Annual Bungie Pentathlon takes place today… and the new QuickPoll at asks who you think is going to walk away with the prize this year? The Halo team is currently tied for first (with the ‘CinemaOnline’ team, made up of the Cinematixxx crew and the Online crew) – go see if you can…
Wallpaper page updated
Andrew Paul has submitted a new desktop for our Wallpaper page – this one’s a real work of art, and came close to getting put into the Miscellaneous Art section, instead, but it looks great on an 800×600 desktop, and that’s what it was submitted as… Check it out. Great battle scene!
Miscellaneous Art section updated
Thanks to Miguel Santiago, who sent in another Halo drawing for our Miscellaneous Art section. We like the marine a lot… but what’s that dog doing in there?
ROAMing the plains of Halo
Lloyd Wright popped onto our forum to ask how Halo handles terrain. Since we didn’t know, we asked Bungie. Jaime Griesemer, Halo Designer, pointed out this article at Gamasutra, published last April. Warning: this is a pretty technical read.
Halo using Lightwave
Kudos to Appleicious (heh – he said ‘kudos’), who points out (on the forum) that NewTek lists Halo among game titles that use their Lightwave product. The press release that contains this information was put out on November 28… we’re a little slow sometimes.
Bungie Fan Trivia Contest comes online
As noted on the news page, the Trivia Contest that was held at the Fanfest last week has been converted to a web-friendly format, so you all can go test your knowledge of Bungie lore. Go take the test, and see how much you really know about the team behind Halo!
Fan Fiction section updated
An apocalyptic conclusion to the Firestarter Squad series was submitted by Iden to our Fan Fiction section. Hit the “more by this author” link to read all three installments in order.
Demo doesn’t mean downloadable
Matt Soell raises his head from a San Francisco gutter (wow, those fanfests can be corrupting) long enough to squash a “Halo Demo coming soon” rumor that’s been floating around since last Friday night. And to clarify what “three weapons finished” means. Thanks, Matt. You can pass out again now.
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines fall another notch in the Battle of the Teams, as Overclockers UK pushes them down to 49th. The mandatory switch to the 3.0.3 client has hit totals hard – in fact, if not for the addition of twostar, and the influx of those 621 units, the team’s weekly unit increase…
Halo Screensaver at Halo Marine
Freedom writes to let us know that Halo Marine has put up a Halo screensaver. It’s PC-based, a bit under 7 megs, and contains screenshots theme music. You can find it here.
More fanfest pics
Thanks to Noctavis, who mentioned another cache of fanfest pics on the forum – this time from Tobin. (Who’s Tobin?) Go check ’em out!
Miscellaneous Art section updated
Damn, that man’s good. First, Jay Faircloth showed up on the scene over at the Marathon’s Story page, with a stunning piece of Marathon artwork. Then, he entered the Gathering of Developers’ Oni Art Contest, and placed second, with this image. Now he’s turned his sights on Halo… and though the final product isn’t available…
Halo Stronghold comes online
Pheonixmiser writes to say that the Halo Stronghold has come online. Go check it out!
Serious details from a Sili guy
And more – SiliconDream weighs in with a pretty nice roundup, posted to the forum here. (Where are all the reports, that’s what I wanna know?) Separate pistols for the player and the standard Marine, visual character variations between unit classes, evasive dives and rolls as part of the engine AI… and a…
First pics up at
Woohoo! Cunbelin has sent a whole passel of images from the fest… including 5 of those “exclusive” Halo shots! (Yeah, they’re the old engine… but hey, it’s the only engine we know!) Plus a tidbit of artwork that um… is PROBABLY Halo-related… Uh, oh, I’m drooling again.Update:Harry Al-Shakarchi clarifies that that image was Bungie’s…
First fanfest reports come in
Thanks to Appleicious, who posted a Fanfest report to our forum. Halo details included:In [the] keynote, we got to see about ten exclusivescreenshots from the “old” Halo engine (exclusive = never before seen).the Halo multiplayer design doc is almost finished and work on the network code will begin in February.There’s lots more, so read the…
How I wish…
… And the fanfest is under way. No, we don’t have any information about it right now… I just thought I’d wish all the lucky festers the best, and remind anyone who HAPPENS to be in San Francisco this evening but DIDN’T know about the Fanfest to stop by the West Bay Conference Center between…
No live broadcast tomorrow… dang.
Ack. No sooner posted than refuted. Matt dropped another note to our forum a couple of minutes ago, shooting down the possibility of a live broadcast from the Fanfest.That was the initial plan but it fell through for a variety of reasons.All hope is not lost, though… check the rest of his post for a…
A webcam from the fanfest?
Woohoo – nudie pics from Macworld! Well, okay, not really… but it looks like we might get live pics from the Bungie Fanfest tomorrow night. When asked how difficult it would be to bring a camcorder to work, he repliedWe are SO far ahead of you on this one. :-)Of course, this could be post-fanfest…
German look at MS imageering
Thanks to Tantalum-=SUN=-, who passed along notice of this Telepolis article (in German) discussing the Xbox, and Microsoft’s attempt to use it to change its image. “Crossing a Steam Locomotive with MTV – the Xbox and the Microsft image”… seems about right to us. 🙂 Nice take on the whole spin thing… and anyone who…