Year: 2000
Final Halo SETI team stats posted
The end is here. The Halo SETI Marines lost another big member today (DarthFlounder, with 1210 units), increasing the hemorrhage total to over 2000 units in 2 days. We’ve been processing stats for this team since late October of last year, and we’ve watched it grow from a small group of Halo fanatics to one…
MacGamer’s Ledge post Microsoft experiences
MacGamer’s Ledge have posted a feature called “Former Access Software Employee speaks out on Microsoft relationship”in which a former Access Software employee shares his own experiences after his employer, also a game developer, was purchased by Microsoft. Note: Bungie maintain that they have a different relationship with Microsoft and that Microsoft have learnt from previous…
More Microsoft/Bungie humor from Penny Arcade
More Microsoft/Bungie humor from Penny Arcade. Click on the Latest Comic link to see the strip. Thanks to Forensic for the heads up in our forums
PlanetXbox says “Halo will be an X-Box exclusive for a few months”
PlanetXbox posted the following to their main page:With the recent announcement of Microsoft buying Bungie we can all look forward to playing Halo on the Xbox! With Halo becoming an X-box title,will it make it to PC at all? Word from inside the company is that Halo will be an X-Box exclusive for a few…
IRC log in HTML format available
A far more easily read version of the IRC log from yesterday’s chat is now available. This has had much of the extraneous info deleted (comings and goings, nick changes, etc), so if you’re interested in that sort of thing, Halo Vault has put up a complete log, with all that data in it.
transcript of bungie irc discussion posted
Max Hoberman (yeroen), Matt Soell (Proudfles), and ol_dirtae (name pending) showed up in irc channel #bungie this afternoon, and a couple of hours discussed the future of Bungie with the nearly 100 people who attended. Thanks to everyone who showed up… and for those who couldn’t be there, we’ve put up a raw irc log…
Fan Fiction page updated
Something about the shock of the last few days has brought out the writer in several. The Fan Fiction page has been updated with not one, not two, but three new stories… go check ’em out! (Thanks to Vap, Myndreach, and Antares for the submissions.)
Seropian Interview at Gamefan
Yet another Seropian interview… this time with Gamefan. Not a lot new… but how many times can you say “we think we’re doing the right thing” without sounding repetitive? Thanks to Luxor of Halo Vault for the heads-up.
MS to buy Eidos?
Shugashack and Daily Radar are both reporting that Eidos is shopping around for a buyer, and Microsoft is high on the list. That monopolistic tendency just won’t settle down, will it? Pax.
Halo SETI Team 24 hour stats posted
Blam!… The Halo SETI Marines scrape into 48th place, despite heavy losses. Banzif and Maxaminus take top honors… but it feels wrong. Check the 24 hour stats.
Site Traffic responds to news
Just for kicks, we compared our traffic yesterday to a random day last week. Seems like a lot of folks stopped by for the MS news. 🙂 June 12June 19Total Visits2890 7604Total Pages5536 13,252Total Requests32,291 77,352Total Unique Visitors1754 4491
Why Microsoft can’t be trusted
Robert X. Cringely, a columnist for Oregon Public Broadcasting (and the Public Broadcasting System), wrote an interesting article last year entitled “Be Careful What You Wish For.” It suggests that being acquired by Microsoft is not always what the acquiree thinks it’s going to be; it looks at Hotmail as an example. It’s definitely worth…
- chat transcript at has put up a transcript of last night’s chat with Matt and Max. Some interesting stuff in there… seems like it was a little more freeform than the chat earlier in the evening. A snippet:Why not commit to games for Mac?Jones is in charge of Halo, and is only willing to commit…
Daily Radar interview with Jason Jones
Halo: Xbox Only? Jason Jones, Bungie’s co-founder and the guiding developer behind Halo,talks about Halo and XBox in a Daily Radar interview. Here’s a snippet:Daily Radar: What platforms is Halo going to appear on besides the Xbox?Jason Jones: To be honest, we haven’t decided yet. Daily Radar: Will it be possible to play multiplayer Halo…
The Mac strikes back!
The Mac strikes back! As reported on Mac OS Rumors, Foundation Imaging, the company that did Starship Troopers:Roughneck Chronicles TV show (Sci-Fi 6:30AM CST), is to replace all of their NT rendering machines with G4s. Why? They’re faster. Halo fans will notice the similarity between the Roughneck TV show and Halo. Here’s a few pics…
- chat log updated
Thanks to a kind Hotliner, we’ve added most of what was missing from the chat this evening. Some very interesting questions (and answers) early on… so check it again!
IGNPC Interview with Alex Seropian up
Vincent Lopez, of IGNPC, got a chance to speak to Alex Seropian about the changes. You can find the interview here. (Thanks to Luxor of Halo Vault for pointing it out.)
HL Chat with Max on
The Question and Answer session on’s Hotline server got off to a rocky start, but eventually settled down. We missed the very beginning of the actual questions, but we managed to record a large chunk of the discussion. There are some interesting tidbits in here. Visit irc channel #bungie (on EFNET) for another go-round.…
Blue’s News posts new Halo Screen
Wow. New screenshot at Blue’s News. Who said Bungie couldn’t do trees?
At least one answer from the QandA’s Hotline server was set to host a Q&A session, but apparently the crowd was too big, so they’ve gone private. Hopefully, the admins will post the information gotten from Matt Soell and Max Hoberman publicly… but before it was shut down, this question was asked and answered:CyberBob (#4 : Ok first question:CyberBob (#4 :…