Category: Halo News Items
Podtacular 809: Big Team Bugged
Big Team Battle is still bugged, Battle Pass is getting cheaper and a new event is underway as Hoss Sauced is missing in action again. 343 is making quick changes a community feedback keeps rolling in. While it will take … Continue reading ?
Podtacular 808: Riff Raff
With nothing to talk about, not a lot of news and Halo Infinite MP having issues, this episode is just Dust Storm and Godzilla T ranting about the Battle Pass and micro-transactions in the game. Enjoy an unscripted, unprepared episode.
Next Halo Infinite event, Cyber Showdown, starts tomorrow
The next Halo Infinite event goes live tomorrow (Tuesday) the 18th. Cyber Showdown should run for two weeks, and will come with some cool cosmetic rewards, as well as a new game mode. (fuchsdh 15:20:33 +0000)
Podtacular 807: Halo Infinite First Impressions
Halo Infinite has released, a new year has rolled in, and in typical Halo community fashion, people are letting their passions show. However, with campaign finally in hand and the first HCS LAN completed, we’re staring to get a foundational … Continue …
Celebrate the season with Halo Infinite’s new event, Winter Contingency, starting today
Tomorrow, it’s time for a deck the hall brawl.Winter Contingency and its free event pass arrive tomorrow as the latest free event for #HaloInfinite!— Halo (@Halo) December 20, 2021 (fuchsdh 13:31:11 +0000)
Podtacular 806: Creepy Teeth
Halo Infinite‘s campaign is finally here! It’s been over six years since we’ve gotten a new addition to the FPS line of games and nearly four years since the release of Halo Wars 2 introducing us to the Banished. With … Continue reading ?