My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Category: Uncategorized

  • Alex to Keynote at Vancouver International Game Summit

    Excited much? If any faithful readers will happen to be in the Vancouver area Friday, May 4, get yerself over to this conference and let us know what The Man has to say!…

  • Alex to Keynote at Vancouver International Game Summit

    Excited much? If any faithful readers will happen to be in the Vancouver area Friday, May 4, get yerself over to this conference and let us know what The Man has to say!…

  • The Bungie Acronym Compendium

    JNAMSTFY. DMUKYA. ABTFIPASO5. These cryptic identifiers have entertained, enightened, frustrated, and confounded Bungie fans since the early days in Chicago. Found on nearly every game and soundtrack created or licensed by Bungie, a surprising number of these enigmatic acronyms remain unsolved….

  • The Bungie Acronym Compendium

    JNAMSTFY. DMUKYA. ABTFIPASO5. These cryptic identifiers have entertained, enightened, frustrated, and confounded Bungie fans since the early days in Chicago. Found on nearly every game and soundtrack created or licensed by Bungie, a surprising number of these enigmatic acronyms remain unsolved….

  • Bye bye game debris

    If you check out the latest Bungie Weekly Update (I link to the copy as it loads so clean and fast) you’ll find an interesting tidbit that may spell doom to future ‘prizes’ in the next Bungie game. Noguchi has been "making a pony." Since he always speaks in metaphor I was annoyed, until…

  • Bye bye game debris

    If you check out the latest Bungie Weekly Update (I link to the copy as it loads so clean and fast) you’ll find an interesting tidbit that may spell doom to future ‘prizes’ in the next Bungie game. Noguchi has been "making a pony." Since he always speaks in metaphor I was annoyed, until…

  • Oh boy

    Believe it or not, Mr. Seropian is actually working on a new reality TV show for FOX broadcasting! I’m very very interested to see how this gets pulled off….

  • Oh boy

    Believe it or not, Mr. Seropian is actually working on a new reality TV show for FOX broadcasting! I’m very very interested to see how this gets pulled off….

  • Did Stubbs make an appearance?

    Caught this on Slashdot. Apparently there’s a ‘grassroots’ Zombie Lurch that has been occurring annually for the last few years, in different cities. Madison, WI (A lovely city by the way, I attended a LAN there a few years back) is this year’s ‘victim’ of the zombie horde. You can check out a bunch of…

  • Did Stubbs make an appearance?

    Caught this on Slashdot. Apparently there’s a ‘grassroots’ Zombie Lurch that has been occurring annually for the last few years, in different cities. Madison, WI (A lovely city by the way, I attended a LAN there a few years back) is this year’s ‘victim’ of the zombie horde. You can check out a bunch of…

  • Stubbs reviews are starting to appear

    1UP, the site that was hosting Alex’s ‘blog’ about Stubbs development, has officially reviewed the game. It’s basically a rave review for a fresh ‘strategy/action’ hybrid game that will debut for us mere mortals in just a few days. The highlights they note are really all that we’ve come to expect from Bungie/Wideload… an attention…

  • Stubbs reviews are starting to appear

    1UP, the site that was hosting Alex’s ‘blog’ about Stubbs development, has officially reviewed the game. It’s basically a rave review for a fresh ‘strategy/action’ hybrid game that will debut for us mere mortals in just a few days. The highlights they note are really all that we’ve come to expect from Bungie/Wideload… an attention…

  • Soell sings his heart out

    Read about Matt Soell and his current faves in music, books, tv, and games over at Gamasutra. It’s an interesting read if you think a game is influenced by what the authors are currently into. Matt has always given his group an extra dose of irony and a twist of counter-culture (he’s not the only…

  • Soell sings his heart out

    Read about Matt Soell and his current faves in music, books, tv, and games over at Gamasutra. It’s an interesting read if you think a game is influenced by what the authors are currently into. Matt has always given his group an extra dose of irony and a twist of counter-culture (he’s not the only…

  • Stubbs is stubb-elicious

    I had the pleasure of visiting Wideload recently and was impressed with their progress on the game. It’s coming along really well and the hints of multiple-platform simul-release seems like a sure thing. And if not simul, then near-simul. But the most important bit of info I gleaned from these talented folks is that they’re…

  • Stubbs is stubb-elicious

    I had the pleasure of visiting Wideload recently and was impressed with their progress on the game. It’s coming along really well and the hints of multiple-platform simul-release seems like a sure thing. And if not simul, then near-simul. But the most important bit of info I gleaned from these talented folks is that they’re…

  • “It’s a ceremony!” “It’s psychotic!”

    One potentially fun aspect of GDC is how easy it can be to get into arguments between those who know what they are talking about and those who think they know what they’re talking about. (That’s a bit of an oversimplification; it’s actually arguing bet…

  • Two week update

    By now, I’m sure you have all heard about the new content we (Bungie) are releasing as both DLC on XBL and as a separate DVD. I’m not going to step much into the debate other than to point out the main reason for the DVD: get the update and new content…

  • Bungie Bails Boring Building Block!

    It seems that Bungie is moving out of their Microsoft offices and into a hundred-year-old hardware store in nearby Kirkland. According to the article: "The team is running out of space and is relocating to maintain team camaraderie that they’ve had since moving from Chicago."…

  • Bungie Bails Boring Building Block!

    It seems that Bungie is moving out of their Microsoft offices and into a hundred-year-old hardware store in nearby Kirkland. According to the article: "The team is running out of space and is relocating to maintain team camaraderie that they’ve had since moving from Chicago."…