My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Month: July 2000

  • Bungie comes back online, slowly

    Bungie returns from the limbo of cross-country moves… is back online (although doesn’t seem to be yet), and Matt Soell checks in to let us know he’s alive and settled into Redmond, more or less. Oh, and Marty O’Donnell takes potshots at Seattle’s weather. Gettin’ back to normal!

  • Halo-Net closes its doors

    Halo-Net, one of the early Halo sites, has decided to call it quits. Alan Stott, AKA Flashback, has put up a short page explaining his reasoning… we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. (Thanks to Yrro, of Halo Center, for the heads-up.)

  • Sierra’s PR says Tribes 2 buries Halo

    |CARNYL| sends word of an interview with Lee Rossini, Brand Manager at Sierra Studios, over at Tribal War. Lee is in charge of all the marketing for Tribes 2. When he was asked,”Okay. It’s time for a practical exercise in marketing. I’m a fan. You’re the marketing expert. Convince me why I should purchase Tribes2…

  • Halo SETI Team 7-day stats posted

    The Halo SETI Marines, far from fading, continue to advance on that 46th position. At the current pace, it will take about 2 more weeks… but TidBITS WILL fall. Crunching continues apace, with almost half the team members submitting at least one unit this week. And watch that Banzif II… the winner of the Frogblast…

  • Storm problems solved after 48 hours

    Attacked by the Covenant! Almost all of (including, obviously, this site) went offline on Sunday morning, 4 am UTC. Finally, almost 48 hours later, we’re back up and running. No, this had nothing to do with or going offline… those events happened because those servers are moving from Chicago to Redmond. And…

  • Music on the Xbox

    This one’s for Marty. Xbox IGN have an interview with Chanel Summers (Xbox Audio Manager) about game music on the Xbox. Here’s a quote: I see that music for Xbox is going to be amazing, and it’s going to really take off, because as I said audio for console games has not traditionally been great.…

  • John Carmack (id Software) to support linux and MacOS-X

    John Carmack (id Software) provides further details about his position on the Xbox Advisory Board in a Slashdot post. John ended with these comments: In any case, talking with MS has no bearing on my development decisions. I’m still using OpenGL, and we are still planning simultaneous releases for linux and MacOS-X. If things work…

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Peter Hogan has sent in a new wallpaper for our Wallpaper page. Check it out!

  • Concept Art page updated

    In honor of the PCZone scans, we’ve updated our Concept Art page to include all concept art released recently.

  • New art from PCZone Benelux

    Our agent in Holland was finally able to get his hands on the PCZone Benelux July 2000 issue, which contains the first of a multi-part Halo preview. We’re still working on permission for the full scans (and a translation), but there were a few new bits of concept art in the spread, including some drawings…

  • CGO preview, part 3

    Woohoo! Thanks to Marty O’Donnell, who found the hidden link to part 3 of the CGO Preview buried in previous links. Sorry about the lack of music coverage, Marty… seems like that’s the end, too. Interestingly, this part acknowledges the MS buyout, which the first two parts didn’t. Definitely worth a read!

  • PlanetXbox reports Carmack on Xbox advisory board

    Kudos to Kuniklo, who noticed (on the forum) that PlanetXbox has learned that John Carmack will be on the Xbox advisory board. Interesting news, since Id has not announced any plans for Xbox games…

  • CGI Halo preview, Part 2 online

    Once again, kudos to edge, who noticed that Computer Games Online has part 2 of their Halo preview, “Bungie dreams of rings and things.” As before, the info is quite good, and has some new tidbits; Jason Jones talks about how they decided what would go into the E3 trailer:”We were trying to capture the…

  • and down for the move

    The move is underway! Both and are currently unreachable… this almost certainly means the machines are physically on their way to Redmond. Here’s hoping the move goes smoothly, and that everything’s back up and running soon! (Flashback noticed down about 4 hours ago… so they started pretty early in the morning.)

  • Haloweb gets noticed

    FraxX writes to tell us about a German Halo site he’s involved in… Haloweb. Not sure how this missed going on our links page… we’ve seen it before. In any case, it’s there now! Check it out, if you speak German!

  • The new look Bungie web page have posted a hilarious new lookMicrosoft/Bungie page. Yes this could be the new face of Bungie. Warning: for the humorlessly impaired this is a JOKE people… with possibly a bit of tru7h thrown in.

  • “…they will be assimilated.”

    “…all of the Bungie team will be moving to Redmond and they will be assimilated.”Damn edge and his amazing X-ray eyes. Edge points us to aPlanetXbox news item about Bungie’s third game “Fantasy Siege” in this month’s Next-Generation magazine. While this isn’t exactly new news the quote is hilarious. Here it is: For two years…

  • Mac/PC petition broken

    As Tursas noticed, there’s something wonky over at the petition to bring Halo to the Mac/PC. Hopefully, they haven’t lost all that data…

  • The Halo SETI Marines’ page has been wiped out…

    The Halo SETI Marines’ page has been wiped out… Phhht! Just like that. The SETI team rankspage has been updated however and we are still lying in position #47 some 1000 units behind the “TidBITS” team and some 1000 units ahead of the Seti Italia team. Hopefully the SETI techs will have their server back…

  • False alarm. is back up

    False alarm. is back up. The plan is still to shut-down and relocate this weekend. Take a last look.