Year: 2000
Lots of German Halo news
Thanks to our HBO offices in Berlin (Germany) we’ve got some German Halo news for you.First off HaloNews noted a Halo preview at Krawall Gaming Network. Three pages long and quite detailed but no new screenshots and some are actually scans taken fromHaloplayers. What’s Jenkz going to do about that?Halo Network report a German Halo…
Pixar and Bungie to make movies?
More interesting rumors. Roger Maxwell has posted a couple of idea-filled missives on our forum, postulating that Pixar and Bungie are working together to release an animated movie to complement the game’s storyline. You can find the original post here, and Roger’s followup (with more details) here. Intriguing stuff!
Jjaro textures in Halo says Marathon’s Story page
Even with all the rumors flying around the Marathon’s Story page is still churning out the Halo theories. Jjaro textures (Marathon Infinity) in Halo? The parallels may be more coincidental than anything but nice work by Alan Greene.
MacAddict says Where’s the Beef?
There’s a small blurb about Halo and Oni in the latest (July) MacAddict, titled “Bungie almost got game”. While they are excited about both titles, they feel that “Bungie has left us hanging” too long without a release. As they say, though… “strangely enough, your mom was right – patience is a virtue, and good…
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
Looks like the Halo SETI Marinesare going to lose their 48th spot in the Battle of the Teams. HardwareCentral are chasing our tail. Only a major all out effort can stop those hardware crunchers! Big welcome to Twizzler who brings 204 badly needed units to the war effort. While we’ve got over 400 marines in…
New Fan Fiction
Tycho has posted another fan fiction piece on our forum. We’ve added it to the Fiction page. If you’re in a vengeful mood, this is a good story for you.
Rumors abound
We would be remiss if we ignored this altogether, since it’s potentially very big news. We want to stress, however, that it’s nothing more than rumor at this point. A rather large thread is running on our forum, revolving around a potential deal between Bungie and Microsoft. If true (even in part), it means major…
Something Awful looks at Halo
septimus posted a link to a Something Awful article on Halo on our forum… definitely worth a read. Inside Bungie… deep and dirty!
Bungie on X-box?
Daily Radar put up a list of developers currently supporting the X-box, and those who Daily Radar think will support it. Bungie’s on the second list.
Halo SETI Team 24 hour stats posted
The Halo SETI Marines are closing in on spot 97 on the overall Teams Rankings… tomorrow? Banzif and Skyhook take top honors today in the 24 hour stats.
Short Bungie Blurbs in NextGen
“Short Bungie Blurbs in NextGen” says Strykerin our forums. Here’s the full quote from page 19:Bungling Bungie:The smarty-pants developer behind Halo and Oni planned to announce a third title at E3, but then changed its mind and opted not to. Still, Next Generation learned that the game would be a fantasy-based siege warfare title that…
Screenshots section updated
Thanks to Joedaphish, who cleaned up our “Bobs in action” shot from a couple of days ago for us. We’ve posted it (and the other unique PC Gamer screen) in our Screenshots section. Looks nice, Phish!
Halo-au comes online
Seen at Haloplayers… a new Halo site comes on the scene, this one dedicated to down-under Halo! Halo-au (Halo Australia) is now online. Swing by and check ’em out!
Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted
The Halo SETI Marinesclose the gap in the Battle of the Teams. Team membership rises to 408 marines. SkyHook and “Dr Raw Stag Footrot FRACS” share the Frogblast award and Banzif takes top crunchin’ honors once more. Full details on the 24 hour stats page.
Early web release of PC Gamer content
Wow. Those Haloplayers boys really rate. PC Gamer has put some of the content from their July print mag up on their website, before the mag is off the shelves… “as a special favour to Haloplayers”. Nice going, guys!
Week-long wait for PCZone Benelux
D’n’A posts to our forum that the July issue of PCZone Benelux won’t be out until June 22. Guess we have a bit of time to wait for that new article!
Wallpaper page updated
$erial-ki!! A has submitted some wallpaper which shows his feelings on the Marathon-Halo link. You’ll find it on our Wallpaper page.
More Halo in Dutch mag
Over at the Haloplayers general forum, anno domini posts that the July issue of PC Zone Benelux (a Dutch PC gaming mag) contains a four page Halo article, “as well as four previously unreleased and exclusive screenshots, differing from those in the July issue of PC Gamer UK!” We’re talking to our agent in Holland…
German PC Games translation posted
The July 2000 issue of PC Games also contains a Halo article, and Christoph Schmidt was kind enough to scan it in for us. We don’t have permission yet to post it… but since there are no new pictures anyway, we’re going to give you the translated text now, courtesy of Harry “Halo, Halo, Halo……
Story page analyzes PC Gamer
The Marathon’s Story page could be renamed the “PC Gamer analysis page” today… lots of good stuff from the new article. Great quotes, and a better scan from Jenkz of the Marathon-like symbol on the commander’s hat. Hamish has out-Haloed us!