My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Bungie removes Win/Mac promise off front page

    Woohoo! Iku-Turso gets the “most observant of the week” award… Bungie’s Halo site has finally been updated (a tiny bit) to reflect the change in development priority; the front page now reads “Coming soon to a platform near you.”

  • new preview of Halo at GameSurge

    Halo HQ picked this up last week… GameSurge has put up a new preview of Halo. A few errors, and less analysis than I’d hoped, given the beginning of the article… but a fine read nonetheless. Take a look.

  • Fan Fiction page updated

    This came in last night… but things got crazy. Ian M. Bayne (interesting initials, name) sent in another piece for our Fan Fiction page… check it out!

  • Halo SETI Team 7-day stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marines are back in full force! Over 2600 units crunched this week, with a total of 17 new names on the list. Welcome back to DarthFlounder and Lithion (and thanks to max.max for getting them back!), and a big hello to all the folks who’ve entered the top 400, plus Carnage, Kytis,…

  • TuCows previews E3 trailer

    Seen at BG:H… TuCows has put up a short review of the E3 trailer… bottom line, they liked it. We’ve added another link to the Trailer Mirror page.

  • Cov needle gun modelled

    Ian “I can’t stop modelling” McConville has pumped out yet another Halo weapon model. This time, it’s the Covenant needle gun, first seen in the E3 trailer, and most recently in the August issue of PC Gamer. Check it out!

  • More units for the Halo SETI Marines

    Can the Halo SETI Marinescatch the “TidBITS” team in the Alien Hot 100?Thanks to Braeden the team gained a valuable 297 unit addition yesterday. Keep those units coming people.

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Thanks to Damien Fransolet, who updated his desktop pic to conform to standard screen resolutions. There are now three flavors to choose from on our Wallpaper page!

  • “What is your reaction to Microsoft’s buyout of Bungie?” poll



    Well we almost overlooked this one but Mac OS Rumors have been running a “What is your reaction to Microsoft’s buyout of Bungie?” poll. While 30,000 votes have been registered the totals don’t add up correctly making the poll somewhat misleading. A majority of voters appear either “furious” or “unhappy”. Well that’s Mac people for…

  • Microsoft to launch the Xbox with 20 titles next fall



    Microsoft to launch the Xbox with 20 titles next fall. According to a news item over at IGN XboxEd Fries of Microsoft announced that there will be a total of 20 titles at system launch next fall (2001). While no titles were specified Halo is presently scheduled to be one of these. Long wait ahead…

  • 91.5% of PlanetXbox voters say Halo should not be Xbox only.



    PlanetXbox have posted the final results of their poll”Should Halo be Xbox Only?” 77.2% of voters said “NO” while an additional 14.3% said “Can’t we share”which amounts to the same thing. That’s a resounding 91.5% of voters out of 2031people who voted. Statements like that can’t be ignored… right?

  • Halo SETI Marines pulled away from the “Seti Italia” team

    Some good crunchin’ by the Halo SETI Marinespulled us away from the “Seti Italia” team in theBattle of the Teams. Keep it tight people they’ll be back! Team membership rises to 450 marines.

  • High quality scans from PCG

    The night for screens, it seems. The August issue of PC Gamer contained a number of screenshots that have already been scanned on other sites… but a couple were missed, and the quality of the rest did not really do the images justice. We’ve rescanned all of them, and placed them on our Magazine page…

  • New Covenant scans from CGM

    Fred, of Rampancy Hotline, has upped scans from the August Computer Games Magazine, including a shot of two new Covenant. (One looks like an armored version of the stegosaurus-like creature seen in the E3 trailer.) had some trouble getting them onto their web page… so Chia stepped in and made them available at VistaCartel.…

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Thanks go to Damien Fransolet, who sent in another Desktop for our Wallpaper page. A somewhat non-standard size… but hey, you’ll manage, right?

  • How do you outfox the Halo FoX clan?



    Koen De Paus informs us of a new Dutch Halo clan called FoX. As you may remember the Dutch got an amazing Halo scoop in the latest issue of PC Zone Benelux. New Halo screenshots and some concept art. We’ll be bringing you that as soon as we get permission.

  • NextGen shot a mirror of a PCG shot

    Seems we flubbed. The screenshot we mentioned last night does NOT show a gun we’ve never seen before… in fact, it’s not even a shot we’ve never seen before. The same shot, mirrored, was in the PC Gamer spread recently upped to the Hotline server. Here they are, side-by-side:PC Gamer, August 2000NextGen, August 2000If…

  • The Halo SETI Marines hold their ground at position #47

    The Halo SETI Marineshold their ground at position #47 in the Battle of the Teams but the”Seti Italia” team are on our tails. Looks like it’s going to be a tough weekend. Awright! First squad up, on line. Watch the rear.

  • NextGen sidebar contains good stuff

    Kudos (sort of) to Freewill, who scanned in a sidebar from the latest NextGen magazine and posted it on the forum. Two interesting tidbits there… the game that NextGen described in last month’s issue as ‘fantasy-based siege warfare’ is now being titled ‘Fantasy Siege’ by Ed Fries… and the gun that the commander is…

  • Double-barrelled rocket launcher modelled

    Not one to let moss grow on a rolling grenade, Ian McConville has sent in yet another weapon model. This time, he’s tackled the anti-armor rocket launcher (the double-barreled one). The diagram showing how it actually works is very intriguing. Thanks, Ian!