Year: 2001
New Fan Fiction for your perusal
While you’re waiting for some server to unclog enough to download the hi-res version of the new Gamestock footage, we’ve got some reading material for you.He was about to move the camera back when he noticed something that made his blood chill. A pair of Covenant elite were slowly moving through the woods about 150…
Halo movie mirror sites
Our good friends over at Blue’s News have mirrored the low-res Halo movie (34.6MBs). Their download page also lists 3D Gamer as a source for the movie as well. Check back for mirror sites as we get them.
Halo movie screen captures
Kudos to Harry for creating a page of screen captures from the latest Halo movie. If you can’t grab the movie then get the next best thing.
Oceans of Halo goodness… if you can get it
Well, as everyone this side of Katmandu probably already knows, and Bungie’s Halo site were both updated this evening, and the highlight of the update is a nearly inaccessible new trailer, in two flavors. The big version is 182 MB, the smaller version is 35 MB. Bachus has kindly written up a synopsis for…
Gamestock impressions from PlanetXbox
Gawd… the every-day-checking of the PlanetXbox site for their promised hands-on report has finally paid off! There’s some good discussion about the ease of transition to a console controller (they liked it), and a nice description of the mission itself… but the little tidbit that stood out for me was their description of the Halo…
Magazine sighting for Halo
Joel Stransky found this (124K) ‘in an old magazine’… that’s all the info we have. Oddness.
Halo’s Universe open for business
It’s not completely clear how we missed this… but we got notice a few weeks ago of a new French Halo site, Halo’s Universe. Apologies for the long annoucement delay… Take a look!
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Dink!… The Halo SETI Marines fall a notch to 48, partly due to lost units, but partly due to leveled-out crunching. Don’t blame DarthFlounder – his output has INCREASED, to over 200 units a week. The rest of the team, though… there are fewer than 1/3 that actually produce a unit each week. Are you…
Fan Fiction section updated
A cautionary tale… Anrkey’s latest Fan Fiction offering, ‘Joyride’, explains why you should be careful what you get into… You’ll find it in our Fan Fiction section. Pax.
Breathtaking new Wallpaper available
Every once in a while, we get an art submission that takes our breath away. We got one of those today. Jay Faircloth, who has in the past submitted impressive material to both our Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper collections, has done it again – Check out ‘Hostilities’, on our Wallpaper page. It’s available in 5…
Halo Update database updated
Last Friday’s Weekly Halo Update (originally at has been added to the Halo Update database. The database can show you fun things, like this is the fourth week in a row in which the ‘Mighty Chris Butcher’ has figured prominently. And is this the first time we’ve seen Chris Hughes’ name mentioned? (Hint: no.)…
US counterpart to German jeep
Jay Faircloth (Anaphiel) points out that the US military has a lightweight tactical jeep as well, though not nearly as cool as the German one. Advantage – it can be dropped in via helicopter (a dropship of sorts…). There’s a hi-res shot linked from that page – but beware, it’s almost 2 megs.
Another Halo-like jeep
Tilo Probst sent this to Hamish Sinclair, of the Marathon’s Story page, who forwarded it to us, with permission.I was reading the book: “Terry Gander: Moderne MGs – Eine internationale Übersicht” (German title, but a book about modern MGs). On page 97 I found an interesting picture, showing a jeep called “Light Strike Vehicle, Wessex…
More Gamestock reviews
“After taking out some aliens with the mounted gun and running over a few more…”The Action Vault Gamestock report should make some of our forum regulars happy – running over enemies has been high on the list of requested features. There was also an interesting quote from Jason Jones, that must have come from the…
Theory section updated
Shielded Halo? Ryan Parsons thinks so. Check out his Unified Theory, over in our Theories section.
New Fan Fiction
It was sitting awkwardly, crouched with one leg underneath, having somehow survived having most of its chest blown away. Up close and personal, with the latest installment of Chris Cox’s ‘The Prisoner’. You can find it (along with the first two chapters) in our Fan Fiction section.
Is Halo the Xbox Killer App?
Thanks to Lophan, who noted that in today’s GameSpy Daily, the Thought for the day was “What is YOUR killer app?” They suggested that Halo was impressive, “maybe worth buying a system for.” Guess they should talk to the Daily Radar folks…
Halo around the net
Looks like a bunch of gaming sites finished the week off by putting up their Halo reviews. Gamesmania has a pretty positive take – sounds like the AI is really coming along:The AI of both your enemies and your allies is looking pretty good. Enemies will take cover during a fight, investigate noises and bodies…
Halo music video
DigitalGolem writes that he’s uploaded a new music video from Halo clips. It requires the divx codec to watch, which I haven’t had time to install yet… but at least one person on the forum liked it. 🙂 It can be found here, and links to all the necessary software are on the page. Be…
Weekly Halo Update Goodness
Matt’s weekly Halo Update can be found at this week – as though we didn’t have some idea already how Halo was doing. 🙂 We got names for “here are two people working FULL-TIME on multiplayer” mentioned in the Q&A yesterday – Hardy and Michael – presumably Lebel and Evans, two big names from…