Year: 2001
what’s with the bippin’ and the boppin’?
black flag and a red star posts his second weekly (well, sort of) HBO Forum Update (not to be confused with Matt Soell’s weekly Halo Updates), and the big question is, can he keep it up? (Matt’s been going for 17 updates now, over a 22 week span – it’s a tough act to follow.)…
Gotta love those suits…
Heh – Jack, on our forum, points us to an image that seems to sum up the feelings of a lot of Halo fans about the upcoming MMORPG, Planetside. It’s all in fun…
CGW wonders, when’s dessert?
Kudos (hehe… he said kudos) to Paul Collette, who spotted a Halo mention in the March 2001 issue of Computer Gaming World:Halo: “Graphics” is the focus of the Halo team. Most of the developer updates from Bungie have been discussing graphical tweaks and accomplishments, which is a bit worrisome. We still have faith, due to…
Schwag for Meg
Thanks to both Daedalus and EvilBastard, who sent us closeups of the Halo shirt (a pic which will probably remain on the Bungie Webcam all night) within 10 minutes of each other. No more, please. 🙂
Gamestock, here we come…
Thanks to Zypper, who sent in this Bungie Webcam shot of Mat Noguchi modeling a new Halo t-shirt. This is the same Mat who said that the entire Bungie/Halo/Online team was concentrating 100% on Gamestock? Looks like they’re ready…
Fan Fiction section updated
I saw a fireball erupt behind the main body of troops and the communication tower leaned slowly and crumpled in a heap of rubble.Todd Hansen sends in the first chapter of a Fan Fiction piece that ‘has grown quite colossal’… if you’re interested in seeing the rest, send him mail! (Read the beginning of ‘Vision…
Take heart, modem users!
Interesting. Hot on the heels of a query on our forum about the playability of Halo over a modem comes a news article at Daily Radar about a company (Xtech) who’s producing a narrowband solution for the PS2 and Xbox. Details are sketchy at the moment, but Xtech says that they’re aiming to bridge the…
Rehashing old stories
Oops. Thanks to Dan Rudolph, who set us to looking in our own news archives… Seems the MSNBC story we mentioned yesterday is old news – we reported on the existence of the V-Chip-like control way back in September. Blame Louis – he’s lazy. Pax.
Halo-Australia back online
BluR writes to say that Halo-Australia is back online again – stop by and check ’em out! Pax.
V-chip Wants Xbox, Yes
Thanks to Pallor, who noticed (on’s forum) that MSNBC has an article about a V-chip-style control to be included in the Xbox. It’s not clear how this will affect Halo, since without the chip, parents concerned about violence levels would simply not buy it anyway, but it’s possible that overall, more units of the…
Mere screenshots? Pshaw!
Something other than ‘mere screenshots’, says Matt of the Halo offerings at Gamestock. Also, the website (not just the Halo page) is about to undergo testing, prior to public display. Good stuff a’comin’!
‘Private Reg’s Last Day of Combat’ updated
Thanks to Maszimo, who sent in a rewrite of ‘Private Reg’s Last Day of Combat’. I haven’t altered the submission date, but it’s still available in our Fan Fiction section.
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
After 5 days of downtime, the SETI servers came back to life on Saturday… the output of the Halo SETI Marines suffered. Total units processed were down from ~3000/week to 600 this week. Ouch! Check the gory details on the 7 day stats page.
Halo Updates database gets bigger
It’s Monday again, so it’s time to increment the Halo Updates database. The update posted at BGH on Friday has now been added. The word of the week is ‘fun’ – how often has Matt used it? (And does it tell us anything about the state of mind, over time, of the Halo team?)
Ace in the hole
PunkRocker finds ANOTHER Halo news item, this time at Daily Radar. It’s a preview of Gamestock, Microsoft’s press-only event coming up in a bit over a week, and they refer to Halo as “the ace in Microsoft’s hand”. Heh… 5 card stud, anyone?
Xbox Preview Guide goes up
Still using the oldest known screenshot, but with nothing but kind words, puts up an Xbox Preview Guide, and says of Halo:Expected to make its Xbox debut at Gamestock 2001, this highly touted FPS title from Bungie is expected to change the face of action gaming with this Xbox-exclusive. This probably the best looking…
Back to huntin’ critters
Erbium-=SUN=- writes to remind us that the SETI servers are online again. (They came back yesterday morning, but due to the huge demand for new units, it was often difficult to tell.) Let’s get crunching again!
Halo AU having script troubles
BluR, from Halo AU, writes to say that they’re having some trouble with their news scripts due to the change in servers – they’re not dead, just looking for a new script host.
HaloNews.Org closes its doors
Eep. Glock writes that HaloNews.Org (which started life less than a month ago) is closing its doors due to RealLife time constraints. Ouch. We wish him the best of luck in whatever he does. Pax.
Like a Banshee out of… Halo got confirmation on the identity of the Banshee today – Matt clarifies that it’s the high-flying Covenant vehicle (referred to as a ‘Ground Support Craft’ in the concept art released in 1999). The low-flying hovercraft are known as ‘ghosts’. Glad that was cleared up – thanks, guys!