Category: Halo News Items
Podtacular 694: Banter Wagon
Returning from Outpost Discovery in Philadelphia, Dust Storm fills us in on the latest changes to make the traveling experience even that much better for Halo fans. There’s lots of positive changes made, but still room to grow. With the … Continue read…
Podtacular 693: Hunters in the Dark
The latest addition to Dust Storm’s novel-spree is Hunters in the Dark, taking us back to the Ark after the events of Halo 3. We get to meet up with the two co-op Elites from the Halo 3 campaign, introduced … Continue reading ?
Rockslider’s shaft descents (can you dig it?)
Rockslider is back with a continuing series of fun on Silent Cartographer, descending to the bottom of the shaft in the security area, and bringing a Warthog with him. Go watch! (fuchsdh 00:05:37 +0000)
Podtacular 692: The Outpost Discovery Report
Dust Storm is back after visiting Orlando to experience Halo Outpost Discovery. With the overwhelming feedback that the experience has received, both positive and negative, Outpost is definitely a unique experience and one that is worth exploring if yo…
Podtacular 691: PC Play
This week brings us more news about MCC on PC with a whole lot of community questions answered by project leads and what’s next for flighting and developments. In the same vein of PC discussion, we also had Masterz on … Continue reading ?
Podtacular 690: Art Doodles
We had a change up in this week’s scheduled guest so we swapped with our community update. Given everything that’s happened with the hype around Halo Infinite, it’s no surprised that there’s not much as far as community updates in … Continue reading ?…
Podtacular 689: E3 2019 Discussion
The Xbox E3 Brief this year had more than just the tantalizing trailer we poured hours over last week discussing, but we were introduced to some new services and hardware coming in the next several months. The highly anticipated Project … Continue read…
Podtacular 688: Next Stop Outpost Discovery
In just a little over two weeks, Halo: Outpost Discovery will be landing in Orlando, Florida bringing the Halo universe to life like never before! A couple of months ago, we had DJBlue, Event Programming Coordinator for H:OD at Herschend … Continue rea…