Year: 2000
MS Rumor Analysis at Clan MacGaming
Joel Page (aka Ironfist) has written an interesting article on the MS rumors. Worth a read, just for the level-headedness.
Even MacAddict getting into the act
The MS rumors have made it as far as MacAddict, a major Mac print magazine. No new info, but they point to As The Apple Turns for a distinctly Mac viewpoint on the potential truth to the rumors. Thanks to Formerly Wu, over at the forum, for the heads-up.
E3 teaser mirror list compiled
The Movies page has been updated with a list of mirrors for the E3 teaser. All locations currently known, in one convenient place! Enjoy.
PCGameWorld adds a teaser mirror
Fire Phoenix drops us a line to let us know that PCGameWorld is also mirroring the teaser; both the hi-res and low-res versions are available.
Wallpapers page updated
Manuel Blaschek has sent in another wallpaper for our Wallpapers page. Does it seem like the Halo-Marathon links are getting stronger?
low-bandwidth version of teaser available
JosephAW, who brought you low-bandwidth streaming versions of the bTV broadcasts, now brings you a low-bandwidth streaming version (removed) of the E3 teaser. Thanks, Joseph!
Happy Happy Halo Halo 4th July
Happy Happy Halo Halo 4th July. Madfishwrites to tell us that the August issue of PCGamer will be out on the 4th July. We should have the full Halo movie… soon(tm). Thanks Madfish.
Halo wins Blue’s News Best of E3 2000
Halo wins Blue’s News Best of E3 2000. Thanks to Kamikaze who posts to our forums thatBlue’s News have posted their Best of E3 2000awards. Halo won “Best of Show”. This is what Stephen “Blue” Heaslip had to say:Best of ShowHalo. Combining state-of-the-art graphics, with state-of-the-art teamplay, this is TRIBES meets Quake III Arena, and…
Halo Characters section update
The Characters section in our FAQ has been up updated to reflect the new info from the Halo movie trailer. If you’ve got comments/suggestions about the FAQ please send them to Thanks.
Fan Fiction page updated
$erial-ki!!A has added another chapter to his work-in-progress about the Halo Marine. You can check out ‘Awakening’ on our Fan Fiction page. Remember, the “more by this author” link at the end of each entry is a convenient way to read all the chapters sequentially.
Halo SETI Team 24 hour stats posted
Weird goings-on at the SETI server… Club Rankings haven’t been updated in 3 days, and the Halo SETI Marines are being consistently credited 200+ fewer units than what’s actually crunched. No matter, the crunching goes on! Jjaro Tech and Rival take top honors today. Check the 24 hour stats for details.
Halo Center mirrors E3 teaser
Yrro writes to say that Halo Center has put up the teaser, as well… the mirror list grows some more. You can get the file here. Pax.
Halo HQ is up and running
Stryker sends word that Halo HQ, an early Halo site that closed a while back, is up and running in its new digs at As he says, Halo HQ is dedicated to the Halo team community, allowing Halo fans an instant link to many Halo teams. Stop by and sign up today! Pax.
Screen Grabs of Teaser available
Matt Martinez writes to let us know that for those of you on a slower connection, there’s now an alternative to the multi-meg movies for getting your Halo fix. He’s snapped 35 screenshots from the trailer for you to drool over. Go check ’em out!
PC Gamer named as US Trailer distributor
Oops, we missed this… thanks to for noticing. The Daily Radar Teaser page specifies that it’s PC Gamer that will have the E3 Trailer on its cover CD, ending speculation about which gaming mag would host the US version.
Halo Vault also mirroring teaser
Luxor writes to tell us that Halo Vault can be added to the fast-growing list of mirrors for the teaser. In his words, “awesome bandwidth (for now).” 😉
Full Trailer Release to bring surprises
SiliconDream =PN= points out on the forum that one of the scenes in the teaser was NOT in the E3 trailer… so we can probably look forward to footage that even those at E3 didn’t see. Thanks, Sili!
More mirrors for the E3 Trailer Teaser
More mirrors for the Hi-res version of the E3 Trailer Teaser: reports that they have it on their hotline site, under Uploads ->Halo->halo_e3_preview_hires[1].mpg, and Battleground: Halo reports that they’ll be putting a copy up as soon as they get it downloaded.
Battleground: Halo weighs in on the MS rumors
Battleground: Halo is reporting that Doug Zartman answered Planet X-Box about the Microsoft/Bungie rumors. Visit BGH to read the quote for yourself.