My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Category: Podtacular

  • Podtacular Pro clans are evolving

    This is only for the pro clans. If you are in a rec clan or you’re not in a Podtacular clan, everything stays the same. The pro clans are a good idea, no doubt. But they weren’t working in most cases because some small teams just didn’t gel together. So some teams just never played…

  • Podtacular’s new audio editor: Ciclonic!

    Big congratulations to Ciclonic (aka ll Jurassic ll) for winning the audio editing contest and being the new audio editor at Podtacular. It was a really tough decision as we had some good entries. Also I’d like to give an honorable mention to the others who tried out: Quality Jeverage, GMan, Fuzy Bunny Feet, and…

  • Podtacular’s new audio editor: Ciclonic!

    Big congratulations to Ciclonic (aka ll Jurassic ll) for winning the audio editing contest and being the new audio editor at Podtacular. It was a really tough decision as we had some good entries. Also I’d like to give an honorable mention to the others who tried out: Quality Jeverage, GMan, Fuzy Bunny Feet, and…

  • Submit Stuff for Episode 57: Halo 3 and Other Favorites!

    UPDATE: After 3 attempts because of audio problems, the curse of episode 57 has been lifted and it has been recorded! Ciclonic’s working on the editing and it should be out soon. —– As usual, Episode 56 has been recorded and is being edited. Which reminds me again, this will probably be the last show…

  • Submit Stuff for Episode 57: Halo 3 and Other Favorites!

    UPDATE: After 3 attempts because of audio problems, the curse of episode 57 has been lifted and it has been recorded! Ciclonic’s working on the editing and it should be out soon. —– As usual, Episode 56 has been recorded and is being edited. Which reminds me again, this will probably be the last show…

  • Episode 55: Customs and Call-ins

    Download | Show Notes It’s the Customs and Call-ins show, where we read off some sweet custom games people send in, talk about tales from the fox hole, and play back some voice mails for the month. With guest hosts Mintz and RvB M CaBoOsE. Pod Art this week comes from Mintz. This guy has…

  • Episode 55: Customs and Call-ins

    Download | Show Notes It’s the Customs and Call-ins show, where we read off some sweet custom games people send in, talk about tales from the fox hole, and play back some voice mails for the month. With guest hosts Mintz and RvB M CaBoOsE. Pod Art this week comes from Mintz. This guy has…

  • Where’d everybody go?

    *UPDATE* – Somehow, in another strange turn of events, the original map has returned, with everybody’s pins intact. Go figure… Somehow, our entire Frappr map went missing. Don’t know what happened but it’s a shame too because last time I checked I think we had like around 250 pins on the map. And then POOF!–it…

  • Where’d everybody go?

    *UPDATE* – Somehow, in another strange turn of events, the original map has returned, with everybody’s pins intact. Go figure… Somehow, our entire Frappr map went missing. Don’t know what happened but it’s a shame too because last time I checked I think we had like around 250 pins on the map. And then POOF!–it…

  • Submit stuff for Episode 56: Podtacular Update!

    UPDATE: The show has been recorded and it turned out really good. We end up having a long and interesting conversation toward the end. We’ll get it published ASAP. Thanks for all the submissions! —— As usual, Episode 55 has been recorded and is being edited. Which reminds me, Freak in a Box will be…

  • Submit stuff for Episode 56: Podtacular Update!

    UPDATE: The show has been recorded and it turned out really good. We end up having a long and interesting conversation toward the end. We’ll get it published ASAP. Thanks for all the submissions! —— As usual, Episode 55 has been recorded and is being edited. Which reminds me, Freak in a Box will be…

  • Episode 54: Tips Show with Map of the Month: Midship

    Download | Show Notes It’s the tips show, where we talk about tons of cool tips to help you level up and stay there, along with some sweet tips for the map of the month: Midship! With guest hosts Marksman911 and Phantom Gett. Pod Art this week comes from Expanded Flame. That’s gotta hurt! In…

  • Episode 54: Tips Show with Map of the Month: Midship

    Download | Show Notes It’s the tips show, where we talk about tons of cool tips to help you level up and stay there, along with some sweet tips for the map of the month: Midship! With guest hosts Marksman911 and Phantom Gett. Pod Art this week comes from Expanded Flame. That’s gotta hurt! In…

  • Would you use a live chat room here at

    Yeah!65% (72 votes)Maybe24% (26 votes)Not really7% (8 votes)I prefer to use IM or IRC4% (4 votes)Total votes: 110

  • Submit stuff for Episode 55: Customs and Call-ins!

    UPDATE: The show has been recorded. Thanks for all the submissions, we definitely set a record for the most submitted content for a show this time. If we had said everything, the show probably would have been 3 hours long! —– As usual, Episode 54 has been recorded and is being edited. It’s the new…

  • Submit stuff for Episode 55: Customs and Call-ins!

    UPDATE: The show has been recorded. Thanks for all the submissions, we definitely set a record for the most submitted content for a show this time. If we had said everything, the show probably would have been 3 hours long! —– As usual, Episode 54 has been recorded and is being edited. It’s the new…

  • Episode 53: Halo 3 and Amaz show!

    Download | Show Notes It’s the Halo 3 show, where we read off some of the coolest new Halo 3 speculation yet! We also talk about azaz amaz (you’ll see) and other games that Halo freaks play. With guest hosts JVB and GMan. Pod Art this week comes from Expanded Flame. Whoa, trippy. Also thanks…

  • Episode 53: Halo 3 and Amaz show!

    Download | Show Notes It’s the Halo 3 show, where we read off some of the coolest new Halo 3 speculation yet! We also talk about azaz amaz (you’ll see) and other games that Halo freaks play. With guest hosts JVB and GMan. Pod Art this week comes from Expanded Flame. Whoa, trippy. Also thanks…

  • Submit stuff for Episode 54: Podtacular Tips with Map of the Month: Midship!

    UPDATE: Episode 54 has been recorded and it went well. We’ll get episode 53 to you shortly. Thanks for being patient as we edit the show to bring you the best show possible. As usual, Episode 53 has been recorded. But not so usual: we’re changing our recording process! Now you will have synchronized audio…

  • Submit stuff for Episode 54: Podtacular Tips with Map of the Month: Midship!

    UPDATE: Episode 54 has been recorded and it went well. We’ll get episode 53 to you shortly. Thanks for being patient as we edit the show to bring you the best show possible. As usual, Episode 53 has been recorded. But not so usual: we’re changing our recording process! Now you will have synchronized audio…