My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Author: mnemesis

  • No Wonder They Need Help

    What better way to start off the new year than with Halo: Resolution. They might need more than just help.

  • Vote early and often

    Rabid Bungie.Net updater SketchFactor has put out the call for Halo fans to make their preferences known at the MTV Ultimate Video Game Countdown, so check out Sketch’s article, then go vote! And vote again! And again! And again!

  • Maximize your Online Game

    Not living up to your full carnage potential? Never fear, Bungie is here! SketchFactor checks in over on Bungie.Net with Sketch’s Halo Mac/PC Players Companion Volume 1. There’s a lot of good info in there, people, so give it a good read!

  • We wants it!

    Ack! Bungie Comics has been updated with a new strip! Also, check out the small article with a few tidbits of info about Frankie (who wrote the strip), and elusive artist Zoë. Next week? Hmmm…

  • Auld AIquaintance

    As we wrap up 2003, the MC is desperately trying to find a New Year’s date in today’s One One Se7en. What an opportunist…

  • So THAT’S How You Get In

    Uh oh, looks like the Elites are recruiting in today’s Halo: Resolution.

  • Mutants

    Todays guest One One Se7en looks at a granmas… er, marangas… ah, you know what I mean.

  • Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon!

    Benjamin Franklin had it wrong. Certain in this life are death, taxes, and fan fiction. Shadow Ops II: Chapter Nine, by Agent Shade Halo: The Scythe of Death Part Seven, by LordofDestruction Marooned Chapter Ten, by Steve Ollett Battle for the Norah: Part Thirteen, by Sterfrye36 Galaxy 07 – Part 7 – Regimes, by Jillybean…

  • Oh, what the hell.

    Small update at the HSP, courtesy of yours truly.

  • The Twenty Sixth Century Equivalent Of A Tomato

    And, of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without a new One One Se7en. So! Day’s over, apparently!

  • Down On Your Luck

    Apparently, “comics,” inspired by Halo, are all the rage right now. Here’s a new Halo: Resolution to start your day off with a smile. A tiny, pixelated smile. I think.

  • Stuff to read.

    Ah. Well, okay. Here’s one of those update-thingies that Wu usually does. These would be Fan Fiction er, things, so go ahead and read ’em! Okay. So there you go. A Conclusive History of the United Nations Space Command: Chapter Four: The Human-Covenant War, by witelancer Jake A Model IV: Episode Three: The Trinity, by…

  • Renegade Theater, part Deux

    The continuing saga of a group of our forum regulars and the bizarre events centered around a particular game…

  • It’s Fiction – by the Fans

    Ah, Saturday. A perfect day to head out to the back forty, tall glass of lemonade in hand, to your favorite hammock. Relax, enjoy the cool breeze, prop up the ol’ laptop and settle in to some light summer Halo reading. A long hard day of killing humans, by FOrunnER Halo 2, not what you’d…

  • This just in: Halo PC is Cool!

    Brian Towne was at GenCon yesterday, and he checked in here with a report on Halo PC and how it played under large, networked tournament conditions. Some interesting info in there, go give it a look. Mmmm, overheating fuel-rod guns… 🙂

  • Buttsock!

    Gruntsbane (formerly Covenant) dropped into our forum with news of a new site put together by Mr. Smiley, featuring Halo Babies comics done by Gruntsbane himself (Check the forum post for more details). There are only two up so far, but they’re definitely worth a look. I always figured Sarge was a baaad influence.

  • Halo 2 Wallpaper

    Only one entry today for wallpaper. What, everybody run out of ideas? 😉

  • Plush Grunt

    A homemade plush Grunt, a rising Hero, and a classic conflict, all in today’s Misc Art update.

  • Fan Fiction, however, is obviously open

    Who would have thought that the twenty-six measly letters in our alphabet could be rearranged in so many unique, yet ultimately Halo-related ways? Not me, that’s for sure. Read on! Into the City, by The Scribe Unknown Apprentice Part 2, by apache119 Halo 2: First Strike, by HunterKiller A Marine’s Tale: Boot, by pj-NYkr90 Delta…

  • Mythica is closed

    Brian Towne, the patron saint of Halo filmmakers everywhere and curator of Mythica, our primary movie host, has checked in from GenCon, where he is undoubtedly rubbing elbows with the likes of Bungie’s SketchFactor and playing an ungodly amount of PC Halo, with the sad news that Mythica’s colocation provider has notified him that they…