Category: Halo News Items
Podtacular 653: Technical Difficulties
This podcast comes riddled with technical difficulties, but the show goes on. The MCC Insider is back to test a couple of new features including the Match Composer and Controller Customization. We also have another Community Spotlight more amazing community … Continue reading →
Podtacular 652: Avocados and Pineapple Pizza
From this week’s Community Update, Grim was nice enough to give us enough read ahead time for quite a bit of content to go through. We have a new comic mini-series coming, the Ban Hammer has been dropped in MCC, … Continue reading →
Podtacular 651: Artwork Galore
Another week of not much official news, but another community spotlight brings out an even bigger collection of amazing community content. If you haven’t had the chance to check out the latest community spotlight, you really should take a look. … Continue reading →
Halo 5 Mythic Guide: Evacuation
The Mythic Tyrant is back with another level covered for his Halo 5 Mythic Difficulty Guide – this one is Reunion, and it’s notable for its unskippable boss battle. Want to prove yourself? Beat this one! Full details are both written up, and recorded a…
Podtacular 650: Chit Chat
This week is a light one on news mostly covering matchmaking playlist updates, updates on some previous discussion items and Mrs. Storm finally completed the Halo: CE campaign. Kick back, relax and keep Fraggin’ Trucks!
Halo 5 Mythic Guide: Evacuation
Mythic Tyrant’s LASO Guide to Halo 5’s Mission 6 (Evacuation) is now live. It’s not an easy mission, that’s for sure – but getting through it on the hardest difficulty out there is much easier if you use this guide! Give it a read.(Louis Wu 23:55:33 UTC)
Podtacular 649: MCC Patch Thursday
The major update MCC has been out for about a month and it’s already time for another major set of patches to come to the game. Some major community requests are still being worked on, but significant changes are in … Continue reading →
Halo 5 Mythic Guide: Unconfirmed
The next installment of Mythic Tyrant’s LASO guide to Halo 5 is online, and Unconfirmed is (mostly) an easy (easier?) run. There IS a bit of luck required at the end – check the guide for full details… but finish this one, and you’re a third done wit…
Podtacular 648: Halo Race Showcase
It’s been a while since we’ve had some exciting Halo integration news, and while it’s not a new franchise, a completely new Halo experience is coming to Forza Horizon 4. HCS London is coming up along with the Halo 3 … Continue reading →