Year: 2001
Junkyard down but not out
Ryan ‘Mhaddy’ Matthews, of the Junkyard, writes to say that the Junkyard is currently offline, due to a move. They should be back in the not-too-distant future… maybe a week.
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Blam!… Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines jump back up to 48th place in the Battle of the Teams… with no real change in output, you have to wonder if the SETI servers are a bit wonky. DarthFlounder pulls within 300 units of moving up a notch – shouldn’t be more than a couple of weeks…
Set sail for a different kind of booty
Not Halo news, but new games don’t come out of Bungie all that often… Pimps at Sea was announced recently. The site contains screenshots, a description of gameplay, and a large (100 MB) movie giving viewers a peek at the making of the game. Worth a look! ( has opened a fansite for the game,…
Lord of thy presence and no land beside?
We’ve added last week’s Halo Update, originally at Battleground: Halo, to the Halo Update Database… the word of the week is Shiek… see what Shikai has been up to in the last 2 months!
Sanity returns
Whew! Back to normal. To all those who missed the joke… we used (without permission) the design of our good friends over at for a little April Fools prank. It’s not clear that anyone actually poked around, so we’ll tell you that there were a number of easter eggs secreted away around the site……
HCC gets a redesign
Griffon, of Halo Command Central, sends word that something is afoot… nice redesign! Pax.
Halo Tech Demo released
Thanks to Nick Rolfe, who points out (on’s forum) that has gotten their hands on a Halo Tech Demo, featuring all the weapons and the first two levels. Warning – it’s Direct3D only. If this works for you, go grab it! Pax.
Cat-like Covies?
Thanks to No7orious, who notes (on the forum) that has an interview with Ed Fries, in which some issues are brought up surrounding the cultural differences between the US and Japan, and how they might affect some of the Xbox products:An example is Halo — in Halo, the alien creatures look sort of…
Latest Gamestar contains Halo article
Massa, of Halo Network, has grabbed a copy of Gamestar, a German gaming mag, and has passed along some interesting news. First, the movie on the cover CD is actually a combination of the first (very short) video that appeared on Microsoft’s Gamestock page for a short while, plus the Gamespot video… albeit higher quality…
New French Halo site online
The Halo Times’ Team sends word that another French Halo site, The Halo Times, has opened its doors. The community grows! Check ’em out.
Pillar of Autumn has a bridge
Thanks to Matt, who popped into our forum, and Evil Bastard, who dropped us email, for letting us know that this week’s Halo Update is over at Battleground: Halo. Grenades are back, the team is bigger (an artist working on multiplayer? Cool!), and some pretty interesting scripting stuff… go check it out.
More Gamestock audio details
Marty O’Donnell popped into our forum (props for realizing it was even up) to elaborate a bit on the audio for the Gamestock video. Seems the out-of-sync issues folks have noticed are not present on his copy of the film… nice to know. (We’re gonna leave the Backstreet Boys comment alone, though…
Xbox tech demo
Zypper posted a pretty nice summary of an Xbox Tech Demo held on the USC campus today… definitely worth a read. Pax.
Halo in the news
Massa, of Halo Network, writes to say that Halo showed up on German television yesterday. RTL2, a German television station, covered it as part of an Xbox report… and it was mentioned on their web site. The web report suggests that Halo has been downgraded for the Xbox, and that the PC version will contain…
New Miscellaneous Art to peruse
Thanks to Nate, who sent in a little bit of Photoshop fun for our Miscellaneous Art section. Opening a new day with a bang…
Yet More New Wallpaper
Razorback sends in another desktop for our Wallpaper page (our third today!)… speed kills.
New French Halo site opens
genohunter sends word that a new Halo clan, HELL (Halo ELite League) is open for business. It’s French… but they plan on keeping up with the Halo news! Stop by and take a look.
New Halo coming in PC Gamer UK magazine?
$erial-ki!!A sends word that PC Gamer UK magazine are also advertising their next edition as follows: ‘We VISIT BUNGIE to get all the latest news and incredible SCREENSHOTS of this stunning tactical shooter!’ $erial-ki!!A goes on to note that PC Gamer UK got new previously unseen shots in their last feature on Halo. So we…
More Wallpapers 4 U
Brian Davis sends in a second desktop image for today – same style, different colors. Check it out in our Wallpaper section. Pax.