Category: Halo News Items
In 2020’s last MCC update, 343i shares a retrospective
The December 2020 MCC Development Update dropped yesterday. It contains some fun stats for the game’s last year, plans for the future, and Halo: Reach constructed out of pizzas. Go read! (fuchsdh 17:03:09 +0000)
Podtacular 762: Coating the Halls
Winding down a crazy year of 2020 and we’re hit with the largest piece of Halo Infinite news since the Xbox Games Showcase back in July. The studio took to Halo Waypoint with their latest blog regarding the state of … Continue reading ?
343 shares updated Fall 2021 launch window for Halo Infinite
As detailed in a December development update, 343 has narrowed the timeframe for Infinite’s release to Fall 2021. Also included are some WIP screenshots and assets. Check it out! (fuchsdh 00:16:54 +0000)
Podtacular 761: Chewing on Leftovers
After a week of for Thanksgiving, it’s time to see what’s happened in the world of Halo. While Halo 4 has completed the Master Chief Collection on PC, 343 isn’t done yet with bringing more bug fixes and features next … Continue reading ?
Podtacular 760: Interview with Halopedia
One of the oldest communities, even older than Podtacular has the mission of being the knowledge source for everything in the Halo universe. Tackling such a large feat is Halopedia, a fan-managed wiki that encapsulates so many facets of the … Continue …
Podtacular 759: She Said That To Me Once
Halo 4 has finally landed on PC joining the Master Chief collection and for a game that has really kicked off a lot of how we got involved with the Halo community, it’s only fitting that we talk about what … Continue reading ?