Category: Halo News Items
Podtacular 836: Forge in a New Light
Counting down the weeks to HCS Worlds and the Halo Infinite Winter Update, we’re looking forward to some great entertainment and content in the next month. Bringing some small pieces of Halo Outpost to Worlds will make it a wonderful … Continue reading…
Podtacular 835: Achieving Co-op Halo
With just a couple months before the Winter Update drops, the newest achievements coming with Halo Infinite’s Network Campaign Co-op has been delivered over on Halo Waypoint offering up 24 new achievements for 420 Gamerscore. Since we both missed out ……
Podtacular 834: Scripting A New Multiplayer Experience
Our next look at Forge is finally here and it’s probably one of the biggest upgrades to the multiplayer experience Halo has seen! From expanding game mode functionality to interactive elements and even more wacky possibilities, scripting in bots will ……
Podtacular 833: Infinite Building Potential
With our first look at Forge in Halo Infinite, the potential for new user generated content is very promising for custom games and hopefully the refresh and longevity of matchmaking. With the ongoing content drought and time it’s going to … Continue re…
Podtacular 832: Infinite Season Update
After months of Season 2 being out with no look ahead at what we could expect for future content, 343 finally provided a roadmap for the next year of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer experience. With this update, we’ve got quite a … Continue reading ?
The end of August brings big MCC updates
MCC has shifted away from a season update schedule, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still seeing updates. Here in the doldrums of summer SNIPE 316 was kind enough to highlight the August update has dropped. In this update there’s a variety of quality o…
Podtacular 831: The Man Behind The Forged Helmet
Halo Infinite is into week four of Fracture: Entrenched featuring Land Grab and another Community Spotlight has been spotted for this month. While we have a lull in new stuff going on with Halo Infinite, we take this opportunity to … Continue reading ?…
Podtacular 830: Dropping Books
The latest Halo Infinite drop pod has landed bringing the first cross-core customization to multiplayer along with laying the groundwork for a whole lot more improvements to the game overall. The under-the-hood changes should help address things like g…
Podtacular 829: A Most Critical Achievement
It’s done; what most though impossible has crowned a champion as JerValiN has stepped up to Moistcr1tikal’s challenge and claimed a much deserved $20K and recognition throughout the community. This challenge brought together the Halo community together…
An impossible challenge… beaten
In late June of this year, a streamer known as moistcr1tikal challenged the world: beat Halo 2, on Legendary, with All Skulls (except Envy, which makes things easier) On, in a single run… with no deaths. Nobody had ever done this before. He offered …