Year: 2001
Halo on Bungie’s webcam
Thanks to Picky, who noticed (and archived) a series of Bungie Webcam shots showing Halo in play. Intriguing shots, some of ’em…
New wallpaper at Halo HQ
Eldar-colonel writes to say that Halo HQ now has official wallpaper – swing by and check it out! The artist is Scythe, who has submitted a couple of his works to our Wallpaper section, as well…
Fan Fiction section updated
Warrant Officer Jim Trebour Poirot rigged the last cord, drove the light tank a last dozen feet, whispered a final goodbye, and exploded in holy flame.Vector40 sends us the third (and probably final) chapter of his piece, ‘HaloStory’ – you’ll find it in our Fan Fiction section. (It reads best all together.)
Music in Video Games
acrappa, at, noticed a feature called ‘Music in Computer Games’ over at IMG. It’s mostly an interview with Mike Beckett (the man behind Nuclear Kangaroo Music, making music for Pangea Software) and Marty O’Donnell (a long-time Bungie contributor, currently a full-time employee working on Halo). It’s an interesting look at an aspect of gaming…
Thanks for the questions – no more, please!
Thanks to all who submitted questions for the upcoming Fan-conducted interview – the submission window is now closed. (We’ve got to get through them all so that we can send what we promised.) Any questions received after 20:40:00 UTC will not be considered – sorry. As soon as we know anything about the status of…
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Blam!… Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines climb two notches to put themselves back into the top 50 in the Battle of the Teams (thanks in large part to Tharkhaad, who has added more than 8800 units to the team – welcome, Tharkhaad!). Total team output continues to be disappointing – only a quarter of the…
Painted ponies
Last Friday’s Weekly Halo Update has been added to the Halo Updates Database. word of the week is ‘shader’ – how many different types have the Halo team developed, and when did they start? Shaders can be thought of as textures that provide special effects – animation effects, lighting effects, and so on.
UGO is lukewarm
Thanks to Aginor, who noticed a Halo article at – they’re pretty ho-hum about the current build. Basically, though, they’re just not interested in split-screen multiplayer:In the end, we’re still interested to see what Bungie will do with the finished version of the game; whether its vast outdoor environments can be put to good…
- back up and running
Sterling “DwK” Kaliba writes to say that is back up after a long hiatus. New games, new site design. Go visit.
A worthwhile read on PC/Xbox differences
Over the past year or so, since Halo for the Xbox was announced, a large number of people have publicly worried that ‘the Xbox is just a PC’. Response to this has been either agreement, or some vague ‘it’s completely different, due to the way the Xbox puts the pieces together’… but for the first…
Halo preview, of sorts, at
Eldar-colonel, of Halo HQ, writes to point out a new Halo preview over at It’s a tad short on information – in fact, what little they have is questionable:For the indoor areas, other more suitable weapons come into play, such as alien blades and plasma-swords.(And don’t forget the foreign cutlasses and the xenolithic falchions.)…
Goodies for you
arcarsenal sends in a couple of files you might be interested in – the first is the small icon you see here, for use as a system icon (you can either grab it right off this page, or download a stuffed (mac-format) folder (2k) that uses it as a custom icon). Additionally, he’s modified the…
Blam Site of the Month… hehe
Woohoo! Sapwood just wrote to tell us that HBO made ‘Site of the Month’ at Blam Gaming. Thanks, guys. Pax.
Concept Art page updated with NextGen cover
To round out the goodies extracted from the May 2001 NextGen magazine, we’ve added their cover concept art of the trooper to our Concept Art page. Man, that’s a nice looking model… Pax.
Nextgen screens added to Screenshots section
Took a couple of days, but we’ve put up the new screens from the NextGen May 2001 article (in higher-res beauty than you’ll find in the press scans) in our Screenshots section. Check ’em out. Pax.
Interview with Matt Soell at CoreMagazine
Thanks to fate, who noticed an interview with Matt Soell over at It’s a pretty nice read – there are some comments that should put to rest fears of some PC gamers, and some discussion of the Xbox capabilities: This is always a hard one to estimate, but can you roughly guess what…
CNN checks out Halo beta-testers
Thanks to Maestro, who sends in this link from, discussing game testing. The last third of it is about Halo.[…] Creamer’s team created a written overview of its various elements, assigning a tester to each of them. One tester, for example, is responsible for the game’s multiplayer aspect, making sure that different types of…
Fan-conducted interview – questions needed!
Important: You guys get another shot at questioning the team. We were contacted by a representative of a company that “helps Microsoft keep in touch with the online communities”… and they want questions for a fan-conducted interview. You guys send us questions that cover what you’d like to learn from the Bungie team, and we’ll…
Cliffy B. expounds on gaming (and Halo)
Thanks to Aginor, who pointed out an interview with Cliffy B over at In five large MP3s, he expounds at length on game design, platforms, and the future of gaming… Part II (a 9 MB chunk) contains a discussion about the Xbox (“Xbox is either gonna be Titanic or Heaven’s Gate”) and then a…
Of Pelicans, and Things
Pelican? Matt’s weekly Halo Update went to Battleground: Halo this week – and there’s lots of tasty stuff there. Multicolored cyborgs for netgames, some Halo moments, and speed increases… but the one that got me was this:The Pelican and the Covenant dropship are working in-game, and now have ground effects (i.e. when taking off they…