Category: Halo News Items
GSML – Invasion on Hushed Apprentice
The Great Smokey Mountain LANboree is over now – but at least one Invasion game lives on, thanks to YouTube. You can watch it on DBO, I guess (because Paddy was too lazy to post it here). I have an intense desire to fire up Reach right now…(Louis Wu …
Immersion is a stupid word.
Every time I hear another game developer talk about “immersion” I want to vomit. Many horrible game decisions have been made in the name of “immersion.” Things like un-interruptive cutscenes, slow and unresponsive UI, annoying player character chatter,…
“It’s a ceremony!” “It’s psychotic!”
One potentially fun aspect of GDC is how easy it can be to get into arguments between those who know what they are talking about and those who think they know what they’re talking about. (That’s a bit of an oversimplification; it’s actually arguing bet…
Two week update
By now, I’m sure you have all heard about the new content we (Bungie) are releasing as both DLC on XBL and as a separate DVD. I’m not going to step much into the debate other than to point out the main reason for the DVD: get the update and new content…
Because… you listen
Thoughts that I’ve had over the past three months:1. Is there a mechanism that can replace raw ability and talent with education?2. If a poorly designed game is fun, does it make sense to analyze the game design?3. Is the intent of methodology to repla…
shunji 2004-12-04 08:09:40
Two interesting things happened at work today:1. Everyone was surprised when I answered a phone and politely told the person he had the wrong number.2. I get to give a talk at GDC next year.Hmm… well, they were interesting to me.
F-cking rank whores
If you’re going to play in the Head to Head hopper, don’t be a dick and try to ruin the game if you’re losing. That measn you, PIDB17. Unless you just happened to have a shitty connection. Which you didn’t.Besides, one loss isn’t going to have a tremen…
And then, “Fun With Dirt!”
I’ve always had trouble figuring out how to respond to detractors of Halo (and now Halo 2). On the one hand, it’s sold a crapload of copies. On the other hand, it’s hard to find a post on any forum about Halo that does not have its share of anti-fans.A…
I didn’t know you cared… didn’t realize my desk of entropy would evoke such a profound reaction.
It’s not the fall that kills you…
Holy crap, I haven’t updated in more than two months? What the hell have I been doing?Oh, right. That.It’s really interesting to go from three months of crunch, seven days a week, 12-16 hours a day, back to a “normal” schedule of weekday only, 9-5 work…
Halo 2: Bigger, Badder, Uncut. thing they didn’t mention was the 5 days and 40 GB of raw data I had to render out at least three separate times. Plus the tools I had to write to handle movies bigger than 2 GB.Random trivia for the hardcore: I rendered the movies at 1280×960, 30 fps. This is the best…
On your marks…
And so the month long work marathon begins. My wife is out of town until August, so that means I get to stay at work 16 hours a day. Hooray 😛
H2 Whoa….
Water is your friend.If you happen to feel so weary that a bucket of coffee doesn’t help, try drinking a bucket of water. You’re probably dehydrated.An easier way to tell is to check the color of your urine when you pee. If it’s not clear, drink more w…
Size DOES matter
Especially when trying to shove a six foot ____ into a three inch ____.The blanks are left as an exercise for the reader.
Bloody eyes has officially returned!
Whee! No sleep and no fun make Matthew something something.I’m sure I’ll remember what a good night sleep feels like one of these days.